College kid.

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I returned home and as soon as I pulled in the drive way, a breathe of relief came to me. I wanted to be home. At home I felt like nothing could get to me. As if I was in a safe zone of some kind.

After the silent car ride home I felt drained. It broke my heart not playing any music on the ride home. I didn't want to risk hearing a 'Panic! At The Disco' song. I honestly don't know if my heart could take it.

I'm still trying to absorb everything that happened today. Or maybe I'm still trying to make myself believe it.

A little part of me still lights up at the fact that I met Brendon Urie. But, another part of me dims itself out, at the circumstances we met, or the idea of him even being real.

I unlocked my front door, to be welcomed by cool air.

I heard a low bark and the soft pitter patter of tiny paws hitting the surface. He was probably one of my favorite parts about coming home.

As soon as Puck recognized who was at the door, his defensive bark had turned into an over excited one. Puck the pug is a beast, let me tell you.

I petted his back, and made my way to the top of his head, where his eyes seemed to automatically close because of the enjoyment. I love that dog. He's three years old, well, technically twenty one.

I had gotten him as a puppy as a house warming gift from my parents. He's been with me since.

After greeting puck, I placed my keys on the counter top, while also setting my bag on the sofa. Puck shortly after jumped on the sofa and found him a place to nap.

"So, this is your house?" asked a familiar voice.

No. I wasn't prepared for this. What happened to nothing being able to get me as long as I'm inside my house? Does that not work for Brendon? A part of me still got excited though. My idol was now inside my house. This was all I had ever wanted it. But, with these circumstance, I don't want it anymore.

I turned around, and I just about lost my breath.

Gosh was he attractive.

His brown eyes were locked on mine and he had this one piece of hair that seemed to have escaped the rest, and was dangling above his forehead. I think he noticed as soon as I did, because he combed his hand through his hair setting it back in place.

I gulped.

"Yeah, this is where I live." I humbly replied.

My house wasn't much. It was a one bedroom, one bathroom, with a pretty decent kitchen and living room area. It was all I could afford, keeping in mind that I was a broke college kid and, my job at Rouses wasn't really allowing me to have a luxurious life-style.

But, my house had character, I'll give it that.

"Surely is different than my house." He said, and I sure as hell took offense to that. "It's all I can afford okay, and besides, no one asked you to be here." I said. Those words came out tired and sad.

"I don't really have a choice but to be here, remember?" He threw back at me.

"How could I forget when you keep reminding me?" I protested.

"Why you? Out of everyone, you are the one I'm stuck with. I don't even fucking know you." Brendon said. "I have been asking myself the same exact thing."

Haunted by You (Brendon Urie)Where stories live. Discover now