Thrown away.

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"I promised myself that I would do better. What the fuck is wrong with me? This is the last straw. I have to get off the drugs man." He seemed to be mumbling to himself. His cheeks were red and there was a vein popping out of his forehead. He truly had no idea who I was.

He didn't remember anything.

He didn't remember our first conversation.

Our rooftop adventures.

Our first kiss.

First time we slept together.

But I didn't forget anything. I didn't forget a single thing.

My mouth was so dry. I stared at him. I looked at him. I tried to meet his gaze. I was hoping that by the look of my eyes, I would remind him of everything he had forgotten.

He was just looking at me like I was crazy. I could feel that he had a sense of hatred towards me.

Tears began to stain the back of my eyelids and I kept questioning to myself "What went wrong?"

We had done everything that June told us.

I looked at his brown soft hair. I looked at his dark eyebrows. I looked at the scar between them. I love that his lips. Fear crept inside of me. It was the fear that I will never be able to kiss those lips again.

How can you know someone so well? How can you know someone that has no idea who you are?

I have to meet him all over again. Except this time he isn't stuck with me. He's going to leave. He's going to go back to Sarah. She is all he knows. He has no idea of the life that we could've created together. It doesn't even exist to him anymore.

I am empty.

"Who are you? And what's up with all this blood? It looks like a fucking crime scene here. Did you fall or something?" He now slowly started standing up.

He was right. My entire body felt cold and sticky. I felt sopping wet. I used all the strength that I had to look away from him and observe myself and my surroundings. There was blood everywhere. The most blood was staining the front of my T-shirt. I must've looked terrifying right now.

As terrifying as I may look right now, there is nothing more terrifying than having the man you love forget all the things that made you love him.

I swallowed my tears and what little was left of my pride and said "I am okay."

"Are you sure? There's blood every fucking where. You sure you don't want to get up and look for a cut or something? I can call an ambulance for you." A concerned look began to grow on his face.

Who is this stranger?

"I'm fine." I hushed out.

"Okay. Whatever." He groaned.

He held out his hand.

I couldn't help but stare for a moment. Everything is still so raw to me. But soon enough, I grabbed his hand. A stunning realization had hit. His once ice cold, lifeless fingers, were now  filled with warmth I have never known. He truly was back alive. He was mortal again.

"Do you mind telling me where the fuck I am? And how the fuck I got here?" He said in almost a playful form of tone. As much as I wish I could joke right now, the emptiness inside me is consuming me.

"You're in Colorado. I don't know how you got here. I can't really remember much myself." I lied.

That's the whole problem. I remember everything.

"Well fuck. I should get going then. Don't worry this isn't the first time something like this has happened to me. I just make a couple phone calls and get myself straight. Hope you're okay tho and you probably should see a doctor. But, what do I know, I'm just a fucking musician?"

He began racing towards the front door and I rushed out and said "My name is Kat. You don't remember me at all? You don't remember anything?"

"Look, if we slept together or something last night, I am sorry. I have a wife. So I wasn't looking for anything serious. I'm sure it was great and I'm sure we had a great time but I really need to get going now. I'm sorry if I lead you on. You really should see a doctor though, Kat." He winked and closed the door behind him.

He left like I was nothing.

My knees began to buckle. Looking at the emptyness that once was the love of my life was now suffocating me.

I dropped on my knees and I let out a cry.

In times like these I can understand why my mother is the way she is. Words can't express how badly I want to find the strength to pretend nothing ever happened.

I let my forehead rest against the cold wooden flooring. I balled my hand into a fist and I beat them into the flooring. I used all the strength I could muster. With every pound pain shot through my arms.

I sobbed.

I pitifully let my self sob on the floor.

I cried. I screamed.

My nose was dripping excessively. I didn't care.

Bren, was gone.

My love.

What did we do wrong? I've been replaying everything, over and over in my mind. I have no idea where we went wrong.

(Short chapter )

Haunted by You (Brendon Urie)Where stories live. Discover now