Ketsueki Retsu

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            Her head canted back as another yawn, tears piling the corner of her eyes. The morning sun was beginning to rise on the horizon, a cool breeze swept her bangs from her face. "We're almost there," Bisuke assured.

"So, have you guys ever met this Retsu?" Ayumi looked to her shoulder where Pakkun was resting. She was running low on fuel, she needed something to keep her awake. Anything.

"I've been on one mission with her, with Kakashi and Yachiru."

"Oka-san too?"

"They were chasing down some rogue ninja from the war, when Yachiru first came to Konoha." Ayumi looked back to the road as the leading ninken took a right turn onto another path. "We had to track them down after the group left Konoha and made a run for the Land of Earth."

"So, what's she like?"

"Well... she's.... a professional we should say. You'll see for yourself soon enough. I will tell you one thing, don't be fooled by what you see." The road rose along a hill, the top of a wooden archway poking over the peak. From Bisuke's brief explanation, the town was little more than a tourist stop on the way to Konoha. Aimed towards weary travelers and merchants there were trade stores, snack shops, inns, bars, and a brothel. Nothing too notable. As she passed the entrance, the smell of livestock overtook the air: oxen, bulls, and horses were parked along the shoulders of a wide road, the center left clear for pedestrians. Bull led the charge through the town, the road gradually becoming more and more crowded.

The crowdedness of the town had her glad that Kakashi had sent the ninken with her; finding one person in this mess would have been hell. A bird's cry pulled her attention above the bobbing heads of the locals and travelers, to a rooftop accompanied by a series of windchimes. A falcon of silver and white feathers perched itself atop the wood, its head turning to face her. The eyes were black yet shrouded with white clouds. Those eyes seemed to peel away at her skin and gaze through her bones; to the very core of her being.

"Yu? Yu!" Pakkun pushed his paw into her cheek. She blinked.

"Hm? What?" At some point, Ayumi had stopped in the middle of the crowded road.

"What are you doing?"

"Didn't you see that falcon up there-huh?" Ayumi pointed to where she saw the bird, but it was no longer there. There was no silhouette in the sky where it had taken flight nor chime of the windchimes it was perched upon.

"Hey! Move it!" A harsh shove had her tumbling forward. Ayumi braced herself to meet the rocky road. A hand latched onto her arm and yanked her back.

"Ope, that's dangerous during the morning rush." The feminine voice was smooth as silk, haunted by a strain of age. "You shouldn't stand in the middle of a crowded street or you'll be plowed over-and not in a good way."

"I'm sorry," Ayumi looked to her aid. Her hair was chin length and a beautiful deep blue, the rest of her body was hidden beneath a black cloak. Her eyes widened, Retsu? Wait... The woman's eyes were made of clouds, a shrouded white. She's blind. Adjusting her bag, Ayumi bowed her head to the woman. "Thank you for the help."

"Don't mention it." The woman turned her back to her, a black bamboo hat hung by a string between her shoulder blades.

"Idiot!" Pakkun pawed at her feet, "that's her!"

"Pakkun, that woman is blind." Ayumi shook her head, "a look alike." That moment the woman pulled the hat over her head. Her hand was covered with crimson armor and hidden beneath her hat was the bleeding tree crest. "That's her!" Ayumi took off after Retsu as her figure was lost in the crowd.

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