Part 2 telling archie

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*sorry I am not using the name KJ I just like Archie better!*
Lili's POV
After 30 minutes of thinking I decided the easiest option to just walk over there. So I threw on my shoes and headed out "mom I am going to the market be back soon" I said as I shut the door so she didn't have the chance to respond. I quickly walked to his house since it was getting a little late. Once I got to the Andrews house hold I took a breath and knocked on the door Archie is an only child so he has always told me all his secrets as I told him mine.

Soon Ms. Andrews opened the door "hey sweetheart what brings you here today" she said in a cheerful voice I smiled as I said "is Archie here by chance I need to talk to him about something" "yes of course let me go get him, ARCHIE!" She yelled as I laughed. Soon I saw the redhead coming to the door with a smile "hey lils what do you need" he asked "hey can I talk to you for a second!" I said smiling as he nodded and walked outside to talk to me

"are you okay?" he asked with worry in his voice "I'm fine.  I just wanted to tell you, i have to sign up for the selection, because I am not gettin out of this one, but good news, there is like a 99% chance I won't be getting chosen" I said half smiling as he smiled "good for you lils, if you do get picked even better for you I want you to fall in love with someone who can provide the world for you" he said calmly I was so surprised he wasn't mad or anything "wait really" I asked confused "yes lili if you get chosen I will find new love as you will too, but if not we're in this for long run okay?" He said smiling I half smiled "okay" I said as he planted a kiss on my forehead "it's getting late lils you should probably head home" arch said with a smile "okay see you later!" I said as we hugged and I started my journey home.

Finally I got home! I opened the door just to hear "lili what took you so long and where is the food" my mom said confused. SHOOT! I totally forgot "I -I forgot my money" I said quickly "ok" my mom said as I walked into the house and put my stuff down "have you made up your mind yet" my mom asked "I don't know mom" I said hesitant "lili I don't care if I will forge your signature you will sign it" my mom said getting serious "why do you even want me to do it so bad" I asked annoyed "because I promise you when you're older you will regret not signing this, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, girls would kill to be in the selection!" My mom pleaded, I rolled my eyes "fine!" I said.....

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