Like a virgin.

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Life is so strange isn't it?

One day you're jamming in your car listening to your favorite band, and dreaming about the day you will see the singer in concert.

Next thing you know the lead singer is railing you in your bed and you love every minute of it. Next thing you know you're in love with him.

I maybe should have left out some details in the last chapter. But I'm sure you enjoyed reading every word.

Once I was cleaned up and showered, and had slipped myself into some nice and comfy pajamas, I sat there for a moment contemplating what just happened. I don't know what came over me. Or came over us. We both just got caught up in things.

As amazing as it was it still left me with a few questions. Is he into me? Does he feel the same way that I do? Or did he see my feelings for him as an open invitation to get in between my legs?

But, it felt like it was more than just a fling. There was a connection between us. I felt it.

There was a silence throughout my house. We both sat underneath the covers of my bed awkwardly staring at the wall. Why were things so awkward now? About 20 minutes ago we were moaning in each others ear and saying whatever the fuck we wanted to. But, now it was so hard to process my own thoughts.

The silence was broken when Bren said "Was I your first?"

Okay, not exactly what I was expecting after that. But I'll take anything over this silence.

I looked at him with a soft smile, reassuring him that I didn't regret this and said "Yes. I could've sworn I told you that I had never been with anyone before. But, how did you figure that out?"

"There was a little bit of blood on the towel. N-not that I have a problem with that at all. That's just a big deal, Kat. I'm sorry if you feel like I took that away from you." He mumbled out softly.

"What's going on? You're making this sound as if it was just some fling. Is that what this was? Just some hook up?" I felt a knot begin to form in the back of my throat. I hope that is not what he is intending. I am not some object that was supposed to have been used. Of course it was my first time, and I knew that. But I care about Brendon, and I'm happy that he was the one that deflowered me.

"No, God no." He rushed out and then continued. "What happened between us was real. But losing your virginity is a big deal. I just wanted it to be good for you. I just wanted to make sure you were okay after that. But I'm not going anywhere. And that was not some hook up."

I felt a wave of relief wash over me. I could still see droplets of sweat on his forehead and chest. He is so sexy. He is so beautiful.

"Yes, I am okay. I am happy."

"That's all that matters to me." He tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"So what now? I've never done this before. Do we talk about our feelings now? Do we talk about if it was good or not?" I giggled.

"Yeah, we can absolutely talk about that. And I'm going to tell you right now, that was the best sex I have ever had in my entire life. As someone who has never had sex before you really did surprise me." He eyed me.

"Thank you. I've had plenty of time to think about what I like and what I don't like. But you were amazing. I didn't know it was possible to feel that good."

"As far as my feelings for you, I feel the same way. Kat, I wish I would've met you when I was alive. I'm sorry that it was death that brought us together. But there's just something about you that makes me feel like I'm just learning what love is all over again. You make me question if I ever was in love before. You are one of the very few people in my life that have been able to put up with my arrogance and stubbornness. You see somebody behind the fame and the fortune. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner. But you were so caught up in Brian and I honestly thought maybe you would've had a better life with him. I honestly thought you despised me secretly. Which I think, made me only want you more. So to find out that you felt the same way made my dick and my heart throb."

Without even realizing a smile had been plastered across my face causing my cheeks to turn red and hurt. I never thought I would hear those words come out of his mouth. I never thought he would say those things about me. I almost feel like I'm completely in a dream, or that I am comatose right now and in a hallucination of some sorts.

" I feel the same way. And trust me I did despise you at one point. But once I got over that and I saw the softness under that hard shell of yours everything changed for me. The day you came into my life is the day that my world got a little more brighter and a little more beautiful. I knew that I cared about you when I realized that my days were dull when you were away. You're my best friend. You're my haven." I placed my head on his shoulder softly.

"I remember being so upset when we first met. Which is understandable because of the circumstances I was in. But looking back if I knew this is what it was going to be like when I died I would have killed myself a long time ago." We both let out a hearty laugh and then I patted him on the arm. It was my way of telling him not to think like that.

"Speaking of, obviously we can't stay like this forever. There is going to be a time where we have to start figuring things out. I just don't wanna lose you. No matter what the circumstances or what I have to do, my main goal is not to lose you." I said in a saddened tone.

"I hate to admit this. But I like being dead. It is more peaceful than my life ever was. And being dead with you, there's nothing more I could ask for. But I do understand. I'm just scared. Everything feels so out of control." I could feel he was becoming tense. So I found his palm and inner locked my fingers into his.

"But, what if there is a way to get you back? What if I can get you back into the real world and you can get out of the contract with Sarah and be with me instead? Don't you miss going on tour? Don't you miss singing and the fans? There was good things about life." I gleamed trying to knock some motivation into him.

"Of course I miss those things. But I just don't think that's probable. I've always heard that bringing someone back to life messes with the balance of nature or something like that." He said.

"I have always heard that ghost can't touch you. But me and you were both clearly wrong about that. So who knows? Who knows until we try?" I concluded.

He reached his arms out and put them around me. His cold arms holding me so tightly. "We can start researching tomorrow. But, right now just let me hold you. God knows how long I've been wanting to do this."

I happily agreed. This could not have gone more perfect. This has been everything I had wanted and more. I smiled to myself as I heard him softly hum the words to "All The Boys" into my neck. I began to feel my eyelids grow heavy, and felt myself falling into this warm peace. A comfort and security I have not felt since, my dad passed away. I let myself drift off.

Haunted by You (Brendon Urie)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu