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"UH-" I'm smiling too much. Stop that. "Come in."

Brian stepped in to my house and a new feeling struck me. What if he didn't like my house? Is house insecurity even a thing? I felt so small in my own home. But, I watched his face scope out his new surroundings, and I couldn't tell what he was thinking. I felt my hands begin to get clammy.

"You never told me you had a dog." he said in an upbeat voice approaching Puck who woke up from a dead sleep only to be petted back into another one.

There have been so many times where I just dreamed about something like this. The day Brian would come in and sweep me off my feet, with his dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. But, him in my home petting Puck, exceeded any expectation I had ever had. All the days of awkward lingers and stares in the hallway payed off in this moment.

I'm over thinking things again, not once did he say he liked me or even remotely thought of me in that way, and here I am planning out our future together. I need a life.

He took a seat on the couch, right next to the place where Brendon had touched. My heart skipped and my muscles became tense. I did not want him to touch the indention on the couch. I don't know why, but I just didn't. 

But, I kept my mouth shut and said "Yeah, that's Puck." I tried to make myself sound as casual as possible, which didn't work because Brian looked at me curiously before saying "He's cute. How old is he?"

Everyone is so damn interested in my dog.

"3 years. So like 21 in dog years." Wow, i'm an idiot. I just had to add the "dog years" part, didn't I?

Brian surprisingly just laughed "How long have you had him?"

Am I that boring, in which he has to interrogate me about my dog?

"Since he was a pup."

"I used to have a pug, too. Her name a was Lola,  but when we got her she was already sick, so we basically gave her the best life we could before she passed." he said.

"Why would anyone want a dog that's dying?" I literally just passed that through my head and realized how bad that sounded. "No offense." I rushed out to try to cover my ass.

"The same reason we have old-folks homes." he said but, I didn't quite catch on. He gave me a blank face and said "Because they are cute and we feel bad for them."

"Damn, you're right." I smirked. 

Awkwardness grew thick in the air and Brian had to have noticed it too, because he kept pretending to be captivated by petting Puck, maybe he was, or maybe he didn't know how to handle awkwardness like I did.

"So....what do you want to do?" I awkwardly asked. I felt like I was back in 7th grade, where I had no friends and if anyone ever tried to interact with me I would always resort to doing something. I guess that sprouted from fear of them not liking who I was personally. I would rather them hate what I do, than hate who I am.

"Well, first things first I think you should sit down. Come over here."

I realized that I was just standing there awkwardly in the corner of my living room. I was trying to keep some sort of safe distance between us. As if the farther I am from you the less you have to dislike.

I became terrified, but I did it. I made my way over to him and took a seat next to him on the couch. I felt the outline of his body warmth next to me and I could feel the hairs on my back of my neck begin to rise, and this part of me just wanted to touch him. Like my body would relax if I could feel him against me, touch him, feel him. Like all this curiosity that has been built up for years would finally be released by one touch.

Haunted by You (Brendon Urie)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora