Dad, I'm coming.

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It's been a few days since the library. Brendan has been trying to avoid the conversation as much as possible. He keeps picking flowers from outside and bringing them to me. He keeps cooking for me. He keeps cleaning the house and making it look so prim and proper for me. He even keeps trying to go down on me every 30 minutes. And as much as I love him going down on me, something has got to give.

He's trying to make everything so perfect. He's trying to satisfy me so that I want nothing more. I don't want anything more. Well maybe I do. I just want this to be real. I want him to be real.

He's trying to change my mind about bringing him back. At first I let him get away with it. Now, I try to bring it up every couple hours or so. Every time I bring it up he automatically shuts me down. He was right when he said it's not even up for discussion.

We don't know how much time we have left. I am getting really frustrated with him. As much as he doesn't wanna talk about it, I don't know how much longer I can just ignore this elephant in the room. It's going to happen. He has no choice.

"Look how cute this dandelion is. You're the only girl in the world that would make me fucking say a flowers is cute, you know that?" He gleamed. Holding up a single white and fluffy dandelion. That must've been a new one he picked from outside.

As far as feelings have been going, things have been perfect. Truly. If he was in the mortal world, then this would have been everything I could've ever imagined. He kisses on me constantly. Tells me how cute flowers are. Tells me stories every night before I fall asleep. It can be perfect. I am determined to make it perfect.

Every day I find myself falling harder and harder for him. I'm sensing the same thing from him.

"Where did you find that little guy?" I hummed.

"Right on the side of your car. He was just calling my name in the wind. Do you know what else is calling my name?"

He placed the dandelion gently on my kitchen counter. He slowly made his way over to me and planted a nice kiss firmly on my lips. He caressed his hands down the lower half of my back. Electricity shot down my spine.

"You on my face is calling my name right now." He breathlessly whispered into my ear.

I giggled and gently pushed him away.

"I'm tired of all these distractions. We're going to have to talk about it eventually." I whined.

"Eventually. We can't right now because I'm too busy about to have my head in between your legs."

I laughed once more. I brushed past him gently moving him out of the way. "No. No more. I mean it. We need to start planning stuff now."

"I am not about to plan your suicide." He croaked with a frown.

"Well then let's plan my awakening.." I smiled. Trying to bring some positivity into this chaos.

I've had a lot of time to think about the plan already. So I continued and said "Your wreck happened on the corner of Fort Worth St. Which is in LA. So once we go there and find your remains. Then, we can place them inside of you and I will......" I treaded my next words carefully " go say hi to my dad. I will tell him all about you and how handsome you are. Give him a hug and kiss goodbye. Wake up, and be with you."

He looks so defeated. I could tell bringing up my dad left him with a sense of comfort about the situation. But he looked so sad. So broken. It was like he was giving up and admitting defeat.

"You miss him?"

"Every single day. He's the reason I'm not so scared. I die and I'm with him. I live and I'm with you. So just know, that I am okay no matter what happens." I looked at him so sincerely. I wanted him to know that I was telling the truth. I meant every word.

"When were you thinking about doing all of this? You seem to have this all planned out already."

"Tomorrow." I spoke.

"No. N-no." His voice broke.

"We don't know how much time we have left, Bren. I don't want to risk it and lose you forever."

"Baby, no. That's not enough time. I need more time with you. I still have so many things I wanna tell you. I have so many jokes and so many stories left for you to hear. Please, no." He cried out.

"By doing this tomorrow, I'm guaranteeing that I'll be around to hear them. If we don't, and we wait too long, I'll never hear them."

This is so hard.

"Jesus fucking Christ. You're making me get all emotional. I don't wanna do this tomorrow. It's not enough time. Goddamnit it is not enough time. I'm fucking serious." He was now seeming to get frustrated. I'm not sure if he was frustrated at me, or his own emotional thoughts.

"We have no choice. I really need you to start taking this fucking seriously. We are not in some soap opera. We are literally dealing with life and death." I yelled.

"This is fucking bullshit. I'm not doing this dumb ass plan. I'm not doing it. There's no fucking way you're going to make me do it. I'm not doing something that involves hurting you." He said spitting his words right back at me.

"You have no fucking choice. You will just let me die for nothing then. Because tomorrow I am going over there and I am going to do what I need to do."

"You can't make me. I will not let you. I am not letting you do that to yourself. I don't care if I have to lock you up in the closet until you change your mind. It is not happening!" His pale face was now showing some color. His cheeks were turning a bright hint of red.

I knew this was going to happen. He has given me days to think about this. To create my own plan. I knew that he was going to get frustrated. I knew that he was going to get so frustrated that he was going to threaten to force me out of this plan.

I knew all of this. It was textbook knowledge.

"Go to Fort worth Street. Get them, and bring them back here. Then, hold me. Hold me as you eat them. Or, stick them inside of you. I don't know exactly. But just do it, and hold me as you do it. Do it quickly." I felt a knot grow in the back of my throat and tears sting my eyes. "I am so sorry. And no matter what happens just remember -"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He rushed out in a panic.

"-I love you."

Like I said. I knew this was going to happen. I knew I had to be unexpected. I had to outsmart him. There was no way he was going to let me do this voluntarily. I knew this was gonna happen. So now, as my hand wraps around the cool metal of the small handgun my dad gifted me when I first got my own place, I take a deep breath and raise it up to my head.

My entire body in that moment is completely running on adrenaline. I think Brendan is screaming at me but I'm not sure what he is saying exactly. I placed my finger over the smooth trigger.

"NO! KAT STOP! NO!" I hear Bren scream, lunging towards me.

It's too late. At first it's a small sting. Nothing too bad. I feel warmness. I also feel wetness trickle down the side of my head and through the openings of my nostrils. My last thought before my consciousness slips is 'Dad, I'm coming.'

Haunted by You (Brendon Urie)Where stories live. Discover now