Chapter 14

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Eloise POV

Eloise froze, her breath hitched in her throat, Loki's proximity was intoxicating to her. "You feel it too?" Loki murmured into her cheek. "Thats the soul bonding. Our souls are calling to each other to be one." His hand reached down and intertwined with hers, he let out a shaky breath, "thats why its difficult for me, I still feel the full effect and being around you, its all I want. What does it feel like to you?" "Its... confusing." Eloise stammered. "Here let me brush your hair while you explain. " Eloise nodded turning around while Loki grabbed her hair brush, he sat down behind her and began gently working the brush thru her long curls.

She sat, quiet for a few moments, sorting thru her feelings as he deftly delt with her curls, "I used to do this all the time for you." He answered her unspoken question. "See that, how do you do that? Are you reading my thoughts?"Eloise asked sighing, "Not exactly, when the soul bonding is in full effect, yes we can communicate thru thoughts. I imagine if you tried to purposefully communicate I would be able to hear you. But I just happen to know you very well and as I said I used to do this for you alot. Does it make you unhappy?" "It... makes me uncomfortable and its confusing. On one hand physically being touched by you is confusing because I'm not normally a touchy feeling person, especially because I have no memory of you yet every time you do touch me... It feels incredibly intense and on some level I want more. Emotionally it makes me angry, being treated like I am this person that you know so deeply when to me you are a complete stranger and frankly you irritated me to no ends, you treat me as if I'm not a person, that I have no opinions or ideas of my own. Yet every once in a while you have these moments of senserity and it makes me just want to throw my self at you even though I know I shouldn't." Eloise finally just let it all out.

Loki had finished brushing out her hair and she could feel him staring a hole in the back of her head, almost willing her to turn around, she locked her jaw, he was probably using what ever soul bounding try to force her to connect with him."Thank you for your honesty with me. I will try to give you space. I don't want to drive you away. Its like I've been missing half of myself these past months and then to also find out you are carrying our child, I feel such joy and I want to keep you both safe." Loki reached around and gently rested his hand on Eloise's lower abdomen while leaning his head on her back. "If you two love birds are ready, we'd like to have a little chat about everything that happened yesterday. " Starks voice came from just outside the door, Eloise jumped up and ran to the door and threw it open. "When ever your ready, we'll be in the living room." Stark winked at her before walking away, taking in her damp hair and clean clothes and Loki sitting on her bed, .

"Ugh" Eloise put her hands over her face and turned and slid down the wall. "Are you ready?" Loki asked, standing up and offering her a hand. "Not remotely. Is there anyway I can convince you to just let me go?" She said not moving. Loki knelt down so they were face to face, "Not a chance. Like it or not I am yours heart and soul and something is going on and I will find out what it is. I will protect you... and our child", he spoke with absolute senserity, his finger under her chin forcing her face up so that her eyes would meet his. Her eyes filled with tears, she whispered, "and what if that is the reason I fail to protect the child? Is in letting you in?"

Loki POV

Loki's stomach dropped, watching tears drip from her face, she believed what she was saying. That she was better off protecting their child alone. "If that is what is required, then I will content myself to a life knowing you are safe. Now come on, let's go see what they want." He pulled her to her feet and for a moment crushed her to him, the idea of separation again too much for him to bare, as she clung to him.

Letting go of everything but her hand he led her out to the livingroom, where she greeted everyone, showing no outward signs of the inner turmoil she had just shown him. Bilgsnipe ran up to her happily barking and rolling over on his back. She dropped his hand and knelt down, "You traitor," she cooed at the beast while scratching its belly, "you are supposed to protect me and instead you run off and leave me alone and go make friends with the people that kidnapped me." "You shouldn't be keeping a hell hound as pet," Loki said from behind her, Eloise looked back at him still petting the dog,"a what?" "That is a hell hound in disguse. Hes dangerous. " Loki clarified, Eloise narrowed her eyes at him, "So am I if we're being honest, so are you. the dog stays. He keeps me safe. End of argument. " Eloise stood up and continued walking the beast jumped up and raced ahead of her running back and forth excitedly. Loki ruffled his hair, she had a point and hell hounds were notoriously loyal if they found someone they liked.

Eloise had already taken a chair so he couldn't sit next to her, so he sat across from her as the other avengers assembled, taking various seats. "Lets get started. " Stark said.

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