A friend In Need?

Start from the beginning

What are you doing here at this time? - I asked stepping outside my car

She frowned for a second but then a sudden relief washed over her face when she probably realised who I was.

She spoke - You??
What are you doing here Mr. Malhotra?

So she knows/remembers my name!
I grinned internally!

And I said - I see you remember Me!
Well, I am honored!

Of course, how can I forget a Tipsy Billionaire! - she chipped

Damsel in Distress!
But yet Fiesty.!
I like that Girl! - I grinned in a friendly way

She smiled and I asked - Facing Trouble?

Yeah, my scooty won't start! - she sighed

Let me help you then.!
You helped me when I was in need and I never got to say a proper thank you to you Bela.
May be this is my chance is apologize and show my gratitude. - I offered internally praying that she would agree

It's alright, I will call a cab! - she politely refused but I was certainly not going to take a no for an answer

Non sense!
It's late night, it's not safe here Bela!
Please don't argue on this!

And I am a gentleman ma'am!
If you don't trust me, you can check my id card.! - I repeated her own words and she giggled

And I swear my heart fluttered!
I was a man of one night stands, and quick releases and never gave much importance to emotions but this girl in front of me had ways to make me feel different. I know I would go to any extend just to make sure she is Happy.

Bela, please let me drop you!
I am going towards this way only.! - I insisted

And I promise I am not a bad company! - I added

Bela thought for a second and asked - What about my Scooty?
I really like her!
Can't leave the beauty here alone!

I will have my driver pick this up and I will drive you home! - I replied smoothly

And that convinced her making me do Bhaangraa!

We both sat in my car and I ignited the engine. The ride was silent and I didn't complain as long as my angel was sitting beside me.

The other part of me was screaming at me to confess my feelings to her as he dreaded that if I delayed any further, I will loose her but I knew she was not ready for any relationships.
These last two-three days that I observed her, I found that she was a loner. She didn't like much attention and she definitely didn't trust men easily.

So I shut my mind and asked her the question that was pricking my brains - Um... Bela, how do you know Nakul?
I... I saw you both that day and it looked like you two were having some troubles.

And I swear I heard her curse and then she sighed - Mr. Malhotra, my sister is marrying Avyan, Mr. Trehan's brother.
And no, we were not having any trouble just that I didn't like his idea of paying up my bills.!

Hey Lady!
I know my surname is quite catchy but I like to be addressed with my First name!

Especially by a charming girl like you! - I muttered the last part so that she won't hear me

Um... Mr. Malhotra!
You can drop me here! - I heard her say breaking my castle of happiness and peace

I looked up front and I was disappointed.....We had reached her place.

Why so Soon?

I wanted to throw a fit like a kid as I didn't want her to go away!
But everything good must come to an end for a fresh start So I nodded.

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