Chapter 17

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Loki POV

Loki was startled awake by a pounding feeling in his chest when he heard an anguished scream come from Eloise's room. He took off running to her room. He turned on the lights to find her thrashing in her bed, the beast standing next to her whimpering, licking her face, and pawing her shoulder as if to try to wake her up. Loki grabbed her shoulders "Eloise? Its alright you're safe, wake up darling," he said in a low soothing voice, her eyes fluttered open, and tears instantly filled them. She then launched herself into his arms, he caught her surprised at her sudden motion. Rubbing small circles on her shaking back he muttered soothing noises as Bilgsnipe snorted and laid back down. Slowly, she stopped crying and shaking, she pulled back just far enough to look up at him. She was so beautiful, wiping away one last tear she gave him a weak smile.

He couldn't help himself, he gently laid one kiss on her lips, he waited for her to pull away, instead he felt her hands reach up around his neck to hold him there as she kissed him back, he moaned into her lips, nipping at her lower lip. She gasped, allowing his tongue into her mouth, she kissed him back fervently, his mouth left hers as he pulled her hands off his neck so he could bend his head to kiss her all the way down her jaw line to her neck, he held her firmly on his lap even as she squirmed and gasped, her hands roaming over his bare chest. He didn't know how long they went on kissing but slowly they stopped, he was now seated leaning against her headboard, she was laying against his chest, seated between his legs, she looked up at him as he played with her hands.

"So... are you going to tell me what your nightmare was about?" he asked quietly, "Its always the same and I don't remember much." Eloise avoided the question, looking away from Loki's eyes. He sighed and gently he reached out with his thoughts to hers. Her thoughts recoiled from his, he pushed hard, don't push me away, let me help he thought to her. In the past she had done this to him, forced her mind to his to confront his fear, it hadn't been easy but it helped. He felt her trying to resist him so he began to kiss her again knowing if they were physically connected it made it harder for her to resist and she would be able to read the sincerity of his desire to help her.

Suddenly he felt all of her resistance give way and he was sucked into her dream, he landed on a dark, cold planet, that he was all too familiar with. He felt her stiffen in his arms realizing what he'd done she pulled away and he felt her mind slam shut to him. Eloise turned away from him, pulling herself into herself. Loki reached out, touching her back, " How do you know where Thanos planet is?" his own fear pounding in his ears. "Leave it alone Loki. " she hissed vemently at him. "Eloise you have to talk to me, why are you dreaming about that place?" He grabbed her arms, yanking her to him, forcing her to look at him. She locked her jaw, glaring at him, staring him down, her resolve set. "Stubborn woman, I need to know what you know so I can help you." He shook her ever so slightly, she leaned forward angry, "You can't. " she whispered, knocking his hands off of her, running to the door to her balcony, she opened it and using her magic launched herself into a magnificent jump, landing gracefully she took off running into the nearby forest.

Loki ran his hands thru his hair frustratedly, before getting up and returning to his room. He could still feel her anguish, she hadn't wanted him to know what she had seen and she was angry with him for forcing his way into her mind to show him. He wanted to go after her but he knew that would end in another fight. Give her space to cool down, he told himself laying back down trying not to think about the nearly two years he had spent there as Thanos's prisoner.

Eloise POV

She landed among the trees and kept running till she found a huge oak, she started to climb till she reached the highest branches that would support her. There was a slightly chilly breeze that she welcomed even though she was freezing, it kept her awake as she gazed at the stars. She didn't want to go back, she was so angry with Loki for pushing into her mind, for using his kisses against her. Her hand went to her lips, they felt swollen and bruised from their kisses, she could still feel his lips on her skin. In her desperation to push away her nightmares she had gone further than she'd initially planned to but was surprised Loki hadn't pushed for more, he could have easily and they were already having a baby so there was no risk from getting pregnant from such an encounter, but he didn't, he been respectful in his own way, recognizing it wasn't right to take advantage of her like that.

Leaning her head against the tree, she watched the sky begin to get ever so lighter in the east. She sighed and climbed down, she wasn't going to sleep anymore so she might as well start her day with a run. She returned to her rooms, landing lightly on her balcony. She checked on Loki thru her mind he was asleep in his own bed, thank goodness. She quickly changed into a pair of high-waisted leggings, and a sports bra and took off to the jogging track she'd seen yesterday.

Shortly she was joined by Sam and Steve. "Glad to see your getting an early start, we'll try to test some of your limits today to get an idea what you can do." Steve smiled at her as she stretched. They all took off together but it became apparent she was nearly as fast as Steve as they repeatedly lapped Sam, trying not to laugh as they said "on your left" and "on your right" much to Sam's frustration. Finally after an hour they all collapsed in the yard, in a fit of laughter. "Race you to breakfast," Eloise teased Sam as they all walked together to the kitchen. She pulled out a box of cereal, pouring it into a bowl with milk she began to eat, relaxing listening to everyone around her chatting, till she felt Loki enter the room. She had only finished about half her cereal but it felt like it had turned to sand in her mouth. After dumping her cereal out she washed her bowl, and ignoring Loki who she could feel staring her down as she walked by him, Wanda grabbed her arm, "Hey Cap said we should go grab you some training clothes before we get started. Come on." She allowed herself her self to be pulled out of the room.

Wanda asked for her sizes, pulling out a couple of sets of black and grey leggings and active wear style shirts, "Stark's designs, they are more durable than normal clothes." She explained and gave her directions to the practice room. Eloise ran quickly back to her room to grab a quick shower and to get changed. She glanced at herself in the mirror quickly deciding to give herself a braid when she felt Loki re-enter the suite. She groaned and went out to her balcony to jump down using her magic to catch herself, rather than face him right now.

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