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"She doesn't look like she even cared at all, but oh my god let a camera go in her direction and my death was the worst thing to ever happened to her." Brendon vented out while petting Puck.

Puck was able to see Brendon. His eyes would follow him and he would also whine for a good petting from him and shake his tail excitedly. I guess the myth is right, animals can see through to the other side.

I was back home and unpacking my bags while Brendon was venting and told me about his life.

I don't want you guys to think I'm used to this yet. I'm 100% still not.

He's Brendon Boyd Fucking Urie.

In my eyes he was still my idol. I would still sweat out of nervousness whenever he was around. I still second guess everything I say around him so that I don't look like an idiot. I still can't make complete eye contact with him yet. The whole situation was still pretty raw, but it's getting there.

Now there are times where I don't even think about him being famous. I just feel like a he's a friend. A very hot friend.

"That's so shitty. Really. I was convinced that you guys were so happy. I wish you had spoken up about it. The fans would have completely understood Brendon." I reassured while folding up a shirt and placing it in a drawer.

"I wish I would have convinced myself of that before signing the contract." He said.

"You guys signed a contract?" I questioned.

"Yes, it was that serious Kat." He said with wide eyes.

"That's inhumane! Why did you sign a contract you idiot?!!" I basically yelled.

"I don't know I thought it was the best move at the time!" He spat back.

"So, signing a contract that makes you stay in an unhappy marriage for the rest of your life was the best move?" I questioned.

"Well, I didn't have someone like you to tell me otherwise. I was by myself when it came to this. " he pouted.

"That's horrible Brendon. You know you deserved a lot better than that right? None of what happened to you was okay." I reassured.

"Yeah, I know. Even tho it sucked it's kinda how things happened." He said with a saddened face. 

I was eager to change the subject and said "Hey, but everything happens for a reason! And now you don't have to worry about her ever again." I smiled.

"I sure don't." He soft smiled. He continued "What about you any ex boyfriends?" He eyed me.

I laughed. "Brendon, no one has ever liked me before. Generally all the dudes that tried to get with me all had one thing in mind. Until recently, I think I met someone but I don't know how it's going exactly."

"It's that Brian dude, huh? That's why you were all nervous that day." He asked and looked down at the floor.

"Yeah, but it's like it's going good one minute and then the next its not. So I'm left very confused a lot. " I spoke.

"What's confusing?" He asked.

"Well guys are just confusing in general. It's like sometimes he'll make efforts but sometimes he won't. And I told him I would plan and ask him out on our second rerun date thing or whatever it is, and I don't know the perfect time." I said.

"Kat, just make sure you like him, and not just the idea of him. You don't wanna end up like me." He said with a caring expression.

"What do you mean like you?" I questioned.

Haunted by You (Brendon Urie)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ