When It's Christmas!

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Merry Christmas Everyone!

❤️ TodoDeku 💚

It was half six in the morning. December twenty fifth. Christmas Day. Time for presents and time to wake up everyone at a stupid time in the morning to open presents! Time to eat as much food as possible!

Grinning to herself, (Y/n) wriggles out of her bed and darts out of her room holding her stuffed bunny rabbit close to her chest. The girl grinning happily as she slowly pushes the door of her grandfathers room open, giggling softly as she darts to the bed and jumps onto the sleeping Enji Todoroki with a squeal. The male yelps like a schoolgirl being pulled by her hair as he sits up with his eyes bursting open. The little girl on his chest giggle innocently toward him making him smile gently and ruffle her hair.

Beside him, Rei sits up gently with a giggle and kisses her cheek as she beams toward her grandmother. The female Todoroki running her fingers through her granddaughters bed hair with a fond smile. A familiar warmth encasing her as she remembers when her four children were little and would come charging in ready for presents.

"Morning sweetie," Rei hums, giggling when the girl pokes Enji's nose making him wriggle it and kiss her nose back, "Are you ready to open your presents?"

"Is your mother and father awake yet?" Enji asks smiling, chuckling when (Y/n) gives them an innocent smile and shakes her head, "Why don't you go wake them up, little one? We'll meet you downstairs,"

Immediately, (Y/n) scurries out the room with a squeal. Rei releases a giggle as she leans into Enji and presses a kiss to his cheek. The Todoroki couple smiling toward one another before breaking into small laughter as they hear a rather uncharacteristic girlish squeal leave the facility of their sons bedroom.

Shoto bolts upright in the bed while Izuku shrieks and falls out of the bed with a loud thump. The little girl causing the havoc cackling happily as she sits on her fathers lap looking up at him innocently. The male chuckling as he holds his little girl close and kisses her forehead while Midoriya scrambles back onto the bed with a nervous smile.

"Merry Christmas my little angel," Izuku coos, kissing her cheek making (Y/n) squeal with giggles as she snuggles into Shoto's chest, "Did you sleep well? Are you ready to see what Santa bought you?"

"Yeah! Yeah! I wanna open my presents, mama!" (Y/n) squeals excited, clapping her hands with a giggle while Shoto peppers her face with kisses, "Daddy that tickles!"

"Well, we better see what he's given you," Shoto hums picking her up and kisses her cheek as they head downstairs to the living room where Inko is already there holding a plate stacked with pancakes for everyone to dig into, Enji already working onto his own stack with Rei nibbling her own, "Morning,"

"Morning honey," Rei says kissing her sons forehead as he sits beside her, the little girl beaming toward her grandparents who smile happily back, "Ready to open your presents baby girl?"

"Yeah! Yeah!" (Y/n) cheers happily, smiling toward her grandmother as she digs into her pancakes, "I wanna open my presents!"

"Well, let's see if Santa arrived first baby," Inko says, holding her granddaughters hand and leading her toward the fireplace where there was a plate sitting there holding food for Santa, "Ooh, look sweetie!"

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