Chapter 11

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Eloise POV

Every breath came out as a gasp, painful and torturous, Eloise stayed on the brink of consciousness. She didn't want to face what she had seen. Even in the darkness of her mind she could still see the face of the mad titan in front of her, "two great weapons" still echoing in her head. Slowly she became aware of other words floating around that she couldn't make sense of, "Throat bruised and her right clavicle bone broken, I've set it and placed her in a neck brace but the bone is already showing signs of accelerated healing, we'll take it off of her within a few hours once its stable." " You should have seen her fight off these three guys, I bet she could take on Thor single handedly." "Please darling, wake up, you can't leave me alone." "That hand print is bigger than the Hulk's hand!""How is the baby?"

Her baby, her brain latched on to that and tried to focus on hearing the answer. "The baby appears well, no deceleration in heart rate, plenty of movement. Listen I've been thinking, I have enough of her blood, with a little of yours I can run a paternity test, to prove the baby is yours..." Eloise couldn't focus any more, she drifted in and out hearing more conversations, "Brother, have you heard the ridiculous name your wife has given her beast?" "Banner you should have seen this kid, she doesn't look like much but its like watching Romanoff, if she could do magic." "Why won't she wake up? Maybe I should try a little more magic" "Loki relax you've already done enough, let her body do the rest. Last thing we need is you falling ill as well brother." "Eloise please, let me know if you can hear me."

Slowly, her thoughts became clearer, and her breaths came easier, and her eyes fluttered open. The first thing she noticed was pressure on her hand, she glanced down to see Loki, holding on to her hand, slumped over, his head resting next to her leg. He looked exhausted, deep purple shadows under his eyes, his skin even more pale than usual. Her chains were still in place she noticed, slowly flexing her stiff wrists without moving her hands, as if she was in any position to make an escape attempt right now, she thought rolling her eyes, she had serious doubts she could even manage to walk out of the room on her own. "How are you feeling?" A voice asked from her other side. Eloise jumped, yanking her hands up and she attempted to jump up but only successively managing to sit up, Loki was startled awake, nearly falling out of his chair.

"Sorry," Banner apologized, "I saw you were awake, "I assumed you heard me." Eloise nodded warily, "Feels a bit like I was run over by a truck, what happened?" her voice gravely and rough, "We were hoping you could tell us." Loki stood up to adjust the stretcher so Eloise could be supported while sitting. Eloise shifted, leaning back refusing to meet anyone's eyes, "I don't remember anything." "Your neck is still quiet bruised but your clavicle bone has already healed though I'd refrain from any major physical activity for at least a few more days. Loki why don't you get her some water?" Banner looked up from his clipboard looking at his notes while he spoke. Loki grumbled while getting up and left this room.

"Is there anything you wanted to say not in front of Loki?" Banner said after Loki left, "perhaps about what happened?" Eloise hesitated, "I really am not sure how it happened, it was all very confusing, but I remember being some place else and being choked." She finally let out. Banner nodded, glossing over the finer details, "Loki's magic did accelerate your healing but it looked like your body was already doing some of that on its own as well. Any idea as how that is?" "Well, I don't know exactly what I am, but I'm only half human if that would clarify matters." "Nonsense, of course she's full midgardian. " Loki interjected as he walked back in the room. "No. I'm not. I don't know exactly why the other half is but I'm only half human." Eloise countered as Loki reached her and handed her a cold glass of water. She took a grateful gulp and nearly choked. Her throat was so sore. "Sip slower." Banner instructed, "I can see some slight differences in your DNA that would definitely suggest you aren't entirely human." Loki stared at Eloise as she uncomfortably tried not to meet his emerald green eyes. "By the way, I'm not real thrilled about you taking my blood by the way." Eloise looked at Banner. He uncomfortably shuffled his papers, "try and get some rest," he said as he walked away.

"When did you know?" Loki asked Eloise quietly, his bright green eyes locked her hers, "Know what?" She stalled. "Don't play coy with me, when did you know you were only half human?" "Oh, I was aware when I was returned to earth, so I guess I discovered it sometime in the time I'm missing. " Loki let out a breath he was holding in, "Why didn't you tell me?" he said pinching the bridge of his nose, Eloise felt her temper flare, "I'm sorry but I don't know you, other than you having been following me around for the last few days claiming that we're married. So that doesn't exact inspire me to start spilling my guts to you when the only things I really know about you is that you are known to be a trickster and a liar!" She ended up yelling frustratedly, staring him down. "And then I hear from Thor I'm in some supposed some insane intense relationship with someone I even don't know, who is trying to claim my baby as his own, when no one has even asked my permission or how I feel about any of this and all you are doing is treating me high handedly and I hate it! I want to go home and to just be left ALONE!!" She broke down and started crying pulling her hands up to cover her face rather than face breaking down in front of a stranger.

Loki POV

Loki reached for her as she covered her face and held her, letting her cry into him. His guilt washed over him, it was true, he was so focused on keeping her safe, he'd forgotten that she was his partner, his other half. At first she resisted, trying to sit stoicily in his arms and then she just relaxed into it, letting the tears run down her face. Then slowly the tears stopped and she stayed relaxed against him, till she uttered a tiny snore.

Gently, he laid her back against the pillows, wiping the few remainly tears off her face tenderly with his thumbs. "I love you Eloise." touching his forehead to hers.

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