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A.N. the song above is "The Fire" by Clear Blue Fire. This is what I listened to while writing this chapter; however, it really fits into the chapter best a little way in so I'll put this symbol >< when I recommend to start the song.


Hiro took a long breath, chest puffing out. He lowered his hands and opened his mouth. A large stream of fire left the cavern and flurried towards the clones. Ayumi followed close behind the blaze. She spun a kick high, as a clone swung their sword down to block the flames her foot caught the side and knocked it from his hand. She followed through with another kick. Nailing the clone's stomach. "Behind you!" She dropped another kunai and vanished. Appearing next to Hiro she created a series of seals.

Fire style: Fukumen no Jutsu! Taking her hands apart she clapped. A blinding light shot erupted from her palms. She moved between two of the clones, grabbing the blade of one sword she shoved it into the bridge. Lifting herself by the dull side, Ayumi kicked the wielder from the hilt. She kicked for the second. Her foot was caught. A tug pulled her hands from the sword and took her into the air. Spine creating a dent in the cement. Blood was forced from her mouth.

Hiro jumped over her, kunai slashing towards the clone's wrist. They jumped back. A puddle on her right splashed. Ayumi threw herself to the side, Zabuza's sword striking the ground where her heart had been. She vanished. Pulling a kunai from her pouch she ran at the clone from behind. A form appeared on her right, a fist jabbing into her jaw before she could react. Her feet left the ground and she flew sideways. Slamming against the side of the bridge. Iron flooded her taste buds. She spat the red liquid onto the cement, wiping the trails from her lips. Harsh breathing racked her lungs, her ribcage stung like a son of bitch. She had to stay mindful of that spot on her side, the wrong move or one more nudge on that bone and her lung could be punctured. "You have the balance of an elephant on stilts," Zabuza informed. "Your speed is all that you have, and that's not invincible." He advanced. She vanished.

This is bad, she thought kneeling beside her first kunai. The mist on her right pulsed with an orange light, the shadows of Hiro and the last Zabuza clone illuminated. Ayumi turned to her pair; although, only one met her vision. None of the training she had been through this far has prepared her for the moment that a Jounin takes off the kid gloves. She watched, stationary and on high alert-which doesn't change much seeing as how she has the chakra sensitivity of a boulder. The second Zabuza stood still. The mist grew thicker. Gradually his body faded into the white background. Shit. Shit. Shit, Ayumi frowned and pulled a kunai from her pouch. She held it firmly in her hand and scanned her surroundings.

"What do you do when you cannot see your enemy?" His voice came from everywhere. "What are you expecting to do when you fight on their home turf? Out of your element with no clear advantage?" A boot kicked her back. Ayumi fell face first onto the bridge with a shout. Zabuza stood where she was, his eyes lowering to the kunai that was barely lodged into the cement. His tongue clicked and he kicked it back, over the unfinished bridge, and into the water below. "You do not have the instincts to be a ninja. You or those other brats." The second clone stepped out of the mist on her left, pressing against her side and forcing her to turn. Ayumi shouted, an intense pain shot trough her chest. The clone stood over her, stomping onto her gut. Ayumi jolted, red spit sprayed from her mouth. "You lack the ability to kill with no emotion. It keeps you weak. It's an insult to the swordsman and an insult to Yachi." Zabuza stabbed the end of his sword into her shoulder. Ayumi cried out.

She gritted her teeth. Her hand at her side, Ayumi carefully formed one-handed seals. "Talk, talk, talk," she mocked. Her voice was strained, and teeth stained red as she smirked. "Is that the only thing you're good at?" Lava style: Yokai no Jutsu! Her cheeks swelled and chest rose. Zabuza's eyes widened, but it was too late. The glowing liquid was a strong stream that coated the clone. Water bubbled and steam rolled from the clone as it popped. Swinging her feet over her head, Ayumi jumped back. She grimaced and fell to one knee. She reached for her shoulder. Her fingers fell into the deep cut, her clothes growing warm and heavy. I need more strength!

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