Chapter 16

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Author note
First of all Happy New Year and thanks for reading my first story, I really appreciate it and everyone who likes my work! I know I've never included an author note before but I've been actually thinking about adding one for a while. I try and update my story everyday, usually in the morning, cause I actually finished writing it before I even began to publish it, and I'm currently working on the sequel and roughly hashing out a prequel as well. Also once in a while I will include some music that really helped me write or inspired me while writing. I actually have whole Playlist just for the books I'm writing.

California by Ricky Montgomery

Eloise POV

Eloise tried to ignore her guilt about ditching Loki and fooling Tony and guessed she'd be in for a tongue lashing the minute she was back in his sight. But to be honest she was ok with it. She needed a little space to breathe to think thru some stuff and a two hour drive was just the thing she needed plus it was becoming clear she was Mrs. God of Tricksters so he really should have expected her to pull something she reasoned with herself. So she turned up the radio, blaring her favorite music enjoying flying down the highway with Bilgsnipe in the passenger seat.

Loki POV

Now that he wasn't riding with Eloise he decided to just transport himself and Stark there so he be there when Eloise arrived. As he paced out front waiting for her to arrive he tried to calm his anxieties, he could feel that she was fine and that she was getting closer, which he realized that their soul bounding was opening up again, not only that he could feel her location and what she was feeling but that she had felt his emotions as well. After a couple of hours the low roar of an engine drew his attention as an orange convertible sped up to the front of the building, Eloise guiltily waved at him as she passed him to pull into the garage. Her hair was wind swept, her color high, merriment in her eyes that melted away any remaining anger he'd had.

He followed her to the garage where she was penitentally was waiting, leaning against the car, her eyes on the ground. "Hi," she murmured, trying to hide a smile. "Did you have a good time?" He drew close to her, resting his head against hers, "Yes I did. I'm sorry I scared you, I just want a little time to be on my own and I was afraid you'd say no, worrying about me getting in a wreck or attacked by stormtroopers, or some other nonsense." "It has been a long afternoon, come let's get you and that beast settled before dinner. Also what is a stormtrooper?" Loki grabbed her bag and offered her his arm. She giggled, "I'll tell you later." accepting his arm and let him lead the way with Bilgsnipe bringing up the rear.

Loki lead her up to the rooms, "Stark has given us a suite, bedrooms are separate but everything else is shared, and you have a balcony with seating area. " he said giving her the tour. "Is this alright?" He asked, watching Eloise look around, "Yes," "I'll leave you to unpack."

Eloise POV

She felt a rush of gratitude towards Loki. She wanted to unpack her few belongings. She didn't have much and some of it she didn't even understand why they meant so much but she felt they were keys to helping unlock her memories. Perhaps later she'd ask Loki if he recognized anything, after all he'd recognized the bag. She hung up her few outfits, mainly t-shirt, jeans, leggings, a greecian style dress that went from a pale green at the top all the way to a green so dark it was almost black, a long green and black and green leather jacket that was huge on her, she sat her shoes underneath, she only had a pair of running shoes, her black ballet flats and her boots, and then she plugged in her laptop and her phone. Lastly she took out a small hand carved wooden box, inlaid with opals shaped into flowers, she opened it to look at her few treasures, a smooth purple amethyst, a pair of delicate silver bracelets that were shaped like vines and a emerald ring. She tucked the box into her night stand and flopped down on her bed, to see someone land on her balcony and knock on the glass door. Eloise glanced at Bilgsnipe who glanced at the person and went back to sleep. Taking that as confirmation as this person meant no harm, Eloise jumped up and opened the door.

"Hello, I'm sorry to interrupt, Steve said that some new people were joining us and that one was a girl and I just couldn't wait. My name is Wanda." The stranger gushed with a eastern European accent, "Eloise, please come in," she moved aside and Wanda walked in, looking around, "Steve said you can do magic? I can move stuff around with my mind, we should practice together during training. There's a clothes closet and it has anything you could want, you are more than welcome to help yourself, I can show you tomorrowif you like." Wanda had an effecious smile, long light red-brown hair, and blue eyes. Eloise liked her instantly. "Everyone will be meeting for dinner soon, shall I show you the way?" "Sure, that would be great. Hold on let me grab Loki." "The dark haired guy who walked in with you, he's handsome, is he your boyfriend?" Scarlett inquired, Eloise blushed "He's sort of my husband, I guess, its a long story."

"Ladies," Loki smiled, "I overheard my name," he purred looking over at Eloise. "Wanda, Loki, Loki, Wanda." Eloise keeping introductions short, Loki had changed clothes, and he looked mouth watering in his black dress pants and his green shirt that was partially unbuttoned that exposed his chest. "Eloise, darling." He smiled and came over running his nose across her jaw, before placing a small kiss on her cheek. "Shall we go to dinner?"

Loki POV

He watched Eloise across the table thru dinner. Her cheeks were faintly sun kissed, she was laughing and smiling. He loved seeing her like this. Soon dinner was nearly finished he could feel the pull of her thoughts, she was beginning to feel tired and he felt a touch of apprehension. "Lets get you off to bed before you fall asleep at the table and start snoring in front of your new friends. " He appeared behind her, whispering in her ear. He expected her to jump but instead, she smiled, "Nice try but I could feel your magic. But yes, I think I would like to go back to my room." "Here let me, they'll never even know we left." Loki offered his hand, she reached up and took it. She blinked and they appeared in her room. "Thank you, " she smiled at him. "I will take my leave. If you need anything, I'm just in the other room. Good night my darling. " Loki kissed her hand while gazing at her face. He left her to go to bed.

Eloise POV

Eloise paced around her room after Loki left, delaying going to sleep even though she was tired. She always had nightmares, she could already feel them pulling her in try as she might fight them. After an hour though she couldn't fight sleep any longer so she changed into an overly large hufflepuff t shirt and got in bed, calling out to Bilgsnipe who jumped onto the bed and settled in behind her knees and she turned out the lights.

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