Chapter 35

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Loki POV

"Loki, I don't think she could hate you if she wanted to." Thor calmly stated. "You always assume the worst. What is wrong?" Loki began to pace,  "Do you remember that summer that we went to that grand summit for talks of peace and then you were sent home a day early and then we were told not to mention those peace talks again?" Thor shrugged, they had been to so many events like that he tended to glaze over at them, "Barely." Loki started to become frantic, "Thor, I think they were the last family of Fae, the royal family. He had them murdered when he found out, she and I were betrothed there, and then Odin murdered her family when he discovered what they were... and I think I may have been the one that told him." Loki paced, horrified. "But brother that was so long ago and she is but 25." "I know, I know but I suspect time works differently there. Oh Gods, what am I going to do? She will hate me when she remembers!" "Loki!" Thor grabbed him by the shoulders, "Brother, you aren't making sense. Go slower."

"She doesn't remember; there is another stone she has, it has her memories of that time, she was a child at the time and was so traumatized she ripped out her own memories so she wouldn't have to feel the pain. We went there to make a peace treaty, there were representatives from all the nine realms there, grand events and ceremonies, there were so many sisters, all beautiful and bright, they charmed everyone," Thor nodded slowly, finally vaugly recalling the all the beautiful sisters, "Yes, I remember now, I recall being quiet cross that you were to be betrothed to one of the sisters and I was not, they were all quiet beautiful.  Well till I saw the one they gave you, she was just a little child." "Think about that child, and Eloise, they are one in the same. We played together, gods knows how many ceremonies we snuck off from to go play in the forests." In his mind he could see all her sisters dancing, and Eloise, no more than four years old, her long curls already down to her waist, chasing after him thru the forests, her laugh ringing in his ears, "The day before the last day, I showed her a new spell Mother had taught me. She laughed at me, said one days she'd have more magic than me cause she was a fae.  That night I asked Odin because I did not understand what she had said." He covered his face with his hands, horrorified.

"The next day we were playing in the forests again, you and mother had been sent back to Asgard. I was supposed to go back too but I snuck off cause we wanted to play. But then we heard the screams start. I remember she raced back even faster than me, I found her holding on to one of her older sister, begging her not to go, she touched both of our cheeks, she asked me to take her away from there so they didn't find Eloise too. I had to drag her away, I dunno how far we ran but her father found us and he took her away." He had tears running down his face, remembering tiny Eloise blood all over her face and dress, her father carrying her away, her screaming as she tried to reach down to him. He had tried to bury that memory so far down. Thor reached for his brother and held him, sharing his grief.

Neither one of them heard Eloise walk up quietly behind them. "Brother you have to tell her." Loki whispered, "I know I just don't know how."  "You could start at the beginning. " she spoke up softly. The brothers broke apart. Loki couldn't bring himself to look her in her eyes. "I could feel your distress even thru my sleep, it woke me up." She crossed her arms, she had slipped on a loose dress and a sweater as if she was cold, "Loki, you can talk to me about anything." She reached for him, but he stepped away. "You don't understand, you are going to hate me. "  her express softened, "Loki, I could never hate you." Suddenly the bifrost opened and out stepped Odin.

Eloise POV

Eloise stiffened, but kept her expression calm, there was only one person who this could be as she looked at the elderly gentleman who stepped out of the bifrost, it could only be Odin. Loki and Thor stepped in front of her, she wondered if it was to protect her or to protect Odin from her. "Father." Thor acknowledged Odin.  "My sons, when you are called back to Asgard you are to return to Asgard." Eloise turned to head back inside, she really didn't feel like facing Odin and what ever he wanted in the loose dress Wanda had slipped her in. Loki grabbed her hand, "Its ok, I'll be right back. " she said softly, squeezing his hand. She waited till she was inside and out of Odins sight to reappear in her room, she didn't want to set him off. Steve walked into her room behind her, "Odins here. Better tell everyone else." She said turning around to pull on a pair of jeans, a long sleeve green shirt, and her boots. As she was about to go back down stairs she saw the two amethysts and the two crystals. She shoved them into her pockets, better to be safe than sorry. As she headed down the stairs, Bucky and Steve flanked her, "How bad is this gonna be doll?" Bucky asked, "I dunno but it has the potential to get really bad. If I loose control just get everyone else out." She whispered.

They stepped outside to see Odin, Thor, and Loki arguing. "I am not leaving her while she is still ill!" Loki shouted. Odin looked a critical eye over Loki's shoulder, meeting her gaze, "she appears well enough to me." "Actually All-father I am not well, but I decided it would be disrespectful to just go back to bed. " Eloise addressed him. "You will be silent! I did not address you!" Odin yelled at Eloise, Loki and Thor both looked back at her, she lowered her chin, staring Odin down, her face impassive. "I do not appreciate people speaking about me as if I am not standing right here." "Thor, Loki, you are to return with me to Asgard now." Odin commanded his voice thundering with rage, Loki stood between Odin and Eloise, "Father I will not, Eloise is my wife and I will not be parted with her again unless it is by her wish." "So you will defy your king then?! For some girl? Not even a girl, a creature that shouldn't exist." Eloise's voice broke, "My family did nothing to you, we wanted peace, all I want is to live my life in peace!" "You have no idea what you speak of." Odin hissed at her.  "You're right, I don't. But I can." With that she reached into her pocket and pulled out the two amethysts and crushed them. 

Loki POV

The second she crushed the amethysts, she dropped to her knees, letting out a scream of anguish. He wanted to go to her, to crush her to him and to let him know she wasn't alone, but he didn't dare move, he had to stay between her and Odin.  Her scream broke into distressed sobs. It was then he felt a powerful burst of magic from her, he looked at Odin whose mouth had fallen open, staring behind him. He risked a glance behind him to see a man with red curly hair kneeling in front of her, her face in his hands, her eyes were glowing and she was visibly shaking, SHIT he thought she has no control right now, he heard her father start whispering to her, "No, mo leanbh, don't give in, your sisters and mother wouldn't want this for you. You can get control of this. Do not become the very thing that destroyed our family." Slowly, he could feel her gain a modicum of control, enough for her to recognize her fathers words. Her father then turned to Odin, "See what you have done? You have brought hate and anger to a heart that could have been your home's greatest ally." Loki could see Eloise was barely listening, she looked horrified, looking further past even Odin, he started to turn when he heard a voice that made his blood run cold, "Thats right little princess, this is exactly what I wanted. Look at how powerful of a weapon you will be, you don't even know your own full potential yet." He whipped around to see Thanos, he had come for Eloise. 

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