Chapter 38

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Loki POV

Eloise curled up sitting on his lap, her face on his chest, relaxing completely into him, he could feel her heart beat, it was slow and irregular, even as she warmed up against him, her temperature was still well below normal, it wasn't long before she was deeply asleep. He held her for hours, stroking her hair and her face, drinking her in, the way she smelled, he never wanted to let her go again.

"Hmmmmm that sounds nice but admittedly impractical. " Eloise chuckled, her eyes still shut, "Sorry, after so long of you not talking to me for so long, you were basically shouting at me." She yawned, shifting stiffly, "I wish you'd sleep longer darling," Loki stroked her face, "Its getting harder to sleep comfortably anyway," she smiled up at him and began to stretch, " Hey I can move again. Thats handy, here help me up." He pulled her on to her feet, surprised at how big her abdomen actually was when she wasn't curled up, "One word about how large I am and I swear I'll leave you to rot in here," she gripped while stretching. He watched mesmerized as he could see her stomach twist and turn, the child moving inside, she caught him watching and her annoyed expression shifted into a shy sweet smile, "Here," she grabbed his hands and placed them on her stomach, it was surprisingly hard and he could feel their child inside moving and kicking. "Don't worry, she's just fine, Bruce and Tony have been keeping an eye on her and she's not suffered any of the problems I've been having." She reassured Loki, before moving away, placing her hands near the gilded edges of his cell, "I wouldn't touch those darling," he pulled her back against him, she turned and rolled her eyes at him, "I'm aware but I need to see what I'm up against. I'd like to try to do this without drawing attention before we are off Asgard. I mean why go nuclear if you can simply pick the lock and sneak out." "So whats the plan?" He kissed the ticklish spot right on her neck, making her giggle while she worked, her hands glowing as she worked, "Ummm well we have two plans, stealth or the nuclear option." He grabbed her hips, pulling her against him, nuzzling her neck, letting his hands keep her firmly against him. "And how are we getting off Asgard cause I won't allow you to hurt yourself trying to get us off of here." He nipped at her neck as she squirmed under his hands, "Heimdall will help us." She said with confidence.

He froze, "I wouldn't count on that darling." She turned around in his arms, pulling his head down to her, "I've already talked to him, he's aware of my presence and he will help us." She gently kissed him then gently bit his bottom lip, "Now let me do my work, otherwise this might not work if I'm not able to unlock this by the time Thor's down here to help us all leave." He chuckled and then pinned her against the wall, caging her in with his arms, "Its not my fault that you look just so tempting and you know how I love it when you are being devious." She briefly grinned at him before her expression shifted, "Shit Odin's coming." She vanished, he felt her drop to the ground, Act natural she instructed him, he quickly began pacing, trying not to look at where he knew she was sitting.

Eloise POV

Eloise froze under her cloaking magic, she was invisible to everyone and her magic was hidden, the only danger was with Loki pacing he might accidentally trip on her so she rolled herself into as small of a ball as she could. "Come to gloat?" Her head snapped up at Loki who sneered at Odin. "The girl is no longer on earth." Odin simply stated, eyeing Loki for a reaction. "Where has she gone?" Loki jerked his face surprised, Tell him I've likely gone to Fairy, I moved the entrance so he won't be able to find it. She heard Loki acknowledge her. "And why should I tell you? Its not like I'm really inclined to help you." "Forever is a long time in a cell, my son. I might be inclined to allow you to be more comfortable once you prove your usefulness. " Eloise nearly hissed listening to Odin, she was seeing red and she wanted nothing more than punch him in his stupid old man face, Darling would you please calm down? While it is endearing to see you so protective of me, I won't let him under my skin, his thoughts soothed her, would it be acceptable to blame my hormones? She showed him the time the other day she nearly stabbed Tony over the last bagel, I mean you can but we both know its more than that and good girl, you need to be eating more, Loki pretended to be considering Odin's offer while they conversed.
Eloise allowed herself to admire Loki as a way to distract herself, even imprison he cut a delicious figure, she imagined him pinning her again, this time no one interrupting, tangling her hands in his soft curls, pulling lightly so she could kiss his jaw, letting one hand drift down to pull off his shirt... She felt Lokis thoughts drift briefly following hers and she saw his expression shifted from angry to hungry, SHIT SORRY! she thought, fortunately Odin seemed to have attribute his change of expression to the desire for more freedom. Dear as much as I love those salacious thoughts of yours, I think we'd best table that for now. She chuckled softly in her head, I make no promises, given half a chance I will climb you like a tree. Alright back to it, mustn't let him get suspicious, mentally pushing him back to Odin.

Loki dramatically sighed, "I don't know exactly where she is but I suspect if she's gone from Heimdalls sight, then she has either gone to Fairy or she may have decided to join Thanos." Ohhhhh that's brilliant, she chimed in. God its so attractive when you are tricky. "And why son would she do that?" Odin kept his face impassive but she got the distinct impression that made him nervous. "She was drifting closer to the darkness before I was imprisoned, without a steadying influence and given that you murdered most of her family, what reason would she have to stay loyal to you? Thanos himself promised to give her the chance to kill you herself as we were pulled from earth. Now had you let me return to her, I probably could have kept her from turning to Thanos but you locked me up here." Loki shrugged, as Odin considered what Loki had told him. "Very well I shall see if what you say has merit." He turned and strode out of sight. Both Loki and Eloise stayed still for a few minutes to make sure he was truly gone.

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