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"A party is the last thing that I need to go to right now." I said while sighing.

"No a party is the first thing you should be doing." said the muffled voice of my best friend Sydney. "Why are you trying to ruin my life?" I joked. "If not me then who?" she threw back at me.

"Not cool Syd." I scratched my four head. Should I go to this party? Of course I can behave myself and not drink too much. No scratch that, not drink at all. I know my limitations, right?

"No you're not cool Katnip. Name one thing that you've done this semester that was totally extraordinary, or even fun in general." she said through the phone, and I felt tension building inside my throat.

She was right. How in the hell do you start college without doing any college things. But you can't blame me for being careful. I mean the saying is right, better safe than sorry.

But honestly when I think about it, every adult has some cool story to tell you about back in the day when they were in college. I mean, hell, there are probably brain surgeons out there, that could tell you the story of how when they were younger they banged three girls in one night, high off their ass on drugs, at a college party.

I won't go to those extremes but, I want a story.

"I can't help it if I'm constantly busy." I replied, hoping she would believe it. But she was my best friend, she is my best friend, she knows when I'm lying.

"Oh yea and Ms. 'I'm constantly busy', what are you doing tonight?" she mocked.

I gulped.

"Something safe and predictable."

"Oh how those words suit you so well." she snickered. "Thanks for the compliment." I said sarcastically.

"Oh c'mon Kat! You don't even have to drink. Just show up for God sakes."

"You say that now but parties are full of temptation. And before you know it I'll be drunk and hammered, while laying on a strangers bed. So yea I'll pass." I sighed in frustration.

"You know Brian is going to be there right?" when she said this my heart skipped a beat. I'm lame I'm sorry. Why would I care anyway, he wouldn't even look twice in my direction.

"So? You act like that changes anything." even though it did change things a little bit I still wanted to stick my ground. I mean, besides, having him there would only make things worse. I would probably stare at him and feel insecure when he would talk to other people. So once again I'll pass.

"Me and you both know it does change things. I hear he gets feisty when he's drunk."

I could slap her.

"And you thought I would wait till he gets drunk and rape him? Sometimes you really freak me out Sydney."

She laughed on the other end of the line and said "No, God. I just meant that maybe tonight you can get your virgin ass laid. I'm sure Brian wouldn't mind at all."

"Oh my gosh. Can we just talk about something else please?" I begged. "Yeah we can talk about the fact that you're coming to this party tonight."

"Why is it so important to you that I go?" I questioned. "I'm your best friend that's why it's important. It's my job to give you the best years of your life."

I didn't say a word. I just sat there contemplating. Maybe this was a good idea. No, what am I saying? This is not a good idea, this could potentially be dangerous. I'm totally fine with staying home and watching Netflix.

"Please Kitty Kat," she begged "we could even ask the DJ to play some of that, panic attack at the disco stuff or whatever, you like so much."

She got me on that one. She knows how much I love panic at the disco. She cannot use that against me.

"It's Panic! at the Disco!" I said angrily. "Whatever. I'm sure they'll have it at the party." she said.

"I don't know Sydney....." I dragged my words. "Yes you do. If you come to the party you don't have to buy me anything for my birthday." That was pretty convincing but not convincing. "What if things get out of hand?" I asked nervously.

"They won't. Even if they do I'll just take you to the car and drive you home safely. Simple as that."

"But you'll be drinking, and I'm not letting you drive." I protested. "Well then you could drive me home. Even better." she sighed "Please Kat I won't bother you anymore with parties if you come to this one." She said and that was an offer I couldn't resist. "Promise?"

"Holy fuck-yeah I promise." she said excitedly. "Chill, why are you freaking out?" I asked her through the phone.

"Because I didn't think you'd actually agree. But now that you did, get your ass in gear we're going to a party."

I was beginning to get really nervous. What the hell do I have to lose? Oh yeah, my scholarship, my reputation, even my damn virginity. Embarrassing to admit but completely true.

I made and 'ugh' noise asked "What time to be ready for you asshat?"

"Ill be ready for eight, so be ready. Love you though." she said all innocently. She knows just how to get her way. "What ever see you at eight." Then I hung up the phone.


My heart started beating fast.

I'm going to a party.

Anything can happen at a party.


(OK so this basically is a filler. I wrote it so that you understand how she got to the party. And I also wrote it give you a background to the character Kat. The party is where most of the action will begin to take place. Brendon is coming soon.)

Haunted by You (Brendon Urie)Where stories live. Discover now