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I pulled into my drive way.

I looked over at Sydney and she had her mouth gaped open, and a soft snore was coming out of it. Waking her up from this wasn't something I was too thrilled about.

"Syd, you need to get up." I said while prodding her thigh at a safe distance. A weird groan escaped her lips. She didn't budge.

I tried again.

"Syd, c'mon." I said a little more abruptly. It caused her to rise while also causing a look on her face that said "where the fuck am I"? "C'mon, let's get you in bed." I said while opening the car door.

She groaned "I thought I was gonna take a shower."

"I think you should sleep the hangover off first, and then take a shower after." I said. I don't drink that often. When I do, I rarely drink enough to have a hangover.

She groaned and made her way out of the car.

I astonishingly had maneuvered a way to get her into bed, and dozing off within a couple of minutes. I had regretted that decision as soon as I smelt the alcohol lingering off of her body. I made a mental note to wash the covers as soon as she left.  Now I'm just praying to god she isn't "piss drunk".

I walked out of my room only to find a little Puck just chilling on the couch. He was such a cute but lazy little dog. He would probably catch a stroke attempting to play fetch.

I was the only person awake in my own home.

I hated it.

All that was left was just me and my thoughts, and they were always awake. I'm even still contemplating if yesterday even happened.

All I have right now are memories that are making me question my sanity.

I can't help but realize that a part of me wants more than anything for it to be true. It's almost like I'll be upset if it didn't happen. But then another part of me is scared. If it is true, how exactly am I supposed to handle this? Communicating with the dead isn't my specialty.

I think I'm scared.

I'm even too scared to turn on the T.V, because the last thing I need right now is a news story about my dead idol. I know it would be a sort of proof, but like I said, I'm scared.

I know I should be all like "I hope its not true because I don't want Brendon to die. I just want him happy." And a part of me is like that. But the other part of me is all like "If he would've never died he would've never met me. And all good things come at a price right?"

I am a terrible and selfish person.

You have all right to condemn me.

But, you have no right to blame me. You would feel the same way. You're reading this story cause deep down you wish you were in my position. But, honestly it's not all that great. It's so stressful. I'm not even sure if I'm in any position. I'm not even sure if yesterday even happened.

All I know is, I've been staring at the same spot on the couch that Brendon touched with his hand and hoping the indention left on it wasn't from Puck.

I'm pretty sure I'm going crazy right now.

Thanks real or not real Brendon.

Haunted by You (Brendon Urie)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin