Chapter 19

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Loki POV

Loki grabbed several tacos, a couple of waters, a blanket and headed off to the forest. He paused at the tree line, focusing on her location, she sent him a corresponding mental image, she wasn't far, she could see him. When he reached the trunk of the tree he laid out the blanket, as she watched him amused from near the top of the tree. "Get down here before you break your neck." Loki called, shading his eyes as he looked at her, her eyes glittering with mischief, "What would you do if I said make me?" she asked jeeringly. "Then I'd be forced to come get you Princess. Who knows what I might do with you trapped up there." He teased. "Fine," she grumbled, climbing down.

"And just for clarification, I'm no princess." She said, as she jumped down from the last branch. "You married a prince of Asgard, so yes, darling you are in fact a princess. Even if it is to the second son." He pulled her down onto the blanket and handed her a water bottle and a replacement taco. "Eat, before you loose this one too." She stuck her tongue out at him but ate the taco. "So Thor is your older brother then?" Eloise inquired "Well, yes well sort of. I guess I'm the younger adopted son." Loki laid back, shifting uncomfortably, "Adopted?" She asked quietly, "I forget you don't remember, yes Odin stole me from Jotunheim, I'm the younger son of Laufey, king of the frost giants." "Frost giants and asgardians look similar then? Cause you look like your brother. " she took a drink of water looking him over with a critical eye. He sighed; shifting his appearance he closed his eyes rather than see her reaction, preparing himself to deal with her rejection.

He felt her move closer to him, " May I?" She softly asked, a hand held out only an inch from his face. Her face was looking at him in wonder. He was amazed at her capacity for acceptance yet again. He nodded, a lump forming in his throat, he then felt an incredible lightness trailing over his forehead ridges as she traced them with her fingers, he felt her gently poke at his thoughts with hers, he opened himself up to feel a wave of wonder and understanding, no fear, no anger, no rejection. She took off her jacket and folded it so she could lay her head on it and laid next to him and pulled her to him, holding him tenderly against her, stroking his hair as he closed his eyes and let his asgardian appearance come back. Soon both of them were fast asleep.

Loki woke first, he slowly stretched out, worming his way out of Eloise's embrace, just so he could watch her sleep. Gently he placed his hand on small swell of her abdomen where he daughter lay. "Hello little princess," he began to speak softly to their baby, he told her of their home, of the palace there, of her grandmother Frigga, his love for her mother, he was in the middle of telling her all he wanted to teach her when Eloise woke up, he felt her concousiousness switch on, but she remained still and quiet only moving to place her hand on top of his.

When he finished, he picked up her hand and kissed each finger, making Eloise giggled, opening her eyes, "Very romantic," she commented. "Only for you my darling," he stretched back out, laying the length of of his body against hers, propping his head up to look at her. "Thank you," he said solumly, "For what?" She asked startled. He gazed at her before continuing, "Fot accepting me, I half expected you to run screaming for the hills but as usual I've underestimated you. Forgive me?" "On one condition." She bit her lip hesitating, he raised an eyebrow waiting for her to continue, "Is our daughter going to be blue? I'm not asking to be mean, I just want to know." He chuckled, "As far as I know no, genetically speaking from what Banner pulled up she looks to be related closer to you."

Eloise POV

"How do you feel about all of this?" She asked rolling to face him, mirroring his position. "We haven't had a chance to talk about everything," he nodded, "Mostly I am just so happy to have you back, I want to figure out how to fix your memory, worried about what happened to you and whose after you, I don't know how to help you, to keep you and our child safe. I feel like there is something you are keeping from me, I want to know about what you saw in your dream..." she felt herself get cold, she turned away and sat up, "Come on its getting dark," she glanced at the setting sun, "We should go." "Please, Eloise," he pleaded sitting up too, "Don't shut me out." She tried to smile at him but it didn't reach her eyes, picking up their trash and the blanket, she let Loki take her hand and lead her back.

Loki POV

She didn't say anything else all the way back inside, seemingly lost in her own thoughts. After dropping off the blanket, they went to the kitchen and Loki asked, "What would you like for dinner?" Eloise looked surprised, "You cook?" She took a seat at one of the stools in the kitchen and watched him with a smile putting her hands under her chin, "Actually no but I'm sure I could figure out something," he glanced around the kitchen. He looked back to find Eloise snickering at him. "Sit down your royal highness and let me do the cooking," she vacated her seat and went rummaging about while she found something that she liked, "Would toasted sandwiches be alright?" She asked, "I'll eat anything you make." Loki said giving her puppy dog eyes with a smile. Eloise quickly fixed their meal and sat down across from him. "And look what I found, ice cream for dessert." She held up a container. "Whats ice cream?" He asked. She dropped her sandwich back on to her plate, "You don't know what ice cream is?" She said incredulously. "Should I?" Loki responded.

"Omg does Thor not know either? We have to fix this. Change of plans, we're going out after dinner, eat and then you go get Thor and I'll meet you out front." Eloise took a couple of bites of her sandwich and ran off to get her stuff.

Loki and Thor were waiting out front when Eloise pulled up, "Sister, Loki says you wish to go on an adventure for... iced cream?" Thor says getting in the back set of the orange convertible. "First of all, its ice cream not iced cream, second it delicious, third there is no way I'm missing your twos faces the first time, forth I'm pregnant so ice cream is a must have at any given time." Loki got into the front seat. Eloise grinned at him and stepped on the gas petal.

Eloise POV

She left Thor and Loki standing next to the car and came back out with three cups of ice cream, " So I wasn't sure what flavors to get so I got a couple, we've got neoplitian; that's vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry so you can try all three, peppermint; which is one of my personal favorites, and bubble gum, just to mix it up." She smiled setting the ice cream on the trunk and held out spoons. The brothers took them hesitantly, Eloise decided they needed a push so she dug her spoon into the peppermint ice cream and took a bite, "Mmm, I promise you, you'll love it," smiling she watched Thor take a bite of the bubble gum ice cream and Loki took a small bite. "This is wonderful, we must get more!" Thor took several bites, clearly enjoying it "Aghhhhh what is this? It hurts my head!" Eloise tried not to giggle, "Oh shit, yeah don't eat took much too fast, you'll get brainfreeze." Loki had taken several bites of each of the ice cream flavors his expression shifting from one of distrust to surprise to enjoyment, finally he snagged the peppermint out of her hands, "I like this one." "Fine we'll share," Eloise snagged the bite off his spoon that he was about to take.

After finishing the ice cream she had bought, Eloise went back in and got pints of the strawberry and two of the peppermint to bring back to Avengers campus. They made the journey home quickly, Eloise enjoying listening to the brothers bickering back and forth about which was the best.

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