Light Duty Part 2

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"Alright, everyone, first thing's first. I want each of you to take a moment to assess the flow of your internal chakra." In the beginning of their training session, strolling along the path to the mountain. She glanced back to them, "shinobi must look ahead as much as they are able. Take into consideration all that you know of your opponents. Then you can act accordingly to whatever situation shows face." Spinning on her heel, she continued to walk backwards. "We are taking part in a training session that will prepare you to become Genin. Can anyone guess on which types of traps that are likely awaiting us?"

            "I think we'll come up on a few pitfalls," Minori chirped.

            "That's right, and?"

            "Paper bombs?" Junichiro offered.

            "They're too dangerous to use on you guys."


            With a snap, she pointed to Ranmaru, "exactly. Genjutsu is one of the most important things for shinobi to learn. Some are more inclined to that area than others, but everyone can learn to detect them. Can anyone tell me how to sense Genjutsu?"

            "There's a shift in your chakra flow," Ranmaru informed.

            "Right. Genjutsu messes with your internal chakra and either paralyzes you or shows you images. Of course, there are different levels of Genjutsu, but the very base of it is the same across the board. Being aware of the flow of your internal chakra is important." Slowing to a stop, she folded her hands together in a sign. "Alright, let's take a moment and focus on our chakra flow." Her eyes closed and she focused. Her chakra flow went clockwise, from her right side to her left. "Alright, now which way are your chakras flowing?"

            Minori opened her eyes first, "mine's going from the left."

            "Mine's going clockwise," Ranmaru said.

            "Mine too."

            "Good job, guys." Flashing them a thumbs up, she turned back to the path. "Now that we're aware of that, we'll catch a Genjutsu trap before we lose too much time." She knew a shortcut to the mountain, but it went off the set paths. Of course, she was still planning on taking it. She just needed to trigger this "enemy shinobi" scenario Iruka had set up. A lecture was the last thing she wanted to sit through. Time began to pass as they moved along the path, with Ranmaru in charge of the map. Time spent travelling with Raiga proved to be an asset. Having noticed the malfunctioning compass and teaching the others how to read a map. It wasn't until the sun began its descent over the horizon that the first strange noise reached her ears.

            Their backs facing each other, Ayumi's hand hovered over Onimaru's handle. "Now then!" Iruka's voice carried an echo around them. Difficult to pinpoint. "Show me what you learned until now!"


            "Ten meters out on all sides," he reported. "Closing in!"

            "Alright, let's do this!"

            "Above us!" At once all four leapt from the trees. The kids ducked. A foot sliding strong across the earth, she pulled Onimaru from its sash. A low growl left the cracks. The molten blade snapped the wood of theirs as they grew close. The one most skilled would probably be Iruka-sensei. Emerald cut to said man. Onimaru was dropped, the blade sticking into the ground. She dove towards him.

            A harsh jab drove for his stomach. Though, it was caught. Body twisting, she leapt. Curving over his head, her legs locked around the back of his chest. A harsh twist of her body forced his feet from the ground. Hands latched on his shoulders, her feet pushing off his shoulder blades to slam him into the ground. Backflipping towards another assailant. She landed just out of arm's reach. Sliding her foot back, she drove her heel into his pelvis and carried on. The third had threw the remains of the wood staff towards her. Not a tricky projectile. Shifting her hand slightly to the side, her fingers curled to trap it in her palm. She flung it back towards him, followed in suit by an uncharged Heaven kunai in its shadow. The wood was blocked, but the kunai hit.

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