Chapter 37

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Loki POV

She didn't reach for him or say another word, she just stared at him, her hand resting on her swollen abdomen. Despite the fact that she is clearly mad at him, he is secretly glad to see her. "I guess this answers why you didn't come back." She looked around, its an oddly stiff gesture as if its painful and she looked exhausted and too thin. "What was Banner doing to you?" He whispered, already knowing the answer. She pursed her lips, "Feeding tube and iv fluids for a while." He glared at her, "You should have been eating, if for no other reason the baby needs it." She raised her eyebrows, a fire lighting within her eyes, "It wasn't by fucking choice, I tried, and everything would come back up, I have vomited so much, I have literally broken bones trying to hold myself up and you have the audacity to tell me I WASN'T FUCKING TRYING! NO! NO! NO! YOU DONT GET TO DO THIS LOKI!" She shouted at him but oddly she didn't move her body and her cheeks don't flush. She took a big breath, "and another thing I am sooooooo fucking pissed with you. I have been trying to get your attention for nearly a month now."

Loki stands, steeling himself to hear she hates him, his voice cold as ice, "Then say what you've come to say and be done with it then." "What is wrong with you? Why are you shutting me out?" Her tone changed and she speaks softly, her eyes reproachful. "I am already in a prison Eloise, I don't want to spend my days watching you waste away and I don't want to hear you say you ha-hate me." His voice breaking with emotion. Her mouth falls open, "What on earth gave you that idea?" "I thought it was obvious. " he began to pace across the small cell, she closed her eyes and was so quiet he thought perhaps she had fallen asleep.

Suddenly she started laughing, "Whats so funny?" he cautiously asks her. "Loki, you are normally so much smarter than me!" She kept laughing, tears streaming down her face, he makes a small smile. "God, I want to shake you, kiss you, and slap you all at once." She kept chuckling, she lifted her hand as if if to wipe her face but her hand drops before she can. "Sorry, love, doesn't work that way. " he smiles sadly, thinking of the time he tried to hold her, "You idiot, that's why I kept reaching out to you, I needed to be able to tether myself to someone, to get it right. Instead thanks to you being a fucking dramatic prat, I had to use Thor and you know what? I made it last night, and do you also know what your brother sleeps FUCKING NAKED! Do you have any idea how terrifying that was to scare the crap out of your giant ass brother and then to have him fucking run at me with that giant fucking hammer while fucking naked?!? We are damn lucky that both of our screams didn't wake the entire damn castle." As her words sink in he started to slowly walk towards her, kneeling down next to her, he got eye level with her, she smirked back at him, as he reached a shaking hand out to her face. His fingers barely brushing her icy skin when his eyes open wide with shock, she's actually here in the flesh.

He crushed her to him, not caring how angry she would be with him, he pulled her on to his lap, one hand twisting in her hair, he crushed his lips to hers, a small moan coming from her lips, her mouth opening to his, her only movement was to grab his shirt. It was then he realized she felt like ice. "Odin's beard your freezing," without releasing her, he snagged his blanket off the ground  and wrapped it around the both of them. "Traveling across realms without the bifrost isn't easy," she smiled up at him, limp in his arms, "If it was easy everyone would do it. I'm still mad at you though. " she shivered, he wrapped himself around her. He kept a hold of her afraid she would disappear again, kissing her temple, her cheek, her fingers, her neck, her lips, she chuckled, "Now this is a much more appropriate reaction," trying to lift her hand he grabbed it and held it to his face. "Yes but at what cost darling? Please don't misunderstand me, words can not describe how I feel right now having you back in my arms. But you can't stay, Odin won't hesitate to kill you if he finds you and he isn't letting me out, darling." he pulled her face in for another series of deep kisses that leave them both gasping for air. "Oh," she said, grinning mischievously when they've finished, "This isn't a visit love, this is a rescue mission."

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