Assault on the Estate

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A.N. Above is what Kiyoko looks like!


"They arrived a week ago, we always leave the gate to our estate open for the villagers to come and go as they please." The red, silk sleeve of her kimono covered her hand as she raised it in front of her lips, peering at the ground in front of her. "They stormed inside, killed anyone who tried to defend themselves, and herd the rest of us into the basement. That's where my family is now, well everyone who's left." Tears returned to her eyes, her grip on the arm of the plush tightening, "they killed my little sister. Sh-she picked up a dull sword and they killed her on the spot."

            "Do you know how many there are?" Baki questioned.

            "There has to be over a hundred, but I... I do not know the exact count."

            "There's twenty lookouts at a time on the wall," Ayumi informed. They congregated in a large circle near the large map; with the exception of Hisaya whom could be found by the pained shouts and crying confessions. Those who were injured sat in the circle alongside Wakana's squad who busied themselves by changing bandages. Gaara stood near Baki, a kind of barrier around him reaching six feet that was untouched by any other Sand shinobi. The pack stayed, isolating Ayumi from either Hiro or Kohei; though the latter seemed dumbstruck from the moment they returned with their package and a beautiful noble girl in tow. "The estate is huge, too, it takes up the entire hilltop."

            "How many entrances are to this estate?" Baki asked.

            "There's four," the girl, Kiyoko, answered. "There's the main gate, a back way, and two side entrances."

            "Four escapes routes for these shinobi," Baki grumbled.

            "There's exactly 185 men after your last scrimmage with the group." Hisaya strolled to the center of the circle, swiping her palms together. "Not counting your fugitives, bringing the grand total of 191 enemies in that estate."

            "That's way too many," Hiro exclaimed, "how are we going to fight all of them and rescue the Mattsukawa family?"

            "Our priority is this group, not the family," Baki said.

            "WHAT?" Kiyoko shouted, "I came here because I was told you could help us!"

            "And we will," Ayumi assured.

            "In case you don't remember, you're here to help us with our mission," Kankuro snapped. "We came here to capture these men, not help some sniveling child."

            "I am a shinobi of Konohagakure, and this family is part of the Land of Fire. It is our mission to protect them and that's what I'm going to do."

            "Coming up with a plan that will enable us to save the entire family is difficult," a different sand shinobi said. "When we don't know where the entrance to the basement is and we're not able to even pass the guards to reach them."

            "Have you even tried to think of a plan?"

            "I have a plan," Baki said motioning to the rough sketch Kiyoko provided. "Three teams hit the estate at the same time, from each entrance. We'll clear out the men and meet in the center. We'll save what we can of the family."

            "Not good enough."

            "Okay that's enough out of you," Kankuro spat. He stood from his seat, a fist raised to his chest.

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