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The Scientist

Loki POV

He stumbled back to the house and up the stairs. Thor met him at the door, crushing him to him, taking in the horror on Loki's face, "Brother, her sacrifice will not have been in vain." Loki pushed Thor away, "You don't understand, she didn't die. She joined him," he hissed. Thor frowned, "What did she say?" Loki simply showed his brother what had happened. "She really did truly want revenge more than me." Loki put his head in his hands, Thor chuckled, "She is truly your equal brother. A fitting consort for the trickster God. Did you not hear her words brother? Why if she truly joined him, would she hide Solandis's existence and say you had left her?" Thor let his words sit with Loki for a moment, "Brother, you know Eloise better than anyone, does she truly have the heart to join a mad man bent on ruling the universe for the sake of revenge on one man? Or does she is the type who knowing that someone is coming for her child would sacrifice herself at a chance to save both her child and her soulmate? Have faith in her brother." Loki and Thor stood together on the porch both staring out at the mountains. "This is not the end of this." Loki stated, looking at Thor. "She has played a great gambit brother and we must hope she can play the long game. Now brother, I think it is time you meet your daughter."

Loki approached the bassinet with great trepidation, "I don't know if I can, without Eloise..." Thor reached in and scooped up the small bundle. "Nonsense brother, Jane and I will be with you. We will raise her together." Thor deftly handed the small bundle off to Thor, Loki looked down to meet the bright green eyes of his daughter, she had the palest skin with rosy cheeks, a rosebud mouth, and a lot of brown curls, she was wrapped in an silk emerald green blanket Eloise had hand sewn from a dress that Loki had given her. She stared back at him, only to give a tiny yawn. "Besides, brother, Eloise said she would be back in moments that she can if things go as planned." Thor said dreamily, his eyes glazing over. Loki looked up, "What?" "I don't know, it was the strangest thing. I just suddenly remember her saying that while holding Solandis, she promised she would return when she could as long as things were going as planned." Loki thought back to the note she had written. "In the note, she said she had tampered with your memories, and certain ones would be triggered, if things were going right." He clutched Solandis closer to him.

That night he dreamed of Eloise. The were in Fairy, laying together in a field of wild flowers, "Loki, I'm so sorry." He turned to her, she was covered in blood. "Why?" he asked, reached up to touch her face, "I had to. Either I surrended and went with him or he would have had both of us and she would have been taken by the darkness. Protect her Loki, hide her, keep her safe." She leaned forward and gently kissed his cheek, leaving a bloody kiss behind. "I know it doesn't seem like it but I love you. I love you both. Never doubt that, never doubt the reason behind my actions. " her voice faded as he woke. He looked at his hand to find blood on it, he looked in a small mirror he conjured, there was a bloody lip print.

"I swear I will."

4 years later

Eloise POV

"Rise my daughter. " Eloise stood up, not bloody and bruised for the first time in four years. She wore the iron collar, it chaffed and burned her but she wore it without a word, four years of near constant torture and fighting will accustom you to any pain, she kept her face blank. "You will go now, back to Fairy, make the preparations for the summit." She nodded, another woman stepped forward next to her, "Perhaps I should go with her to make sure everything goes to plan." Eloise eyed Gamora. She hadn't often dealt with her, her other sister Nebula was cruel at best. "That is wise Gamora. Go both of you." They nodded together. "Oh I hear congratulations are in order little queen, your brother married Jane Foster, and you have a niece." Thanos watched her face for any sign of attachment, she looked bored. "As I understand it, they are on a honeymoon on Midgard, I think you've earned a trip to Asgard, my daughter." Eloise smiled sinisterly, "Thank you, father."

Loki POV

Loki sat dejected in his room in Asgard, he hated being away from Solandis but Odin was still unaware of her existence and Thor has asked him to stay for a few days after the wedding, plus he needed access to a few books here that might have some information about Solandis and her fae abilities. "Husband." came a voice from behind him. He turned around, conjuring a knife into his hand to see Eloise leaning against the wall. She was wrapped in a short dark cloak, black leather pants and boots, she was leaner than he had ever seen her, almost feline like in her movements, her eyes following his movements like predator, her hair curling wildly around her. "To what do I owe the pleasure, Eloise?" He took a step towards her, she glanced at the knife in his hand, a ghost of a smile played on her lips.

She took a step towards him, "Odins dead." She dropped a bloody knife on the floor, while she watched his reaction. "Eloise, what have you done?!" He rushed to her, he shoved her against the wall, he held his knife to her throat, to find it was scraping an iron collar. "His life was owed to me, he knew it. He didn't even try to fight me." She replied calmly as if he wasn't holding her to the wall with a knife, her direct eye contact unnerving him, but part of him was overjoyed that she was alive.

"Thor will be a better king... Tell him, he need to be ready." Suddenly she made a choking noise and dropped to the ground, her hand around the collar. The second she got a breath she was back up and had him pinned against the wall, she glanced at his lips, "I'll be punished for this later so make this worth it." She slowly lowered her lips to his, giving him every chance to pull away from her.. Despite being so aggressive she gently kissed him, her hands leaving his hands to wrap around his neck, gently pulling his hair, his arms wrapped around her, her body melding to his, he bit at her lip, he felt her smile beneath his lips, when she jerked back from him, grabbing her neck again, she gasped as if she was choking. "As fun as this has been, 'fraid all good things must come to an end. See ya, love." She gave him a small smile and ran out to his balcony, jumping off it just as a knock came at his door, "My prince, the allfather is dead!"

"What in the fuck have you done Eloise?"

Author's note

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read this! I am currently working on a sequel (almost finished) and a prequel! I'll update this when I am ready to publish it!!!!

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