Chapter 42

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Fraiser's Ridge
Bear McCreary

Eloise POV

The next six weeks passed in a blur as time grew close for Eloise to give birth. Loki and Eloise spent their time together: happily arguing over baby names, "Loki we are not naming her Denara!" "Well I don't like Greer." "What about Solandis?" "That I actually like. Solandis it is." He murmured while kissing her stomach as they lay tangled in bed together. "Solandis Frigga, for your mother,"Eloise added as she pulled Loki up to kiss her, exploring the forests and mountains near their home together, and just relaxing in each other's company, reading together, playing chess, watching movies, they even had all the Avengers up for a game night, Tony had to send a replacement kitchen table after Sam, Bucky, Thor, Loki, Eloise, and Tony had played monopoly. But Eloise knew their peace and time together was a temporary reprieve.

At night after Loki had long since fall asleep, she would paced the floors at night, the two crystals calling to her, each night becoming worse and worse till she would just sit in front of them, her hands tangled in her hair over her ears trying to block out the sound. When she did sleep Thanos filled her dreams, "Tick took my little queen, soon you and your child will be mine." He grinned at her, holding her up to look at her. "You can't hold me off much longer." She never told Loki, knowing there was nothing either of them could do right now. She had to take her happiness when she could have it.

One cold afternoon, she couldn't get comfortable, her back aching terribly, Loki finally noticed her groaning, and her repeated pacing around their home. "Whats going on here?" He put his finger underneath her chin, pulling her face to look him in the eyes. "Just back pain. I just need to get your daughter off my spine and maybe I can rest." Eloise jerked her face away irritable, he gently rubbed her lower back. "Darling, at the risk of you biting my head off I don't think this is just back pain..." as she groaned thru another wave of pain, "I know... but let's pretend for just a few minutes ok before we call anyone." Eloise panted.

Loki POV

Loki helped her upstairs before going to call Dr. Banner. "Yeah, she's definitely in labor but I'm not sure how painful the contractions are, I think she's down playing it." "That would be typical of her, and she also has a high tolerance for pain. Alright I am on my way. Thor says he is coming too. Dammit Tony no you aren't coming. She will have enough to deal with she doesn't need you too."

Eloise POV

While Loki was downstairs, Eloise moved quietly, she knew he wouldn't be away long. She grabbed a small backpack, some leggings, a shirt, and Loki's jacket, the crystals, and she sat down to write a note. She shoved everything in her bag and under the desk just as Loki came up the stairs, "there you are, Bruce is on his way, Thor too,", she nodded wiping the sweat from her forehead, "We can send Thor away if you want..." "Thor is fine, I don't mind, you need support too, UGHHHHHHHH," she doubled over, Loki held her both waiting for the pain to pass. "What do you need?" He asked when she straightened up, "I need to keep moving, dance with me?" "I'd love to darling." Her purred in her ear, turning on her favorite music and twirling her around the room when she wasn't having a contraction, when she was he just held her, rubbing her back.

By the time, Bruce and Thor arrived, things had picked up considerably, Eloise asked Thor to stay down stairs unless they called for him. "Of course sister, and may I say you look radiant right now?" He gently kissed her forehead, "You may but talk to me again right now and I will smack you with mjölnir," he laughed and then went down stairs to wait. Bruce gave her the once over, "Alright Eloise you are very close, I'd guess it won't be more than another hour, Loki can you help me set somethings up." Eloise paced along the bookshelf, when the hair on the back of her neck stood up and she heard a quiet sinister voice in her head, "Good and soon both of you will be in my grasp." Thanos whispered. "No," she whispered as another pain gripped her, and her water broke. "Ughhhhhhhhhhh," Loki grabbed her taking her weight before she collapsed, sitting her on the extra bed they had set up, "Bruce!?" "Let me check her again, yup its time to have a baby. Eloise, with the next pain I need you to push."

"Loki can you hand my chapstick?" She pointed to a small jar on her nightstand, when he did she smeared a small amount on her lips, careful not to lick her lips after that. "Alright push for 10 seconds, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, annnnnnnd 10, good, wow this is going to be fast, again 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, annnnnnnd 10, good alright take a breath." As she took a deep breath, she looked over at Loki's smiling face, "You are doing so great," he whispered, squeezing her hand. "As she held back tears she kissed him for all she was worth. "I lo-ov-e y-ou." She stumbled over her words, "hey its alright, I love you too, its all gonna be ok." He wrapped her in a brief hug, she tensed the next contraction beginning, "Alright guys I think we're gonna meet baby with this one," Bruce smiled up at her and Loki, Loki's expression changing to one of confusion, he turned to Eloise, his expression befuddled, "What have you done you little minx?" As his knees buckled and he hit the ground, she carefully wiped her lips clean. Bruce moved to check him out as Eloise grunted, "I'll help him in a minute, push Eloise, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and there's her head, and the rest!" Bruce placed a small, bloody, beautiful little girl on Eloise's chest gently rubbing the baby till she gave a startled little yell. Tears poured from Eloise's face as Bruce took a second to look at Loki, "Sleep." She whispered, her magic engulfing him as he slumped over next to Loki. "I'm so sorry both of you."

"Most of all to you little one. My little Solandis," she kissed the baby's forehead, "but I won't let him have you." She held the small bundle close to her chest. "Lets go meet your uncle." She shakily got to her feet and magiced herself clean and healed as much as she could and she walked down stairs. Thor was shocked to see her coming down the stairs. "Here's your niece," she shyly handed over the small squirming bundle to his giant hands, "Thor I need you to help me do something. "

Loki POV

Loki woke up to a splitting headache, sleeping draft, he thought, as he sat up Banner and Thor having a quiet discussion over the bassinet. "Wheres Eloise?" He asked getting to his feet, Thor looked at him with tears in his eyes, he grabbed him up wrapping his arms around him, holding him in place, "She's gone brother. Thanos was coming for both of them. She has gone to try and head him off from discovering your child." "No, she can't this place is safe," "She's been hearing him for weeks, she said. She wouldn't allow him to take her and she knew if she told you've, you would have never allowed her to go. She left you this note." Thor released him and handed him a note.

My dearest Loki,

I am so sorry, love. What I am doing is unforgivable but Thanos is coming for both of us and I cannot let Solandis to fall into his hands. I love both of you more than my own life. Please tell her of my love and don't give into your baser desires. Keep her safe. She is of the fae and will be incredibly strong. Thor will help you. I have hidden some of his memories of what happened that will only be made known to him if I don't fail. Please don't hate me.

I love you,

He folded the note and looked at Thor. "You let her leave." his voice full of venom, "Brother, she was determined, even I could feel something was moving closer, can you not feel it brother? She charged me with keeping both of you safe."

A scream ripped thru Loki's head, ""Eloise. " he vanished, using the pull of her scream to help him find her. She was standing on the top of a mountain, a storm raging around her, Thanos infront of her, she held a large rough dark crystal in her hands, "My child is dead, my husband gone, you promised me my revenge." He was among the trees, held in place by something, unable to move closer.

"Make your choice, child, and I shall help you as you help me." Thanos said to her, Eloise glanced briefly at Loki, her eyes wide, she thought I am so sorry my love, she stabbed the crystal into her stomach and screamed again. She dropped to her knees, blood running over her hands and stomach, dark energy pulsing around her, a dark cloud enveloped her and she reappeared, standing her staff in hand with the dark crystal on top, "Rise, my daughter." Both vanished and Loki dropped from where he was standing.

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