New Squad

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"I'm sitting next to Sasuke-kun!" "No, I'm sitting next to him!" "I was here before all of you, so I get to sit next to him!"

For fuck's sake, Ayumi thought with a growl. The door to the classroom already open allowing the fighting of the girls to be heard halfway down the hall. All over who got to sit next to the Uchiha. It was the second day within a week she was woken up early and forced to go to the Academy on time. She had told Kakashi excitedly about her adventure with Neji and Tenten, altering the story carefully to avoid the cavern. However, it seemed that Hiruzen had already told him everything when he gave his mission report. The echoes of his three-hour lecture pounded against her head, stubborn as rust on old metal. Needless to say, her mood was rather sour.

She stepped into the classroom. A pack of girls surrounded the fourth row like vultures circling a fresh kill, eager to dive and devour. Arms and legs pushed against abdomens as their voices combined into an annoying, ear killing, chorus that did not dampen the pounding of her temples. I am not dealing with this. Removing her new blade from the attachment on her back, Ayumi stalked across the classroom. Shikamaru sat in the back row, his lazy expression meeting hers. Watching with a smirk as she stomped onto the surface of the desk beside him and cut the line of pushing and scratching fangirls to sit beside Sasuke. She placed her sword on the table in front of her with a loud clang. Ayumi turned to see Sasuke's head lifted from his clasped hands, onyx eyes peering at her with slight surprise. After all, the two never really got along.

Her green eyes narrowed to slits and she spoke through grit teeth, "the hell do you want?"

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Her green eyes narrowed to slits and she spoke through grit teeth, "the hell do you want?"

"Tsk." Sasuke rested his chin once again on his hands and closed his eyes. Evidently not wanting to engage in any further conversation. Ayumi crossed her arms on the table in front of her, resting her aching head on her forearms.


Ayumi's eyes shot to the pink haired girl, narrow and daring another word to fall from her lips. Her complaint was silenced. "If you do not shut the hell up, I am going to filet you, fry you, and feed you to my ninken." Seeing the nervous sweat bead down her brow, Ayumi placed her head back onto her arms. Her sword shifted, her gaze lifting to see Naruto squatting on the desk in front of Sasuke. Onyx eyes met blue and a staring contest ensued. Rolling her eyes, Ayumi returned to her previous position. Desperate to get a few minutes of shut eye before Iruka arrived. Muffled shouts and the sudden silence of the complaining fangirls peeked Ayumi's interest. She lifted her head and her eyes widened. Naruto had fallen forward into a serious lip lock with Sasuke. Unable to contain it, Ayumi cackled. Sasuke and Naruto ripped themselves away from each other, hands on their throats and dry heaving. Taking deep, rapid breaths Ayumi cupped her hands over her mouth and shouted, "GAY!" Laughter erupted from the remaining boys in the class.

Her ribs ached, wrapping her arms around her stomach she doubled forward. Not missing the evil glare Sasuke sent her but also not caring. The hairs on the back of her neck raised. A dangerous aura flooded from the group girls in the aisle, their sights focused on the blond. Ayumi reached forward. Naruto's eyes looked at her with hope, thinking she would help in some way. However, her fingers wrapped around the hilt of the blade and pulled it close to her lap; allowing Naruto's ankle to be grabbed and the Uzumaki be dragged into their clutches without hitting her sword.

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