Chapter 36

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Eloise POV


Fear gripped Eloise the second she saw Thanos materialized behind Odin. She didn't register his words, its everything she could do to keep her magic in check right now, to keep from accepting the darkness to rip everyone who has ever hurt her apart. Then she saw Loki's face, no, she has to protect him, protect everyone else, Thanos was only here for her. In the blink of an eye she transported everyone over to the otherside of Avengers campus, and in a flash she took off running for the woods.

Heart pounding, legs pumping she reaches the tree line faster than she even thought possible, she tried her best to focus on leading him far enough away from everyone. "Eloise!" She heard someone far away scream her name, only to have Loki screaming at her in her head, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!?! She didn't have time to answer when she ran straight into Thanos, sitting on a stump waiting for her. He calmly regarded her, fear welling up inside of her, her memories of her torture at his hands now fresh in her mind. "Why fight me child? Join me and you can have what you've always wanted. You'll have your child and you can even have your prince, I will help you get revenge on those who wronged you, those who murdered your sisters and your mother. Together, no one could ever hurt you again."

She stared at him for the longest time, using this time to adjust to her new found memories, her childhood, dancing and singing with her sisters, her mothers warm smile as she held back a laugh for something mischievous she had done, Loki as a child; making her laugh, chasing him thru the woods, showing him fireflies, him making a flower appear out of thin air for her, the screams of her sisters, watching her sister die, Loki pulling her away and hiding her till her father found them, reaching out for Loki as her father took her away, the first time she met Loki, growing closer to Loki on Asgard, their wedding, everything they went thru afterwards, then waking up to being kidnapped, and the months of pain and torture.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the bifrost and felt Odin pulling Loki away. She felt her resolve strengthen, locking her jaw she glared at Thanos, "Listen here you giant mother fucking grape, I am not joining you. If I want something done I will do it myself. " he chuckled softly at her, "You will regret this child." They vanished from the forest, appearing back on the field, everyone of her friends bound in chains on their knees.

Thanos held her by her hair as she struggled against him. "Now someone else will pay the price for your willfullness child." Eloise struggled against his grip. "You will choose." He held her up forcing her to look into the faces of all her friends. "All of your friends or your father." He snapped and her father was there, set apart from her friends. He smiled at her, "Its alright mo leanbh, I will happily die in place of your friends and for you." Thanos waved him forward suddenly, he was infront of her, Thanos dropped to the ground and she scrambled to her feet to run into his arms, his face peaceful and loving, "your mother and sisters call to me mo leanbh." He held her tight, kissing her forehead, "Do not let this be the act that breaks you, you are stronger than him. I love yo-" Thanos stabbed him, with a large sword, sliding it past Eloise and covering her in blood when he withdrawals it. "Consider this a stalemate, little princess. You will join me, willing or broken, but you will join regardless." With that he vanished and Eloise fell to the ground clutching her father screaming.

Loki POV

Odin yanked both him and Thor on to the bifrost, calling to Heimdall the second Eloise transported everyone away, his last glimpse was of her running into the woods as he was pulled away from her. The second his feet hit the ground, "SEND ME BACK!" he screamed at Heimdall as Odin slapped handcuffs on him, "Lock him away."

The first days of his imprisonment Loki noticed nothing, all he can do is feel Eloise's anguish thru their bond. She morns the loss of her family. He felt her withdrawal from his concousiousness. "She hates me brother," Loki finally acknowledged his brother's presence, Thor watching him from his gilded cage. Thor kneelt down so he wass eye level with Loki, "Give it time Loki, she is just discovering everything she knew was a lie and is finally mourning a family she never knew she had." Thor gazed at him, "I think you of all people should understand how it feels to have had a lie told in kindness tear your life apart. "

Loki darkly chuckled, "Even once in a while brother you surprise me with your insight." Thor shrugged, "We talked about you alot. Eloise and I. I miss her too brother." A few tears run down Loki's face. "Does Odin intend to release me?" "I cannot tell, I have pleaded with father to release you. Or to at least Lady Eloise to return. He will speak of neither. But do not give up hope Loki. You will be together again." "I wish I could share your sentiments brother. She'll probably try to kill me the second she sees me."

The next few weeks were no better, Loki tried to shut Eloise out of his mind so he didn't have to see the moment she would realize he was responsible for telling Odin what her family was, but there were times she broke thru anyway, the first time it happened he nearly had a heart attack, she appeared as if she was right there crying on the floor across from him but when he reached out to her to take her in his arms, his hands went right thru her, "Why are you doing this?" He asked, his eyes blurring with tears at the sight of her in so much pain but she either didn't realize he was there or she ignored him wrapping her arms around herself as if to hold herself together, she slowly vanished. Thor had been standing behind his brother watching, he noticed something that Loki did not, she was wrapped in Loki's jacket.

After the first few weeks, she usually wasn't crying but she wasn't doing well. Loki stared at her when ever she appeared, her cheek bones becoming more prominent, her eyes vacant, sometimes others were with her, Bucky and Steve laying on her bed with her in between them her long hair hanging off the bed as they talked, Tony trying to make her laugh, once he saw Banner with her, but it was clear they were in his lab and he was fitting her with some sort of a tube in her nose, she snorted at what he was saying a ghost of a smile playing on her lips, she then looked past Banner and straight at Loki, her eyes wide with shock she jumped up and fell her legs to weak to stand, her hand outstretched to him, before she vanished. "You will never see her again," Odin stood behind him, "Then why don't you just kill me then. You'd finally wipe out the last thing she cares about and she'd probably happily join Thanos for the promise of your death." Loki hissed vemently at Odin before he walked away. The second he was alone, Loki destroyed everything in his cell, finally breaking down thinking of how broken Eloise was, he did that to her, he would never forgive himself as long as he lived.

A weeks later she appeared again, talking with Tony, Banner, and a boy he didn't know. The tube was gone from her nose and she was standing on her own, she smiled at the boy, shaking his hand, "Nice to meet you Peter." Loki got up and walked around looking Peter and her over, she stiffened as if she felt him walking around her but couldn't see him. "At least it looks like your eating again," he whispered in her ear, both her and Peter jumped, "Ma'am?!" They both vanished.

A few weeks later Thor came to visit. He was uncharacteristically chipper, "You know, Loki, you really should clean this up," gesturing to the chaos surrounding Loki, "You never know you might have a visitor one day." Thor smiled at Loki before walking away, Loki jumped up, "What do you mean?! TELL ME!" He yelled at Thor's retreating back.

When Thor didn't answer, Loki retreated back to sitting on the ground. He waited for sleep to over come him when he heard a small noise, assumed that Thor was back to pester him, "I'm not in the mood for company right now. So if you'll go."

"I finally get you to acknowledge me and thats what you say, well fuck you too Loki. " the musical soft voice, sounded vaguely amused and exhausted. Loki's eyes shoot open to see Eloise sitting across from him staring at him, her expression unreadable.

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