Chapter 7

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Loki POV

"Sleep" Loki said, using his magic to try to lull Eloise back to sleep as her eyes fluttered open, only to feel her fist collide with his nose with a sickening crunch as Banner jabbed a needle into her arm, and she passed out again.

"Remind me to buy her a present when she wakes up," Tony chuckled as he handed Loki some tissues to stanch the blood. Thor placed both of Eloise's hands in the magic containing cuffs, "My brother's wife is indeed a fine warrior, not many can best him, let alone three separate times in as many days." Loki glared at Thor as he used magic to heal his broken nose. He leaned down to give Eloise a kiss on her cheek, which already looked days old now that Loki's magic has begun healing it. "I deserved that my darling," he whispered, his eyes never leaving her face as Stark and Banner begin to run tests on Eloise's injuries. "It will be alright my darling, I will fix everything. " he said fervently as he stroked her curls out of her face.

Eloise POV

Groggily her world began to take shape. She appeared to be laying on a bed in a small cell, her hands felt heavy, upon further inspection she saw a pair of heavy ornate pair of cuffs, she could feel some kind of magic on them, trying to limit her own magic, so who ever has her knows she has magic and they don't want her using it, she surmised. Gently she tested what happened when she tries to use magic, she was delighted to discover the cuffs do not completely inhibit her magic. She won't be able to disappear but she can get the cuffs off and then nothing would stop her. Its then that a short, mild mannered man in a white coat and glasses enters the room with the cell, "Oh you are awake already? You seem to burn of anesthesia rather quickly?" He grabbed a clip board and stepped closer to her "My name is Doctor Banner but please call me Bruce, your two lacerations on your face and shoulder are already on their way to being healed and shouldn't even leave a scar as are your bruises, your nose has healed completely, and your baby looks to be measuring about 18 weeks along, heart beat in the 160s and looks very strong."

"You did an ultrasound without my permission?" Eloise hissed, getting to her feet, startling Bruce. "How did you even know I'm pregnant? Where am I? What do you want from me?"
"Easy, please sit down, you've had a lot of injuries and frankly too much sedatives." Bruce said anxiously as he watched Eloise sway on her feet in front of him. With the cell locked he won't be able to reach her if she fainted. She nodded, recognizing that she isn't steady on her feet, dropped to the ground and wrapped her arms around her legs, seeming to make herself as small as possible. Sympathetically Bruce gazed at the young woman in front of him, "I'm sure you are overwhelmed but we are here to help, Loki and Thor will be back in a moment and they can help explain everything. "

"Loki? As in Loki God of Mischief and Lies, guy who destroyed half of New York City? Yeah he sounds super trustworthy. No thanks, please just let me go. I'm not hurting anyone, I was leaving the city anyway." Eloise softly pleaded with Bruce. " I'm sorry, I can't, but is there anything I can bring you?" Bruce asked. "Wheres my dog?" Eloise asked, ignoring his question, "You guys didn't leave him, did you?" "No, he seems to have made friends with Steve and Clint, last I saw they were taking turns scratching his stomach. " Bruce answered her with a smile. "Damn traitor. I'm handcuffed in a cell and hes out fraternizing with the enemy. " Eloise said as she gingerly got to her feet. "Please try and get some rest." Bruce said as he exits the room with a quiet chuckle.

"Yeah right" Eloise whispered as she sat down and began to slowly work her magic in removing her cuffs.

Loki POV

"Shes awake." Banner called sticking his head in Loki's room, Loki groaned, he'd just laid down, Stark and Banner had assured him that she'd be asleep for a new more hours at least, given the amount of anesthesia they had given her. He stretched out like a cat and then headed over to the closet where Stark had provided him with some clothes.

He snapped and a dark green t-shirt and tight black jeans appeared on him, and he headed out of the living areas and quickly towards the cells. He passed the living quarters he saw Steve and Barton taking turns scratching the hell hound. He shook his head and continued on. He hated her being there but it was for her safety till she would be reasonable to listen to them. As he passed the kitchen, he stopped and grabbed her some food, filling a bowl with fruit, a water bottle and a savory roll; pregnant women were always hungry right? Maybe it would make her more amenable to listening him? He thought to himself.

Eloise POV

Eloise didn't hear him enter the room until he softly called her name, "Eloise? Darling?" Her head shot up and she was staring at the dark haired man with the emerald eyes. "Who are you?" She stammered, staring into his eyes, "My name is Loki, Prince of Asgard." He said softly, not breaking eye contact with her, as if a drinking her in, he was inhumanity beautiful now that she could get a good look at him; pale skin, sharp jaw line, his black hair curled right at his shoulders, his nose straight, and his emerald eyes sparkled at her, he gently smiled at her. "I thought you might be hungry, I brought you something to eat," he sat the bowl of fruit and water on the floor where she could decide to take it or not. Eloise didn't move a muscle, she was sitting on the cot, one leg kicked over the side, the other bent up where she was resting her head. She continued to stare at him, carefully keeping her expression blank though she really wanted to just ogle at him.

"I'm sure you have questions..." Loki began hesitantly, clearly uncomfortable with the fact Eloise hadn't spoken yet. "No, not really." She answered flatly, glaring at him. "I don't know what you've been after me for but what ever it is, I'm not interested, like I told Doctor Banner, I was getting ready to leave town so if you would please let me go," she said as she lifted her wrists gesturing with the chains on her wrists, "and give me my dog back, I will be on my way and we can forget this whole thing ever happend."

"Eloise please darling, I can't do that you've been gone for four months, Strange said you had been tortured before you showed up, suddenly you have strong magic, and you're pregnant with our child. Please, we have to protect you and our ba-" he pleaded, she interrupted him, "No, I will protect myself and my baby. I don't know who you are other than I know you are the God of Mischief and Lies so forgive me if I don't take your word as cannon." Eloise snapped back, crossing her arms under her breasts loosing her calm controlled look.

"You may not remember but you are my wife and I swore to protect you, and I will even from yourself." Loki glared at her, "Now if you promise not to attack anyone with your magic or otherwise or vanish, I'd be more than happy to take the chains off, and let you out of here and take you somewhere more comfortable. Otherwise you can stay here where I know you will be safe" he took a shaky breath. Eloise stood up her arms at her sides, her hands curled into fists "I want to leave, you cannot keep me here." "My darling, I can and I will. You will be safe, I'll come back in a little while when you've had a chance to calm down and maybe we can talk again." His eyes glinted dangerously at her before he stormed out of the room. "LOKI YOU BASTARD LET ME OUT!" Eloise screamed after him.

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