Stop screaming.

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When Sydney and I pulled up to the party grounds, there were vehicles scattered around everywhere. We almost couldn't find a place to park. But eventually we found a place right under a tree.

The party seemed just as expected. But, of course there was one thing she had forgotten to tell me. The party was at Brian's house. So they were hot girls everywhere and, the house was freaking massive.

"Are you ready to do this?" she asked me while unbuckling her seatbelt. "Nope."

First off, she looked way better than me. We were both blondes but somehow she made it work. Guys always went for her, that kind of explains her confidence.

"It'll be so much fun. Just let loose and enjoy yourself for once." she opened the car door.

As soon as the car door swung open you could hear the music pumping in your ears. Even though the music did make me somewhat excited, I was still so nervous that I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. This was really happening. My first real college party. Oh God.

I stepped out of the car and followed Sydney into the house. So I'm guessing we really weren't going to discuss it anymore. We weren't going to discuss how I was so nervous that I was about to piss myself. We weren't even going to discuss the fact that I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing right now.

She looked so confident strutting her stuff up the driveway. While I was in the back of her, following with a confused look on my face.

I walked a little faster so that I could catch up with her and become parallel to her. "Sydney I'm freaking out." I told her. "Don't. I'm going to introduce you to a few people. You'll have tons of friends in no time."

That was a lie. I don't make friends easily.

"I don't even know what to do." I said with a nervous tone. "Just be yourself. That's all you have to do." she assured me. It didn't make me feel better.

We were passing a bunch of people on the lawn. Half of them were looking us up-and-down as if inspecting us. The other half were holding red solo cups and minding their own business.

Sydney just seemed to ignore them and walked right up the stairs. She walked right up to the front door and didn't even bother knocking. She just walked right in.

When we walked in, the air was thick and the smell of alcohol filled my nose. The air seemed to be glistened with smoke, probably from all the marijuana being passed around. And everywhere you would look, you would see someone drinking a beer, or having some sort of alcohol in their hand.

It felt so dangerous to breathe.

There was music blasting around that was mixing with the voices of many. There were people conversating, dancing, and I spotted about six people making out.


"So what do I do now?" I asked still following behind her. She was still walking around. You could tell she had her mind set on a destination, we just weren't there yet. "Just keep following me. They told me where to meet up."

They? Who's they? "They?" I asked behind her. I really had to raise my voice just to get her attention. "Yeah they. A group of friends."

"Your friends aren't my friends remember? You're like the only friend I have." I admitted embarrassed. The realization of that just hit me. I really don't have that many friends. And nothing really special happens in my life. I'm lame.

"By the end of the night you'll have tons of friends I promise." she said and I gulped. The only thing boys want is sex. And the only thing girls want is drama. And I really can't offer anyone both. So how in the world am I going to make friends.

Haunted by You (Brendon Urie)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt