Chapter 9

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Eloise POV

"They did that?" Pepper face turned red and she frowned, "They swore they didn't hurt you." "Those guys?" Eloise pointed out to the living room, stepped closer to Pepper to peer into the fridge, " other than knocking me out, they didn't harm me, now I did blast the one with the long blonde hair and I think I broke the nose of the guy with the green eyes, Loki? I'm generally a non-violent person but they were asking for it. " "Did you tell any of them about this?" Pepper bit her lip nervously, looking back and forth between Eloise and the living room. "When have I had the chance? Plus why would they care? I took care of it, the ones that attacked me are dead, I killed them." Eloise said levely, grabbing a carton of eggs and heading to the stove. "If you don't mind, I need to inform them." Pepper promptly exited the room.

Loki POV

Pepper came into the living room, "Eloise was attacked yesterday at her apartment, she says she killed them." Loki's blood ran cold, as the attention in the room focused on Pepper. "Tony, you should head over there but I would like at least Cap and someone else to stay just in case." "On it, suit up , I want Pointbreak to stay here with Cap and Barton; Loki you're coming with me and before you argue, my systems can't tell us about any magic that may have been used, you can." Loki opened his mouth to argue and then shut it, Stark was unfortunately right. "Fine but I will transport us there so we do not waste time with your... vehicles." Loki sneered as he magiced away his midgardian outfit and his leather armor appeared, "Am I allowed to let Eloise know I will return?" Loki recieved no answer from Pepper, she was deep in conversation with Tony.

He nodded to Thor who watched another Loki appear and the real Loki sneaked off to the kitchen. He stood for a moment in the doorway, watching Eloise, she was clearly making some sort of midgardian meal, she straightened up and turned around and flinched at the sight of him. He held his hands up, "I apologize; I was just coming to let you know I will be going with Stark to your apartment and that I will return shortly." She nodded slowly, "I know those block your magic, and I did not want you feeling like you didn't have anything to defend yourself with, so here," Loki magicked up one of his knives and held the handle out to her. "Thats very considerate but I'm ok." Eloise said politely trying to hold in a grin. "I would feel better if you took it." Loki pushed, pleading with her. "Really, I don't need it. " Eloise countered, turning back to the oven. "Eloise, you will take..." before Loki could finish his sentence Eloise stooped down, pulled two identical knives out of her boots and turned to face Loki again grinning, "Like I said I'm ok." Loki matched her grin, glowing her, that was his girl, always surprising the trickster. "Remind me next time to frisk you for weapons," he teased her, his eyes seeming to darken as they took her in, Eloise blushed in response breaking eye contact.

Then clearly his throat, he returned to the subject at hand, "Pepper said you killed your attackers?" "Yes." She hedged, not divulging any details, "With your magic?" Loki pushed, Eloise sighed rolling her eyes, " No though I did knock two of them down with magic." Loki crossed the room with his hand out, "May I?" gesturing to her knives, Eloise shrugged and handed him the knives and returned to the stove where she put some yellow substance from the pan on to a plate. He looked the knives over, they were sharp, well made, as he handed them back he added a spell to forever keep them sharp and to protect their owner, "Odin protect you," he said and as Eloise reached for her knives, he leaned forward and placed the briefest of kisses on Eloise's forehead. Eloise shrieked, grabbing her forehead where Loki had kissed her and dropped to the ground, "Eloise?" Loki reached for her to help her stand, "What happened?" "Ugh" was the only answer he recieved as she rubbed her head. Thor emerged from the livingroom, "Brother you need to rejoin them. I will allow no harm to be fall Lady Eloise in your absence. " Loki nodded but steered Eloise into a chair at the table and placed the food before her where she glared at him, before he left. "Please do not stab Thor while I'm gone, thats my job." Loki joked as he left the room, while Eloise exchanged a look of confusion and a grimace with Thor.

Eloise POV

"So you're Thor?" Eloise asked after Loki left the room, to cover her embarrassment, rubbing her forehead, the second his lips touched her skin, her forehead felt like it had been split open and the pain vanished just as fast but left her feeling woozy and like she was recovering from a headache. "Yes, and you are my Sister Eloise, I am sorry for having startled you the other day chasing you down, it was not my intention to cause you fear or to harm you. We have been searching for you for many months. " Flushing beet red at the memories from the other day, "I'm sorry too, were you hurt?" Eloise asked softly, "Worry not, you only knocked me down." Thor chuckled and sat down across from her, "Please eat. I do not wish to disturb your meal, I can sit quietly if you do not wish to speak but I would like to keep you in my sight." Eloise shrugged and began to eat her eggs as Cap joined them in the kitchen. "You have some explaining to do Mr. Rogers, if that even is your real name" Eloise stared Steve down as he leaned against the wall. "Yes, about that, I'm sorry. We thought it was the best way to approach you." He had the grace to look truly sorry for his actions.

"So, whats your brother's deal? He seems very intense." Eloise inquired as she ate. Thor shrugged, "You changed him when you came into his life, bringing out the best in him, seeing pass his mistakes, his disappointments, and showing him how to be a better man. You forced him to show his true self to you and accepted all of his faults, giving him grace to change. Then you were taken from him, and there was nothing, he knew you were still alive from the soul bonding but he could no longer feel the pull of your soul to his. It nearly drove him to insanity only knowing you were alive and little else. Only two days ago did we find any information about you, a light elf gave us a portal to you, where we first encountered you." "Soul bound?" Cap asked, "Yes, it sometimes happens, we don't know why but those that I have seen soul bound share a deeper love and understanding of each other than any others. You dear sister and Loki were no exception" Thor reached across and patted Eloise's hand, "It is good to see you alive and well."

"I'm sorry, I don't understand, I have no memories of Loki or you for that matter. Its all rather intense being expected to be someone you have no memory of. And what do you mean pull of his soul? Only thing I've felt so far for Loki is an intense desire to break his nose." Thor roared with laughter, "So you did dear sister, just this morning!!!" Even Cap smiled at this, "That was real? I wasn't sure what was real and what was fake." Eloise smirked trying not to laugh. "Yes, Loki was quiet put out, he imagined your reunion quiet differently, he imagined you falling into each other's arms and instead you attack him and break his nose. Loki could probably explain it better to you if you asked him when he returned."

"Where is Bilgsnipe by the way?" Eloise asked as everyone returned to the living room area, "A Bilgsnipe?! Where?" Thor jumped in front of Eloise, "My dog?" Eloise sqeaked as she was squished against a wall. "You named your beast after a Bilgsnipe?" Thor began to laugh, "What? I thought the word was funny!" Eloise pushed past Thor and took a seat on one of the couch, across from Clint Barton. "Hawkeye," he said by way of greeting, Bilgsnipe snoring at his feet. "Ah so this is who turned you to the dark side. " Eloise addressed Bilgsnipe who grunted and rolled on to his back. She finally felt relaxed as she pulled her legs up to her and closed her eyes.

"Did you think you would be able to hide from me little one?" A deep voice reverberated in her ears, she fought to open her eyes, to scream, do anything as she felt herself pulled back thru time and space, finally coming to a stop in the dust on a cold, dark, desolate landscape.

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