Lava Style

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A.N. Don't worry everyone, the chapters will start picking up now that we're close to following the show. Uploading won't be consistent since I'll write whenever I have time so I'll apologize now. The picture above is what Yachiru looked like.

Hope you enjoy!


The house was filled with a silver light, the polished floor glistening and a faint scent of pine hanging in the air. She was enraptured by a gentle, melodic hum. Ayumi ventured towards the voice, through the living room and towards the balcony. Her half of her long auburn hair was elegantly fixed into a bun, dressed in a kimono of sapphire silk with a black flower printed on the back. "Mama?" Ayumi addressed sliding the glass door open.

She turned, bright green eyes falling to her own. "Yu, did I wake you?" Ayumi shook her head. Yachiru smiled and picked her up, setting her on the railing in front of her supporting Ayumi's back. Her arms locked around Ayumi's stomach and chin rested on her shoulder.

"What were you singing, Mama?"

"A song my sister and I always sang," she answered.

"You have a sister?" Ayumi looked over at her, "when can I meet her?"

"I don't know, Yu." Yachiru lifted her chin from Ayumi's shoulder, pushing her bangs behind her ears with a gentle smile. "My sister and I did not part on good terms."


"Our clan is one of the oldest clans of Kirigakure, every member has lived and died for the interests of Kirigakure. I am the only member who has ever left Kirigakure for another village. My sister did not approve of my leaving nor my love for your father." Her smile turned sad as a thumb feathered across Ayumi's cheekbone. "In truth you would not be accepted. Those born of outsiders have a low chance of having our Kekkei Genkai."

"I can try, Mama," Ayumi promised. "If I can help you and your sister, I'll try to become someone that Mama's clan accepts."

Yachiru smiled a little brighter, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "I've already accepted the consequences of my actions. Leaving Kirigakure, coming to Konoha, marrying your father, and having you: they are choices I chose. I do not regret this path. I don't want you to focus on fixing what's broken on my behalf; instead make yourself stronger for what you choose. Always remember this saying, Yu."


Ayumi blinked awake. The morning light shining through her curtains. She sat up, focusing on her covered lap. She lifted a hand to her eyes, wiping tears before they began to fall. Her attention shifted to the scars on her arms, each a different stage of faded.

"If you want to shine like the sun, first you must burn like it."

Yachiru's words had always stayed in her mind, the fuel behind her training. Talent is nothing if there is no hard work behind it. Still... "These are rather ugly," Ayumi mumbled.

"What are?"

"Papa!" Ayumi threw her forearms under her blanket and turned to look at the Jounin. Kakashi stood at the doorway, door barely opened.

"I came to wake you up," he informed.

"Oh," Ayumi sighed in relief shifting her gaze back to her lap. Her voice lowered to barely a whisper, knees pulling to her chest. "I had a dream about Oka-san." Kakashi was quiet, walking across the room to sit at the foot of her bed. He didn't say anything instead waited for her to continue. "We were on the balcony and Oka-san was telling me about her sister. She told me that they didn't part on good terms because she didn't like the idea of Oka-san coming here. Oka-san thought that I wouldn't be welcomed by her."

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