Chapter 22

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Loki POV

"Brother, how does Lady Eloise fair? I have not seen her since our journey to find ice cream." Thor found his brother wandering the hallways. "I think she's fine, well maybe she just got hurt, she's angry with me right now and won't let me see her." Loki said with distress. "It can't be that bad, she always forgives you." Thor consoled his brother. "What if I go find her and check up on her? Would that ease your distress?" Thor offered. "Would you? I told her I would let her come to me when she is ready to talk, but I'm worried, she took a hard fall when training and I think her rib was broken." Loki fidgeted, torn between wanting to respect her boundaries and wanting to know she was well, "Never fear dear brother, she isn't as delicate as she looks." Thor set off down the hall, "Don't remind me, she's thrown me twice today" Loki said with a hint of a smirk as Thor walked away.

Eloise POV

Bucky was just helping her leaving the training rooms, when Thor came down the hallway, "Dear sister, have you sustained an injury? Here let me carry you?" He scooped her up before she could protest, Bucky letting go of her arm, "Are you good?" He checked, "Yes, Thor is fine, he doesn't upset me." Eloise waved over Thor's shoulder as he walked away. It was easier than walking all the way back to her rooms. "What is your injury?" He asked, "Oh just a dislocated rib, Bruce already fixed it, I just have to sit still for a while. Did Loki send you to check on me?" Eloise asked pointedly. "I will not lie to you sister, I offered, he was most distressed." Eloise motioned to cover his mouth, "Stop. I don't want to hear anymore. I get it he is your brother, but I'm just starting to feel a little bit better and if you continue it will be your fault if I go and pick another fight with him and I can't guarantee there will be anyone there to stop me this time from actually hurting him. " Thor nodded in agreement, " Very well sister, where would you like to go?" They had reached her suite, "You can just sit me here on the couch. I'll probably just put on a movie and rest up like the good doctor told me to." Thor deposited her on the couch and spent a good amount of time arranging pillows so she was supported and the wrapped her in a blanket, "Is there anything you require?" He asked,"Perhaps I could join you?" Eloise was surprised, she just assumed he would take off after dropping her off, "Uh sure, why don't you go get some snacks and drinks while I figure out what to watch."

Loki POV

Loki was pacing in the kitchen when Thor came bounding in. "A dislocated rib is all brother." Thor answered him before he could ask. He began pulling out various food and drinks out of the cabinets and the refrigerator. "What are you doing?" Loki asked. "The lady Eloise is required to rest so I am bringing her snacks and drinks and I have offered to sit and watch movies with her." Thor explained, grabbing the food and heading up the stairs.

Eloise POV

Thor sure took snacking to the extreme, he had grabbed just about everything. "So I have no idea what you have seen and what you havent, so I'm not sure what you would want to watch." Thor smiled, opening a bottle of water and handing it to her, he then sat at the end of the couch next to her feet, "What ever you wish, I have not watched many movies at all." She thought about it for a moment, "How about the Harry Potter series? It has wizards and witches in it." "Do any of them turn into snakes to scare people? Loki did that to me once and then stabbed me." Thor laughed, "Really? He did? I thought that was a myth." Eloise leaned forward joining him in with a giggle which turned into a hiss as her rib protested the motion. Loki quietly entered the room, trying to walk past without drawing attention to himself. Eloise's eyes narrowed in on him, "You." She pointed at him and he froze, waiting "I'm still not talking to you but as we share these room, it seems unfair to ask you to stay out, so here's the deal, you can join us to watch the movies but you stay over there and I don't want to talk about anything but the movies got it?" Loki nodded, sitting on the chair opposite.

Eloise then hit play. By the time they reached Prisoner of Azkaban the mood had lighten considerably, the three were laughing together, Eloise giggling as Thor and Loki debated the best house to be sorted into, "I will settle this cause both of you are wrong, hufflepuffs are the best house and that's all there is to it." She settled that debate, throwing grapes at both of the brothers. "How do you know which house you would be sorted into?" Loki asked, catching the grape with his hand, "Hand me my phone and we can sort you right now," Eloise held out her hand, Loki came over and knelt next to the couch, while she pulled up Pottermore. Eloise helped him thru the sorting ceremony which sorted into "Slytherin." She noticed he frowned a bit, "Hey, not all slytherins are bad, plus hufflepuffs tend to be friends with slytherins cause we don't judge." She poked his cheek trying to make him smile. He leaned into her hand and held her hand to his cheek. It was then they noticed that Thor had slipped out leaving them alone. His eyes pleaded with her for forgiveness. She rolled her eyes in exasperation, "Ugh alright I forgive you, but here is the deal, you will respect my boundaries. I understand you want to help, but I have only just met you like a week ago and you are moving way faster than me. Just give me sometime, please?" She placed her other hand on his cheek, pulling his face towards hers. "Of course darling," he thought to her, not wanting to ruin the moment with words. He hesitated just before their lips touched, she pulled him forward, sealing their promise with a kiss. His lips were cool to the touch yet they burned her with an intensity that she didn't want to stop, she intertwined her fingers in his hair pulling very lightly, he moaned her name into her lips and deepened their kiss, nipping at her lips, before she knew it he was picking her up and siting down so that she was now seated on his lap, his hands roaming, one lightly caressing her curves, the other stroking her curls. Smiling against his lips she began to kiss all the way down to his neck where she lightly bit him, he gasped grabbing her chin and forcing her to look at him his green eyes glittering, she could get lost in those eyes forever, "Wife, if you do that again, I shall reclaim you tonight." She smirked at him and leaned in to press her lips to his neck again just to see what he would do, when she winced from bending her ribs and she hissed from the pain. "Oh darling, I had forgotten you're injured, no more for tonight." he said firmly.

Loki carefully picked her up and took her to her room, "Please? What if all I need is kisses to get better?" She flirted, holding on to him as he tried to sat her down. "We don't want you getting hurt worse, please don't make this any harder than it has to be." Loki kept trying to detangle himself.
Finally Eloise realized she wasn't going to win and rolled over to the other side of the bed and got up. "Where are you going?" Loki asked her suspiciously, "No where just getting ready for bed." Eloise reached into her closet pulling out a pale blue silk night dress, she quickly shucked off her leggings and t shirt, pulling off her bra she then thru it directly on to Loki's shocked face and then slipped into her night dress and walked passed him and got in back in bed wearing an innocent expression. "What a dangerous game you are trying to play with me. But not tonight love. I will not have you hurting when I make love to you again." He smiled as he kissed her forehead and then left the room.

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