Part 46 after the attack

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Lili 3rd POV
Her heart dropped as the nurse nodded.

Without saying another word she ran too his room. Tears falling down her cheeks.

As she got to his room, "please may I go in" she begged.

The guard nodded, "he has been requesting your presence" the guard said before lili ran into his room not even caring what the guard had said.

There he was. The love of her whole messed up life. Tears fell as she saw the condition he was in.

He was barely awake, had an iv connected at his bedside, his leg was covered in bandages.

Her heart hurt as she went and sat next to him, she could see him trying to open his eyes. "Lili?" He choked out.

Tears came down her face, "Cole, I'm so sorry" she whispered as hugged him softly so she wouldn't hurt him. "I love you so much" she cried as he placed his shaky hand on her head.

"I love you too" he said a little more clearly now. He was waking up a little more. He signaled his hand so that the guards and maids would leave the room. "I'm so sorry. Your parents, they're, they're-" she cried before he interrupted her. "Dead" he said. Both of Coles parents had been shot in the back while trying to escape. They were brought into the best place to treat them, but it had been too late.

Cole was now king. That's why he was being helped in his own bedroom, that's how it is for both the king and queen.

"You're king" lili said still trying to process the past two days. Cole just nodded.

"Lili?" He asked. She looked up at him, as she had her head laying on his chest. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I still want to marry you. You're the only one I want." He said or even asked as a tear slid down his face. Lilis face lit up. She kissed him. She missed his lips, even though it has only been about 5 days she missed him so much.

He kissed back. "Cole I'm so sorry. I love you so much. I was going to tell you" she said as she broke the kiss for a breath of air.

"What would you have even said?" He asked "I'm not mad anymore, I am just wondering" he added.

She sighed. "The truth." She said sincerely. "Which is?" He asked. "Cole. He was the boy. The boy that cheated on me before I came. When I saw him, I didn't even know what to do, how to handle myself" she said.

Cole was shocked. "Lili I'm so sorry you should have told me!" Cole then said almost crying. He felt terrible.

She sighed looking him in the eyes and smiling, "I just couldn't. I didn't want you to maybe do something to him out of anger" she explained. Cole sighed nodding.

They leant in for another kiss of love and passion, before lili pulled away. "What about tatum?" She asked.

He looked away and sighed, "tatum was shot in the shoulder, she just recovered about an hour ago, and said she didn't want to be queen anymore." He explained with a little disappointment in his voice.

"Cole I'm so sorry" lili said genuinely sad. He looked back at her and smiled. "Lili it's okay, I'm almost glad, it's another reason to make you my wife" he smiled. She got butterflies at the word wife.

She blushed and he noticed quickly pecking her delicate lips.

"Cole you're okay!" A voice said from behind them making them both jump. They turned around, Oakley. Coles face immediately lit up at the sight of her. He was equally as worried for her as he was lili.

"Oakley, oh my gosh" Cole said smiling from his bed trying to sit up and grunting in pain. Lili looked at him in concern. "Lili you're okay!" Oakley added as she climbed on the bed next to them. "I can give you guys some alone time" lili said starting to get up before Cole grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

Lili looked at him in surprise of how hard he pulled her arm back, "no, this will soon be our little, family. You should stay" he said. Oakley gasped. "Yessss" she said in excitement, they both looked at her confused. "I'm just excited you guys are going to get married, mom and dad didn't have a doubt it was lili, but I didn't really know" she smiled. Lilis heart fluttered as she heard the king and Queen thought it would be her he chose.

Cole sighed, "oaks are you okay, you know with mom and dad" Cole asked worriedly to his younger sister. "I don't know, I mean it feels like they're still here. I guess it just hasn't hit me yet." Oaks said sadly as Lili pulled her in for a hug.

Cole nodded. "We're both here whenever you need to talk" lili told Oakley as Cole nodded too.

"Thanks you guys" Oakley said as she pulled away from lili. "You know I hate to keep bringing up mom and dad, but they started writing a script of what they would say at your wedding. They were convinced it was lili, so they began early, it's in there room somewhere, you shouldn't read it yet, but maybe when you're older, it would be nice" Oakley said as Cole smiled and nodded.

"Lili I forgot to mention, they are moving all of your things to the princess suite tomorrow. Well soon the king and Queens suite. And mom and dad's rooms will now be the new prince and princess suite" Cole explained as lili nodded smiling.

"When is your wedding?" Oakley interrupted. They both smiled and looked at each other, "well that isn't figured out yet, but we will let you know as soon as it's planned" Cole said making lili and Oakley smile.

"It feels like we just woke up, it's weird to think it's night time!" Lili said as she looked out the window from the bed.

"Right! Except I actually have energy to do things. I don't know what I'm going to do all night! Because I know I will not be able to go back to bed" Oakley said as lili nodded in agreement. Cole chuckled, "well I can't say I feel the same, the antibiotics are making me and keeping me pretty tired" Cole said.

"That's okay we'll let you get some rest, me and Oakley are going to go to my room and pack some stuff, and have fun!" Lili said as she kissed Coles forehead, before he grabbed her faces and kissed her lips. She giggled.

"Okay let's go" Oakley interrupted them once again.

Lili and Oakley went to Oakleys room since lili has never been there before, and it was amazing! It was so beautiful and fit Oakleys personality so well! The two just had a girls night and eventually fell asleep around 1:30 in the morning.

Cole went to bed a little before 11.

That was the day the country of ilea changed. Ilea was no longer a land of joy and happiness, it had changed to be known for its attack. The attack of 2020 was what it had been known of, around the world.

The world was devastated to hear the king and Queen of ilea had died. Oh what a horrible day it was.

Okayyy so Ik this part is a little confusing, so if you have questions you can comment them and I will answer ONLY if it doesn't spoil anything❤️❤️❤️

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