Chapter 5

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Loki POV

Loki's ears rang and he could hear no more, Eloise pregnant? How... His brain spun trying to make this new thought fit into his thoughts, he barely even understood Thor congratulating him. The very idea of a child of Eloise and him was enough to make him feel like bursting, and then the fear set in, he still had no idea where Eloise was and now his child's life was in danger, someone had already taken Eloise and tortured her, they likely would do the same once they found out about the child. Frantically he looked back at Strange, he had to find them.

"Please, do you know where she is?" Loki choked out, barely able to breathe. "Not exactly." Strange looked embarrassed, "she's here in London; though I don't know exactly where, she was here earlier actually to see me about why you two were following her. If I had known what was going on, I would have had her stay."

Thor jumped up and intercepted Loki as he turned on Strange, "She was here earlier and you kept us here talking?!" Loki shouted in a rage, "I was protecting her." Strange answered levely, staring Loki down, "She is my friend and I will protect her if I can. She had no memories of you, how was I supposed to know you weren't here to hurt her. Someone tortured her." Thor grunted still holding on to Loki, "Can you send us to her?" he asked. "No, her magic is different than mine and I've never been able to latch on to it exactly; she left about 15 minutes before you arrived, and she took off walking thru Hyde park he pointed out the window, "there aren't too many hotels in that direction within walking distance. I'm sure you can find her, or if she returns I will contact you." Strange replied as he walked them to the front door; he placed his hand on Loki's arm and a symbol glowed briefly on his arm before vanishing. "Becareful when you approach her, she's not the woman you used to know. She's terrified and her magic is stronger than even she knows." He advised them as the brothers turned and went off into the night into the direction Strange pointed them.

Eloise POV

"Not again" she groaned to herself, as she felt another person's magic begin to spread out thru the park. She very quickly stepped under a tree and murmured to herself till she was perched up in the tree, 12 feet off the ground and blended into the trees shadows. She hoped who ever was looking for her would not think to look up, she wasn't invisible but she was well concealed and if they weren't looking too closely they would pass her by.

She tried to breathe in and out as slowly as she could, hoping they could not hear her breathing, her pulse pounded, she could hear her own heartbeat in her ears, convinced they could hear it too, drawing them ever closer to her hiding spot, then she saw one of them working magic and realized it was her magic drawing them in, not her noise. They stopped directly beneath her and she quietly watching them, praying they would move on. She studied them, struck by their beauty, she hadn't gotten a good look at them the other day, one looked like a body builder, solid and tall, his blonde hair loose today, his beard just a few shades lighter blonde, his clear blue eyes gazing around, a worried expression on his handsome face, his companion smaller, more lithe, long limbed, his jaw sharp, his hair black curling barely touching his collar, his skin nearly as pale as hers, his emerald eyes half closed as he listened to what his spell was telling him. "I don't understand, the spell says her magic ends right here, she should be here." His voice came out low and musical, yet he sounded upset like at any moment he could break into tears. She felt a pulling at her heart, she didn't want this man to cry, then she shook herself, this man was hunting her, what was she doing feeling sorry for him?! His companion responded, "Could she have been taken again?" "Yes but its literally pulling me right here, saying her magic is calling me here!" The dark haired man responded. Suddenly, the blonde man's face broke into a smile and chuckled, "Loki, I think there is a simpler explanation. " and as he rolled his eyes upward. "FUCK" She whispered, her heart shot up to her throat and she made the split second decision to jump and attempt to run.

Loki POV

The second the reached the park, he spread his magic out, and he felt her magic touch his and instantly hers moved away, he broke into a run, Thor followed him, as they chased her magic thru the dark, gaining on her, feeling her magic grow stronger, till the reached a tree near the center of the park where her magic stopped. "I don't understand, the spell says her magic ends right here, she should be here." He said to Thor, looking for an explanation Thor asked him, "Could she have been taken again?" "Yes but its literally pulling me right here, saying her magic is calling me here!" He angrily responded. Suddenly he heard Thor chuckle,"Loki, I think there is a simpler explanation. " Loki looked at Thor as he rolled his eyes upward, SHES IN THE TREE he thought to himself, as he turned to glance upward he heard a quiet voice say "FUCK" and then something hard crashed into him knocking both him and Thor to the ground.

Eloise POV

Before the full word "FUCK" had left her mouth, she had jumped, landing on the back of the dark haired man knocking him into the blonde man. Without missing a beat, she rolled on to her feet, and took off running, her legs pumping beneath her trying to put enough distance between her and her followers so she had time to vanish. She shot her magic over her shoulders with out glancing back hoping she was aiming, but knowing she was probably wildly missing, hopefully it would grant her some more space, she reached a wide open space and was beginning her vanishing spell, when she felt the other magic reach her and grasp her spell so she couldn't finish it. Quickly, she turned to face her followers, called her magic to her hands, she spread her legs out a little, digging her heels into the ground to give her a firmer stance as she gazed at the two men who were now standing about 10 feet away from her, both had their hands up in a gesture of peace. She glared at them.

Loki POV

She was magnificent, her hands glowed green with her magic, her hair whipped around her, her eyes wide with fear, she frowned glaring at him and Thor as she seemed to assessed what to do next, her intoxicating blue eyes meeting his briefly, "Please Eloise," he said quietly with his hands up, trying to show he meant her no harm, "We don't want to hurt you, we just want to talk to you," he tried to take a step forward, one hand out, "We want to help you, Eloise, please, I mean you no harm..." before Loki knew what hit him a ball of green energy hit him in the stomach, knocking him thru the air till he came to rest 20 feet away. Gasping for breath, he looked up to see Eloise fighting with Thor, she evaded his hands, almost dancing just out of his range as he tried to grasp her when she darted forward to touch him and blasted him with her magic and he dropped to the ground, Loki scrambled to his feet and ran towards her, as he saw the green smoke gather behind her and begin to envelope her. "No please, Eloise it's me Loki, darling please don't GO!" he reached her just as she began to vanish, confusion written all over her face, he stared deeply into her blue eyes, " Who are you?" She asked and then she was gone.

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