So cold.

89 5 1

See you at 8 :)

That was the last text between me and Brian.

A date.

Look, high school was rough on me okay. Between the bullies and heavily fueled low self esteem, this was all I had ever wanted. A date with Brian.

I know this seems very cliché, but the thought of ever having him notice me is what kept me going. I would walk into school everyday thinking "maybe today I look pretty enough to catch his eye." Just to see him laughing up a storm with Katelyn. He would giggle with every cute girl he would see. I was always in the back wondering why I was never enough.

But, I am enough now.

Maybe he was a different person back then.

So was I.

So here I am now sitting at the movie theater shaking in my seat waiting for my very own high schools 'it' boy to come take a seat next to me. I snatched a bucket of popcorn and some gummy worms. I hope he likes gummy worms. But, maybe he wanted gummy bear? Snow caps? Mike and Ike's? M&M's?

Gosh why am I acting like this is going to determine our future?

I'm so nervous right now and it's obvious. My legs won't keep still and my eyes keep starting at my phone waiting for the "Sorry I can't make it." text.

Why me tho?

He could have any girl he wanted....why me? He could have anyone else in the whole world and now he wants to come on a date with me? Was this a bet or something?

I always thought he would pick Sydney over me in the end. Of course Syd would never do that to me, but I always thought he would go for her instead.

My nose is bigger, my body is chubbier, and my voice isn't nearly as cute.

Why me?

I see a dark figure the corner.

I'm shaking at this point. No like shaking shaking.

Was Brian going to try and hold my hand tonight? If so would it be awkward? Or was he gonna try to kiss me? Does my breathe smell? Does he kiss differently than me?

I'm gonna ruin this before it even happens.

The figure began to get closer and closer until realized it was not Brian.

It was Brendon.

Brendon?!! What the fuck?

He said he was gonna sneak off and see a movie but this one? At this exact time?

He's secretly a stalker huh?

He's isn't dead, he's just my stalker?

I laughed at my own joke.

I don't think he even noticed I was in here until I quietly whisper "Pssstttt, Bren."

Everyone turned around and looked at me like I was an idiot. Oh yeah Brendon's a ghost. Oops. These people think I'm crazy.

Brendon looked up and smiled. He rushed to take a seat next to me and said "What are you doing here?" He said with a play full smile. Why was he so happy? Is he glad to see me?

Seems like it...

Or am I glad to see him?

I noticed as soon as he took a seat my legs began to calm down and my eyes were no longer worried about my phone. It was calming having him here. I don't know why but I wasn't scared, I was, I don't know, content I guess.

Haunted by You (Brendon Urie)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat