Chapter 28

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Eloise POV

"I'd like to take you inside now. We need to get you checked out." Bruce quietly informed Eloise. She struggled to get to her feet and then sat back down. "Bucky could you carry her?" Bruce turned to Bucky who sat across from her. "May I?" Bucky asked her. Eloise nodded. She had been running on adrenaline and now that she had calmed down she was dangerously close to passing out from the pain. "Doll, you got alot of glass in you, there's no way for me to carry you that isn't gonna hurt. I'm gonna be as gentle as possible. " Bucky said, she looked down, she was covered in glass and blood. She felt him wrap her in a blanket before picking her up. She could hear him talking with Bruce as they walked but her ears were ringing and her vision was turning black as her head fell back.

She started to come to a while later, her eyes fluttering open, Bruce and Tony inches from her face, "ughhhhhhhh" she moaned, trying to sit up, "Hey kid, we need to sedate you so you don't have to feel this. Take a little nap k?" Tony pushed her gently back on to the table, "Nooo, I don't want to be sedated...." she felt her eye lids weighted down, when she woke up, I am gonna have a serious talk about consent with Bruce and Tony was the last thought she had.

Fuzzy headed she woke up a few hours later, looking around she saw Bucky watching her. She tried to sit up, "I'd wait a bit first doll." "You can either help me or I'll do it myself. Your move." He sighed but helped her sit up. "How bad this time?" She asked. "272 shards of glass of various sizes in your skin, 21 required stitches, lot of bruising, and a concussion." He listed off. She nodded looking away. Bruce came over, "So most of your cuts are already healed over, I can take the stitches out if you'd like. Just take it easy ok?" "Hey Bruce, next time wait for me to say ok before you sedate me ok?" She stared at him as he worked quickly removing the stitches.

She got up as soon as he was done, he startled, she held up a finger, "I am going to rest I promise, but I want a shower and a real bed." And with that she marched out. When she got to her rooms she quickly peeled herself out of her bloody pajamas and threw them in the trash and took a quick shower. The she went and grabbed one of Lokis shirts and threw herself into his bed, smelling his pillow hugging it to her. SHIT Loki! She thought, Loki? She thought. Eloise his voice radiated relief. I'm so glad you are awake, its been a very long afternoon . She glanced out the window at the fading sunlight. How injured are you? Lot of cuts, mostly healed, bruises, and a concussion. She listed off, her head hurting from the extra effort of making herself heard to Loki. Rest darling, I have an audience with Odin to go to. I'm going to try and come home early. Her mood brighten considerably.

She drifted, not sleeping but not exactly awake. She tried to pay attention to Loki's meeting with Odin, she didn't take in alot other than hearing him decline Loki's request, Fuck you too Odin. She mentally gave Odin the finger, she felt Loki sigh, she had realized she had been quite so loud. It wouldn't be the first time you have told him off he responded as he left the throne room. Well at least its only one more night. He thought. Easy for you to say. She thought depressingly fading from his head.

Loki POV

Loki met Thor on the bifrost as he checked on Jane. "You know she is quite pretty." He commented. "How does the Lady Eloise fair? ? Thor asked. "Physically she'll be fine. Mentally, I think she's more worn than she's trying to let on. " Loki worried. "I can't find anything on what she might be or anythingthat might help her." he continued. "She is strong brother. She won't give up easily." "I'll be going back first thing in the morning." Loki rubbed his face. "Theres a few more books I want to check first."

He decided to spend the rest of his time searching for answers. As he checked book after book, he paid little attention to Thor who checked on him several times, even bringing him food which he ignored. He felt like a failure for not be able to go to Eloise when she clearly needed him, s'not your fault, she sleepily thought at him. Odin's an ass. He chuckled under his breath, "Is something funny my son?" Loki jumped to see Odin sitting across from him. "Have you found any answers?" Odin asked when Loki didn't answer. "No, I have not, other than I found mention of the stone, it just says that the memories can be returned to the owner at any point. But not how." He pointed to the page in the book he'd found it, "Its ancient magic, either a troll had to have helped or the practienier must have powerful natural magic and even then most don't survive attempting to remove their own." Odin sighed, "Loki, I know you are angry with me for denying you an early return, but she was in no more danger, and she had friends to look after her there. She needed you here to study what she is." Tell Odin, he can shove his well thought out reasoning, Eloise responded vehemently. Loki sighed rubbing his head, not realizing Odin was staring at him. Uh Loki? He's staring at you? "I'm sorry, did you ask a question.?" "You seem very distracted son." Odin raised an eyebrow at him. "Just tired." He answered rather than admit he was having troublekeeping the two conversations straight. "Well, go to sleep son, I shall continue to search once you leave son. Tell Eloise I wish her a full recovery." He rose to leave. "Don't worry son, we shall find the answers we seek about your bride. She is strong, she has the same spirit as your mother." He chuckled at the door, "the same mouth too when she is upset." Loki started after him as the doors shut. I'm not sure if that was a compliment or an insult, Eloise chimed up. Both, definitely both Loki thought.

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