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(Long chapter)

So I've never tried this before.

Usually I would wait for Brendon to return on his own. But I don't want to wait. Because with Brendon you never know if you're gonna have to wait a day, a year, or a month. You never know.

It was now the evening and I have done absolutely nothing except pace around my house thinking about the fight.

Was it even a fight?

All I know is that I messed up. I should have never forced that upon Brendon.

He was right. What exactly did he have to go back to?

Well, the fans of course.

But he needs support that's more close to home.

I'm starting to take my stress out onto him and that is not what we need right now. That's not what he deserves right now.

On top of that I even almost mentioned that I confused myself into thinking I had feelings for him. That would have made things so much worse. It's like I'm asking to ruin this friend ship. What happened to being the super supportive friend I promised him to be? And who am I kidding?

I don't want him to go.


He's more than just Brendon Urie to me now. He's a great and genuine guy. I've talked to him about things that I haven't even brought up to Sydney yet. I don't want him to leave.

I don't want to lose a friend.

Maybe some where along this confusing path we are connected. Maybe if I try to reach out to him then he would hear me and return. I do not want to let a day go by in which we are fighting. He already feels alone. I'm not gonna make things worse.

I sat at the end of my bed. The sun was beginning to go down, making my room look dark and gloomy.

Just like I felt.

I closed my eyes, instantly thinking this was a dumb idea. If this doesn't work I'm gonna look like an idiot. But to be honest with you, it's definitely worth a try.

"Hey Bren." I spoke into an empty and cold room, hearing my voice echo off the wall.

"I'm sorry." I spoke again.

"Can you please come back? I want to talk about what happened."

Still nothing.

I knew this was a stupid idea.

"I'm sorry too Kat."

I opened my eyes and a smile crept unto my face. "Bren." I gleamed.

"You could hear me?" I continued to ask. He was leaning against my window, looking as always, heavenly.

"Yeah, very faintly but yes." He nodded.

I didn't leave any time for any other conversation other than the one I had been wanting to say since the minute he left.

"Bren, I'm sorry. I should have never forced that unto you. We can start figuring out things when you want to, and when you're ready. No rush okay?" I looked at him hoping the look on my face was enough to show how serious I was.

He smiled a very faint smile. "Kat, it's okay. And, I'm sorry too. I am a coward. I know am. But, I'm gonna work on it okay? I'm gonna stop running away from my problems. I've done that my whole life. That's not the man I want to be."

I nodded and said "I know I made it sound like I was trying to get rid of you, but I'm not. I'm not going anywhere and I'm gonna be here to help you every step of the way. I promise Bren."

Haunted by You (Brendon Urie)Where stories live. Discover now