Ayumi Vs. Yukio

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Hiruzen would observe the matches from a secluded area one floor higher than the teams, guarded by the remaining proctors. He gazed at the two shinobi as they sized each other. Their respective weapon still on their holders: a naganita and the strange sword Ayumi had found. Based on the reports given by both Kakashi and Hisaya of their completed missions, she managed to perfect that jutsu he gave to her. This would be his first time seeing it in action himself. It has been years since he last saw her train, how much she has grown was going to be a spectacle to see.

            That is, if she went all out. Ayumi had a tendency to hold back, adjust her strength to whoever she's fighting. There is a mass of chakra within her that she does not use, he knows it. She was the perfect person to surpass someone he knew a long time ago. Depending on this performance, he may send Ayumi to learn from her.

            Now, Ayumi, a smile overtook his lips, show me how you've grown.


            She faced him. Those eyes the same deep blue as the crashing waves he would throw her to. He wore a black tank, a pair of snake pattern pants, what seemed to be metal boots, a tattered snake patterned scarf, and a black headband on his head. His hair was a chocolate color, skin a flawless porcelain, and teeth pearly white. A perfect front for the shadow he left. "It's been a long time, Ayumi," he sneered, "I'm glad that I'm the one that gets to fight you."

            "Really?" Ayumi asked, "sorry, can't say I feel the same."

            "Of course, you wouldn't," his sneer shifted to a grin, "those eyes of yours haven't changed. I've missed them all these years." Chuckling he reached for the naganita on his back, holding it towards her. The blade was well forged, a sheen silver, while the staff seemed to be made of gold, a sapphire feather hanging off the obsidian ishizuki.

            "Nice weapon," Ayumi reached for Onimaru, "it's in pristine condition."


            "Nah." Onimaru began to sing as she removed it from her sash and held the tip at him. It's dented and cracked metal a record of different stories and battles. "That only means that you've never actually used it in battle."

            The grin fell from his lips, "let's test that shall we?" He advanced, though his reach was longer than hers. He thrust the blade towards her, Ayumi moved to the side and rushed forward. He kicked, the metal boot knocking Onimaru's blade to the side. Ayumi let it leave her grasp, a hand reaching to her kunai pouch she laced her index and pinky through different kunai. Brandishing the former with a flourish, she dropped the one on her pinky into the floor. A smirk crossed his lips. A shimmer of silver in her peripheral.

            She vanished before the blade connected with her eye. Standing over Onimaru, her eyes assessed his naganita. It was broken into two segments connected by a thick chain, the blade segment sliced through air. Yukio blinked, it was moments before his head turned. Yukio chuckled, "if only you were faster at running before." He faced her, subtle shifts of his wrist spun the blade at his side. "What good does it do you now? What is the meaning of fighting me?"

            "Nothing really," Ayumi gave a shrug. "Whether it's you or someone else, doesn't really matter. The fact remains the same..." Appearing in front of him, she nailed his gut. Yukio skid over the floor a few meters. Standing straight, Ayumi rolled her shoulder, "I'm going to win."

            "Oh ho ho..." He picked himself up, "saying that with that look on your face is hardly convincing." He held his weapon with both hands, eyes narrowing to slits, "let me put you out of your misery!"

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