Lets leave.

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"There you are!" said a breathless Brian. He continued "I'm sorry if your drinks warm now, but what are you doing in here?" He had a confused look on his face.

How long have I been in here? After Brendon had seemingly vanished I let my mind drift. I guess I let it drift a little too long.

But, Brian hadn't forgotten about me.

Something about that made me happy. Maybe he's just being good company. Or, maybe he just feels bad for me, but who knows, I want that drink. Warm or not.

"I don't know. I don't do well at parties." I kinda had to raise my voice to say that, because he was on ground level, meanwhile I was on this barn balcony filled with hay.

My legs were dangling over the edge and it just came to mind how numb they felt.

Everything kinda felt numb. Emotionally and physically.

"Maybe I can change that, now come get this drink!" He playfully joked while making a motion towards the drink he was implying me to get.

This is weird.

Before tonight I was pretty sure Brian had no idea who I was. I'm pretty sure he never noticed we went to high school together either.

But now, in this barn, we are being all buddy buddy and I have to pretend that I haven't been dreaming about this day for months.

I felt my heart begin to race a little faster and my hands start to clam up.

I smiled back and stood up, trying not to look down, and make the anxiety I was having any worse. I dusted my clothes for any remnants of hay or debris and started to make my way down this old, wooden, and unstable latter.

Once I reached the ground I exhaled a long breathe, and I turned to face Brian. Even this seemed to be an impossible task.

But I did, and when I realized how close we were, I tried my best not to show the panic in my eyes.

He directed the cup towards me, and I was disappointed when I grabbed it. It was indeed, warm.

"You good?" He questioned. From the way he stated it, he actually wanted to know.

No, I was not good at all. I was shaken up from the events that had taken place tonight.

I still had so many questions. Where did Brendon even go? Where is he now? Is he still scared?

That question made my whole body tense up.

But I looked at Brian and mouthed the words "Yeah, I'm good." Even though I wasn't good at all.

"Why don't you come back to the party? Can't be too much fun in this barn." He stated. I replied and said "Tell me about it, everyone in here acts like an animal."

He started to laugh and said, "What were you, raised in a barn?"

We both were laughing, and it was quite nice. I liked this. A part of me never wanted this to end.

"Wow, we're losers." I said breathlessly out of a laugh with a warm cup in my hand. "Well you're one pretty cool loser Kat."

When he said my name my body stiffened. I forgot the reality of this moment, for a second I forgot I was talking to my crush, and thought he was just an old friend.

Haunted by You (Brendon Urie)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz