Part 12 The report, with some after activities!

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Lili's POV
I read my book for an hour before heading back to my room to get touched up for dinner. Dinner was fine. Except for the whole time madi was going on about her date with Prince Cole. It turns out when I bumped into him in the hall way he was going to pick up madi. She kept going on about how charming, and caring he is.

Anyways I am glad that's over. Now I am at the cinema with Oakley and Emma. We are watching this thing called the greatest show man. This is a first! Back home we were to poor, to afford any of these films, or even a tv. So I really enjoyed this!

We also talked about all the girly stuff, and about how we wanted our futures to look like. I really like and adore Oakley. She is so sweet, and independent, and I really admire that! We all had a great time together, and I could tell Oakley wanted to get closer with us, but mentioned she didn't want to get to attached and then lose us.

That night I went to bed pretty early, since we have the report tomorrow morning. I was excited but also very nervous that I would be chosen to be interviewed.

The next morning-
"Lili it's time to wake up" I heard someone say next to me. "Uhh why isn't it early still!" I whined wanting more sleep. "Not today, you have the report this morning" they said. Oh my gosh the report! I groaned and got up. They washed me and did my hair and makeup, before putting on a light pink dress, that wasn't too much but wasn't to plain either.

I put on some pink heels, then quickly followed my maids to the report room. Once I got there the first three rows were taken, so I had to sit in the very back, but that's good, because then I might not get picked for an interview. Soon after I sat down Emma came and sat next to me. "You look so pretty" she said as she sat down. "Thanks, you too" I said happy that she liked it.

"are you nervous" I asked her "I mean yes but I don't think we will be interviewed since we haven't gone on a date with Prince Cole yet." (I know she went to the garden with him, but that isn't really considered a date to what he did with the other girls🙃) She explained as a little bit of relief came over me but also jealousy. I have no idea why I am jealous, but I just am.

"Okay that makes me feel better" I whispered before everyone quieted down, as Gerald announced we would began the report in 1 minute. Everyone started fixing there hair and flattening out their dresses including me. The last thing I wanted was for people to hate me.

I usually wouldn't care but I feel like I have to since I am on THE report! "Hello ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of illea. Welcome to the report of September 22nd 2020! This week has been quite eventful, with all of these wonderful girls entering the palace for our annual selection to find the charming Prince Cole a princess!" Gerald said zoning me out of my thoughts. Ugh I hated that word! I didn't want to be a princess. I want to live a normal life, with normal kids, in a normal home.

Not in Prince Cole's little playhouse as one of his 27 dollies and soon to be only dollie! Gerald than explained some things about the rebels and what they want, just stuff like that. But soon enough he called rachel up for an interview.

"Hello lady rachel" Gerald said happily as she took her seat. "Hello" she said smiling. "How has your time at the palace been" Gerald asked interested. "It has honestly been amazing. Everything about it" she said "I am glad to hear that! Now tell me about your date with Prince Cole" he said. "Oh my gosh it was awesome. He is probably the most caresmatic, as well as handsome person I've met"

She gushed out overly happy. But I am pretty sure almost all of us girls could see right through it, she has probably been practicing it for days! "That's amazing. Well I hope to see more of you and Prince Cole, but it is time we move on to our next interview!" Gerald said as a guard brought madi for an interview.

"Lady Madison!" Gerald exclaimed as she sat down smiling. "Hi" she said to Gerald. "Hello Lady Madison, how have been your days at the palace been?" Gerald asked madi, "they have been pretty amazing, everything I have ever dreamed of" she said happily. Gerald smiled with a little chuckle. "That's great to hear! Now tell me about your date with Prince Cole" he said as madi then smiled even bigger. "It was so fun! Such an amazing time we had" she said. As Gerald nodded.

This carried on with a few more girls Prince Cole went on dates with. Then we could finally go to breakfast! I sat down for breakfast with Emma. "Well that was boring" she whispered as i giggled. "I know, and you could see right through like half of the girls" I whispered back as she nodded.

Then we all stood as we curtsied to the royal family. Then breakfast was served. But I couldn't help but feel someone looking at me. I looked around when I caught Prince Cole's eye. Why was he looking at me. He then smiled, which made me smile before he went back to eating his food.

Why was he looking at me? I wondered. What if he was looking at Emma or emery! Ugh lili stop letting him get to your head. I then just just ate my breakfast. Once breakfast was over I headed back to my room. When I got there I saw prince Cole waiting for me. "Um Prince Cole what brings you here" I asked confused.

Wait was he sending me home! Oh no! I couldn't bare see him marry another girl. But I didn't even want to be a princess. "hey!" I heard someone yell. I looked up and Prince Cole had his hands on my shoulders. "Did you just hear anything I said" he asked "sorry" I said quietly.

"Oh no need to be sorry love, just making sure your ok." He said smiling calmly. I nodded. "So what were you going to say" I asked curiously. "Um well I wanted to know if you wanted to spend some time with me" he asked nervously scratching the back of his head.

"Why are you so nervous" I asked confused. He then chuckled. "sorry" he said "no need to be sorry, but haven't you already done this with like 8 girls. How are you still nervous" I teased him almost laughing. "I wasn't like this with them" he said arguing back.
"Why not" I said arguing back.

"I- I don't know your just different" he said slightly embarrassed. I blushed and looked down. "Oh, well I know I might not be as pretty as the other girls but I promise I am not different" I said getting insecure and embarrassed. "Oh no lovely, I didn't mean it like that, I mean I like you just a little more than the rest. And I just didn't know if you would agree because of your ex and-" I cut him off.

"It's ok I get it! Now let's go" I said as a look of relief and embarrassment went over his face. He nodded. "Anywhere in particular you want to go" he asked as we walked down the halls. "No not necessarily" I said "great! Just follow me" he said as we walked down the stairs.

We talked some more before we finally made it to where he was taking me. "Wow" is all I had to say. He smiled. "I haven't really showed anyone this before, but I go here to relax, and be alone" he explained. I nodded blushing at the fact that he chose to show me this. This place was really beautiful! It was a bridge with a view of the city!

"When did you discover this place" I asked curiously. "Around the age of 13. I had a lot of stress back then. And I came here to be alone. Also to take pictures." He said calmly. "Like photography, or like selfies" I asked confused. "Oh yeah photography, it sort of like my hobby, as people say" he said smiling.

I smiled. "That's really awesome!" I said happily he went red and smiled. "Thank you. Is there anything you do that people don't know about." He asked curiously. "I mean I love to sing, but it's not really a hobby like your photography" I said "wow! I wish I could sing" he said looking into the distance. I just nodded. "This might sound weird but what did you do with the others" I asked wanting to know.

"Well me and rachel went to the cinema, madison was horseback riding, Olivia was archery, Bella was a picnic, Kylie was board games, and I think Gabriella, was just a walk around the palace." He said almost out of breath. I giggled and nodded. "Wow" he chuckled. "Sorry if your upset I didn't take you on one earlier I was just to nervous" he said embarrassed.

"Oh no don't worry about it. All that matters as that we are here together, and you finally asked me" I said giggling at the last part he smiled. "Your right" he said and took my hand as I laid my head on his shoulder. I could tel he was nervous at first but then softened.

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