Chapter 13

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Loki POV

"WHERE IS SHE?" Loki roared when he arrived in the lab the next morning to find Eloise gone from the stretcher he'd left her on. "Relax, Reindeer games, I found her awake in the very early morning and those," gesturing to the stretcher, "are not comfortable, especially to a pregnant lady; regardless of how bad ass she is. I let her finish her snack and took her to her room, she's to the left of your room." "Still someone should have told me," Loki snapped, "A little advice, she seems like a fairly independent woman, I would back off a little bit and give her space, especially cause those hormones man, she will eat you alive." Tony advised. "If you want an excuse to see her, she said she'd like a bath, and some clean clothes, why don't you go figure how thats gonna work with those chains on her? Also I'd take some food with you for breakfast and some coffee wouldn't go wrong. Treat her like the princess she is, I mean since you are a prince" Loki paused a moment taking in Starks words, maybe a little wooing is what Eloise needed.

Eloise POV

A soft knock barely roused Eloise from her slumber, bleary-eyed she peered at who ever was standing in the door way. "Not you," she groaned rolling on to her back and putting a pillow over her face. "Yes me, I thought you might like some breakfast and to get cleaned up." He placed a tray on the side table, and sat next to her, and pulled the pillow off her face, "Please I have been without you for four months, do not deprive me of your beauty. " he turned the full power of his eyes on her, giving her butterflies in her stomach. "Also I wanted to apologize, I have come off as being over protective of you and you seem to find it stifling. So I propose a compromise, I will try to give you a little space, if you would try to give a little consideration for my part? I only want to keep you and our child safe." "Take these off and I'll take it under consideration." Eloise countered, rattling the chains. Loki sighed, "I have been giving it some consideration and with the approval of the others, I have a slight modification I would like to make to them. But that will have to be later today." He suddenly leered at her, "You know I've chained you up before and you weren't quiet so disagreeable about it then..." he said suggestively grinning at her. "Perv." She grabbed the pillow and attempted to whack him upside the head which he gracefully dodged, "Only for you darling. Now here, eat something so we can get you cleaned up."

Eloise moved over to the edge of the bed and looked over the tray; he'd brought her a cup of tea, some toast with what looked like strawberry jam on it, and a bowl of fruit. "Is there anything else you might want? You were never much for a big breakfast." Loki commented, she looked up surprised, "You're right, I'm not. But this great." Eloise answered picking up a blackberry. "You even got all my favorite fruits." "I know you quite well Eloise. " he shrugged. "Do you want some?" Eloise offered, feeling akaward being the only one eating. "I already ate, thank you though." Loki shifted glancing around the room, his eyes landing on the leather bag placed on the chair, "how did you get this?" He stood up and began to reach for the bag, "I had it with me when I came the the portal at London." Eloise said while she sipped her tea, "why do you ask?" "I gave that to you for your first birthday in Asgard," he said softly, touching one of the embroidered roses. Instead of moving her bag, or sitting next to her on the bed he chose to give her space and sank gracefully on to the floor, leaning his head against the wall, one leg stretched out, the other bent his arms resting on his leg. Since his eyes were closed she unabashedly stared at him, looking him over.

He was very attractive, she had to admit, his jaw line sharp, his face beautiful, his body lithe and long, she imagined standing next to him she could easily be tucked right under his arms quite comfortably, she wanted to run her hands thru his hair to see if his black curls were as soft as they looked, to kiss from his lips across his jaw down to his neck just to see what noises he would make. Coming out of her day dream she shook her head to try to clear her thoughts.

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