Wind and Fire

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            The signals shot into the sky, announcing the start of the tournament. The village was rather empty as everyone was gathered in the stadium, the sound of cheers carried over the cement walls. A sound overpowered by the complaining of her two friends. "Darling, we can't exactly afford to be late today!"

"This is all such a drag, I knew we should have left earlier."

"I was hungry!" The trio raced through town from the Nara compound. She had ended up staying the night at Shikamaru's, when Kakashi came by she and Shikamaru both were fast asleep, so instead he returned with her clothes for the day. When she woke up all previous sluggishness was gone, still though neither one wanted to get up. Only when Yoshino kicked the door open did they move; then the emptiness of her stomach had taken its toll. Yoshino cooked a buffet for when she woke up and they spent almost all morning eating-well she did. Kohei had arrived after breakfast and told them that the tournament was just about to start. So, here they are sprinting for the stadium while Ayumi buckled Onimaru's sash in front of her.

It has taken a much different look now. Rather than the cracked metal it now was an ash-grey rock that radiated heat, the guard looked similar to a spiked bird's head color dark red and black with a glowing eye, and the grip was wrapped in red leather.

"Looks like they're just going in," Kohei wheezed. The entrance was fast approaching, their fellow contestants climbing the steps. They paused and turned to look at them.

"Late as always," Neji voiced.

"Not true," she claimed as they stopped. Kohei and Shikamaru doubled over with their hands on their knees. Thanks to all the running Hisaya made her do, the sprint wasn't enough to knock the wind out of her. With a grin she punched the air in front of her, "I'm ready to kick some ass today! I made a promise, so I have to win. Besides..." She stopped in front of Kankuro. His gaze met hers, arms crossed in front of his chest. "Pussy."

"HUH?!" He grabbed her leather strap, pulling her so just her tip toes were on the ground. "It's too damn early to deal with your bitchy attitude!"

"I only call it as I see it," she smirked, "and you're the very embodiment."

"I'm going to kill you."

"Too bad, Gaara's already got dibs." She pat his shoulder, "don't be too sad, Pussycat, you should be used to second place by now." That was the last swing of the axe, he swung for her cheek. Two arms hooked under hers while Temari pulled Kankuro back by his puppet.

"Darling, there's no need to fight right now!"

"I can't help it! Look at him," she threw a finger at the puppeteer. "He's annoying!"

"Just wait until I get my hands you, bitch!"

"Do it!"

"Kankuro, we don't need to fight," Temari chastised, "the tournament is about to start. Come on!" The puppeteer was dragged off flailing. Kohei didn't let Ayumi go until Shikamaru was in front of her. Shino, Shikamaru, and Kohei formed a triangular cage and escorted her to the main arena. Almost everyone was present with the exception of Dosu, Naruto, and Sasuke. Cheers roared from the raptors. Ayumi stood between Shikamaru and Neji.

"We're missing quite a few people," Shikamaru sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, one's dead," Ayumi informed, covering her mouth to yawn.


"Dosu." Emerald irises met his, "your opponent, remember? Gai said that he was killed a while ago."

The White Flashजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें