Part 18 ball planning

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Lili's POV
I woke up the next morning, feeling fine. I went to breakfast as usual, and fortunately didn't make contact with Emma, but unfortunately we have a two hour lesson in the woman's room today!

Like what could possibly be so important that it needs two hours! After breakfast I went to the library to read a little bit, then made my way to the woman's room for this unknown lesson. I walked in and I saw the queen and Ashley in there.

What would the lesson be? Why was the queen in here? "Hi lili" madelaine said interrupting me from my thoughts. "Hi mads" I said she smiled. "Do you know why the queen is in here?" She asked confused. "No idea I was gonna ask you" I said

"Ladies" we heard Ashley say to quiet us all down. " I know you guys are confused so just listen. We have all ball coming up." She said as a few girls gasped, and some whispered to there friends. "Hush. Now what I was going to say is you will be split into 3 groups, 6 people each, and you need to plan out what theme you would like to do, what food and drinks will be served , what the invitations will look like, and how you will decorate. Yes I know that is a lot, but you have until November 8th, thats almost 40 days. So we will have our annual lessons still, but now an extra every Wednesday and Thursday for you and group to work together on it. Though you will have to work on it outside our meetings to! Lastly, the best presentation will be what we do for the ball make it good."

Ashley explained as all of us had a mix of surprise, fear, annoyed, and confused looks. "Now we are going to assign you groups" The Queen said finally talking. "Group one will be, Emery, Chelsea, Hailey, Brooklynn, Rachel, and Madelaine." She said as people whispered, oh no I can only pray I won't be with Emma! "Group 2 will include Olivia, Madison, Emma, Stella, Miley, and Camila" she said a wave of relief went over me, "which means our last group includes, Tatum, Lili, Vanessa, Kiley, Sabryna, and Joycelin" the queen finished as we all got in our groups.

My group was pretty decent considering Emma not rachel was in it, "Hi" Tatum said as we all sat down. We all responded with a hey hello or hi. "Soooo, where should we start" Joycelin said as we giggled. "Um well any ideas on what the theme of the ball could be" I asked as we all thought. Kiley got out a piece of paper and labeled it ~ideas~

"Um maybe like an underwater mermaid type thing" tatum said as some shrugged and some nodded. "Candy land?" Vanessa asked I nodded and said "that's a great idea but I feel like it's a little overrated" I said as everyone nodded. "Like galaxy? But not like planets, more of like a stars and moon and sun type thing" Sabryna said finally speaking. "Thats really good! Maybe week could even add some greek gods in there!" KIley said

We all nodded and started coming up with ideas for that specific theme. Its been about an hour and a half now! For food we wanted to have a different snack or desert for every god, and drinks we wanted to have a sun drink, and moon drink, then the tradditional drinks aswell. I am surprised at how well this group works together! There isnt any like control freaks or anyone who just sits there and watches us!

Soon enough it was luch/dinner time. We only had this on Sundays since it was the rest day, where not many people worked, and people went to church. Its about 4;30 so I am like really hungry! We had brunch at 11:30 so I had to wait longer than usual. When we got to the dining room I sat by madelaine. Tatum and joycelyn also sat by me. "hey mads" i said happy i get to talk to her again.

"hey lils, how did your group do?" she asked not as happy as usual. "surprisingly great!" i said hesistant to ask how hers went, considering she was in Rachels group, who tends to be like the biggest bitch. "Im sorry mads, what happened, do you want to hang out later so you can tell me?" i said feeling bad, since she was never like this. she nodded "that would be great" she said as a tiny smile formed on her face.

i nodded happily, and introduced madelaine to joycelyn and tatum. it seemed they wanted to be friends with madelaine to which was great! We had an entertaining conversation while we ate, maybe they would make good friends!? After we were dismissed madelaine came to my room with me so we could think of something to do tonight.

We finally made the decision that we would go to the pools and get in the hot tub. (I know! i feel like its really weird that they're getting into a hottub as royalty? Is it just me?!) I wore a red two piece bathing suit, and madelaine wore yellow. No they are not bikinis, thats just a little innapropirate for "royalty" I asked my maids where to go and they said one of them must come with us to wactch. Not get in the pool just watch us and make sure nothing happens.

We went to the hot tub and madelaine told me all about what happened. I guess rachel wasnt letting them talk and said theyre ideas were
'ugly like them". How can someone be that mean! I was surprised when madelaine started crying as she was overwhelmed with everything going on. We stayed in, for another 45 minutes and talked, then got tired and went back to our rooms.

When i got back to my room I did my normal skin and hair "routine" and went to bad, since we tommorow was back to weekdays. Maybe i enjoyed being at the palace, Its crazy how fast things have changed.

Thanks for reading this part!🥰 there is a chance I won't be able to post tomorrow, because I haven't started writing a new part yet! But I still might be able to💋

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