Chapter 41

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Ricky Montgomery

Loki POV

"She's as cold as ice." Loki held Eloise to him, quickly following Thor. "Why did Heimdall send us here?" He asked, unfamiliar with this forest, "Eloise had created a safe house, that was where she planned for us to go, brother, so it must be near by." Thor kept going following a path thru the snow. Eloise's body was completely limp, her lips were beginning to loose color, "Brother I see the house!" Loki quickened his pace, coming over a hill he saw a modest stone and wood cottage, the porch wrapped around with chairs on the front and there was smoke coming from the chimney. As they approached the door swung open and Bucky came out, "I saw the bifrost, SHIT what happened to her?!" Thor bounded up the stairs, "She hadn't fully recovered from using her magic to travel so far and she had to make quiet the spectical for Odin to let us to leave. She needs warmth and rest."

Loki laid her on the couch closet to the fire and began checking for a pulse, he found a weak one, she was completely unconscious, but her skin was icy to his touch, "She needs body heat." Bucky said quietly to Loki, " come on your room is up here," gathering up Eloise in his arms he followed him up the two sets of stairs, to the attic which was a big open room, with the walls lined with book shelves, a king sized bed with emerald green bedding, there was even a balcony thru the doors they hand a fantastical view of the mountains surrounding them.

He laid her down on the bed as Bucky brought in several extra extra blankets. "I'm gonna take Thor back to Avengers campus with me, shes had everything set up so hopefully you all wouldn't need to leave. I'll have Banner call as soon as I get there, I imagine you'll want him to check her out as soon as possible." Bucky glanced down at Eloise and the gently touched Loki's shoulder, he jumped at the unexpected contact, "she's stronger than she looks. Just get her warmed up and in a few days she'll be alright. " then he left.

Loki quickly stripped all of Eloise's clothes off and and put her in bed under all the blankets he could find. Deciding to go back down stairs to the kitchen he was surprised to find Bucky had left out soup and some bread for him, which he ate gratefully, then he decided to have a quick shower, he ran the water as hot as he could stand, to warm himself up as much as possible, before crawling in bed with Eloise. Her breathing was slightly steadier and while she wasn't warm, she was no longer freezing cold. He curled around her, trying to force his body heat into hers. He fell asleep feeling his child kick and move beneath his hand.

Eloise POV

When her eyes fluttered open, she was surprised to see that she was at home in her own bed with Loki wrapped around her. Glancing over thru the windows she was also surprised to see a spectacular sunrise over the mountains. As she rolled over she felt like she had been hit with a ton of bricks, but at least she could move. After a trip to the bathroom she slipped on a loose dress, her stomach rumbled loudly, when she heard the front door open.

Bounding down the stairs she came face to face with Dr. Banner, who looked happily surprised to see her not only awake but up and moving, "
Hey kid! I didn't expect to see you up!" He looked her over, nodding in approval,"Bucky said you were in rough shape. I honestly didn't expect you'd even be awake." "It helps I moved the entrance to Fairy near by. If I were to go back there, I'd be completely healthy within about 30 seconds." Bruce chuckled as she sat on the kitchen table so he could give her the once over. "That would have been nice to know when you were sick." "I didn't know till I moved the portal." She shrugged while Bruce checked her pulse. "Wheres Mr dark and brooding?" "Still in bed, Odin had him in prison so I'm not surprised he's still sleeping." Bruce looked at her temperature, "Lets check this again kid, you've got a fever." She obligingly put the thermometer under her tongue again. "Wouldn't be surprised if you picked up some kinda cold. Thor said you had to drain your magic twice?" She nodded, already feeling tired again. "Yeah, I'd rather not ever do that again, it was like being torn apart and burned alive at the same time. I couldn't really move for two days. Then when trying to sneak off of Asgard didn't work, I basically had to scare the crap out of Odin to get him to give up Loki and Thor." "Well kid, you look pretty good for having been nearly dead yesterday, I'd get some food and rest, I do think you have a cold though. So promise you'll take it easy." She nodded placating him, "Here Tony had me stop at this place down the road for some soup for you." He gestured to the bag he'd sat on the counter. "Tell Tony I said thanks honey and give him a big kiss for me," she waved as Bruce left. She took her soup and sat eating it, slowly savoring every bite. Once she was finished, she suddenly felt so exhausted, she knew she'd never make it all the way back up the stairs like she wanted to. She simply sank down into the nearest chair and fell fast asleep.

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