Chapter 39

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Loki POV

Eloise suddenly dropped her cloaking spell grinning up at him, "Thats a handy trick, how are you able to conseal your magic like that?" "Fae thing, think of it as camouflage. Can't kill me if they dunno I'm there." She made a show of vanishing when he felt a pair of lips kiss his neck, "Come on, let me see you," he heard a giggle from his right and he reached out and snagged her, "Come on, if you are breaking me out of here anytime soon you need at least a nap. I won't hear of anything else." He made her lay down, her head across his lap, playing with her curls. Within minutes she was breathing softly. Loki sat watching her for hours, listening to her heartbeat, stronger than it had yesterday, when he heard heavy footsteps.

He quickly created a mirage of himself angrily pacing the cell, hoping she stayed quiet in her sleep. Then Thor strolled into view, grinning at his brother. "How do you fair brother?" He wiggled his eyebrows, Loki quickly dropped the image, showing Thor, that Eloise was sleeping on his lap. "I needed to speak with her but I'll let her rest, I will be in my chambers. Let her know to come visit me as soon as she wakes. We should make our attempt tomorrow."

Eloise POV

Eloise woke a few hours later, Loki was curled up behind her, his arm under her head, his other arm around her waist. She spotted a piece of paper in her hand and opened.

Thor said he needed to see you.
Love you,

She carefully eased out from under his arm, tucking him back in the blanket, she grabbed a random torn page and wrote back,

Give me an hour after you wake, if I haven't come back, assume we've had to go with the nuclear option and don't listen to a word I say.

I love you, always remember that,

She reappeared in Thor's rooms. "Sister!" He grabbed her in another bone crushing hug and then held her at arms length, "you look better." "A little sleep does wonders, you should try it sometime." She smiled up at him, touching the dark circles under his eyes. "I'll sleep once we have freed Loki and we are back on earth." He handed her the clothes she had requested, hers was a dark highcollared, high waisted dress, with a long train, the sleeves were tight down her arms but the high waist completely concealed her stomach. "Am I right in guessing, Odin does not know about the baby?" She asked, slipping on a dark cloak that matched his own, "No, Loki and I have not mentioned it and he never saw you in anything that would have brought it to his attention." "Thank you for that by the way." "Of course, sister, I do not approve or condone what he did and I will keep my niece safe." He gently laid a giant hand on her stomach. "Well that makes it official, she's got the best uncle in the nine realms." She squeezed his hand, "Come on, if I know Loki, he will have woke no more than 5 minutes after I left." She pulled her hood up as did Thor to obscure their faces, she could have covered them in her cloaking but it was complicated and draining to maintain while moving and if she had to face Odin then she didn't need to be appearing weakened, he knew Thanos hadn't beaten her so as far as he knew she was the most dangerous creature in the nine realms. Thor jumped off his balcony and she followed suit, Thor catching her gently and they landed in the gardens. They quietly walked thru to the main hallways. Thor leaned out glancing around only to see four extra guards at the door. "We will have to take them out if we want past them." He whispered, Eloise leaned out briefly, seeing two guards on each side of the hallway. "Listen you just pretend to be taking a late night stroll. See if you can get them to leave, if not you take out the far two and you leave the other two to me." She quickly pulled two long knives from in her sleeves. He nodded and strolled out. "Hail, what has happened that my father has you guarding the front door tonight?" he boomed, drawing their attention as Eloise slipped behind the golden columns, coming up behind the two soldiers on the right side. "Just orders sir, we weren't told what to be looking for, just no one in or out." "Very well, I am just going for a stroll." "I apologize my prince, The allfather has said no one in or out, including you." At that point Thor grabbed both of the soldiers and knocked their heads together, knocking them out, only to have another soldier come flying past him hitting the wall with a thunk, Thor looked back to see Eloise knock the other out with a swift blow to his head from the handle of her knife.

"How did manage that?" He thumbed to the unconscious soldier that hit the wall. "Bucky taught me this neat jump, I'll teach you sometime." She grinned, straightening up, the hood having fallen from her face. She watched the blood drain from his face as she felt the cold steel of a blade pressed against her neck. "Amora." He growled, she nodded dropping one of her knives. "Well well well, dear princess you have returned to us! How lovely." She purred in Eloise's ear, "I'm sure you were just on your way to call on the allfather. " "But of course, Amora, I have somethings I'd like to discuss with him." She grabbed Amora's wrist pulling it back and twisting it while bringing her knife down. As she stabbed her she realized she had aimed too high and the hall quickly filled with soldiers. Thor simply held his hands up and Eloise shoved a bleeding Amora to the ground infront of her. "I'm here to see Odin." She spat out, glaring at everyone.

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