I Hate You!

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Disclaimer : Arguments between parent and child. If you don't like it or it triggers you, don't read it

❤️ TodoDeku 💚

With Izuku out at work, Shoto leans back against the couch bored out of his mind. The two tone haired male huffing to himself as he looks toward the tv, a frustrated groan leaving his lips as he can't find the motivation to watch the tv. He wasn't used to being home on his own. He'd either have Izuku at home with him to keep him occupied or he'd have his daughter to spend time with. With (Y/n) out shopping with her grandmother and Izuku on patrol, Shoto couldn't figure out what to do...

So, to quench his boredom, he takes a deep breath and pushes himself from the couch and heads toward the kitchen. The two tone male opening up the cabinet full of cleaning products, deciding to help his boyfriend out at home instead. He grabs a feather duster from the cabinet and inspects with a small hum, the male pouting in thought as he wonders what to use it for before his mind finally clocks onto what it's used for.

Smiling to himself, knowing he'll be helping his greenette boyfriend, Shoto begins to dust the tables and the counters with a small hum. A song stuck in his head as he stands on his tiptoes and brushes the duster against the corner of the room, to rid the cobwebs of the room. The male making sure that the spiders making homes are gone.

As he finishes the living room and the kitchen, he heads upstairs with a bright smile, looking toward the family photos littering the wall by the stairs. His eyes focusing in on the picture of his little girl on his fathers shoulder with a bright grin on her lips. With a fond smile, he heads to the bedrooms and begins dusting each room. Starting off with his own bedroom before heading to his daughters bedroom.

He dusts over the shelves, the books and the nightstands, smiling to himself as he weaves his way through her room to make sure there's no cobwebs or scary spiders about. The male then beginning on the corners. As he stands on his tiptoes to dust the corners, he slips over with a small groan, crashing into the floor with a loud thud. Something cracks underneath him.

Cursing under his breath, he pushes himself to sit up and rubs at his side, wincing as he presses on it before looking around to see what he's fallen onto. His eyes widening slightly at what he's crashed into. What he's broken...

One of (Y/n)'s favourite action figures...

Sighing to himself, he grabs the figure and heads downstairs, jumping as the front door opens only to relax as he sees his boyfriend. The greenette arches a brow toward him before tilting his head in worry.

"Sho? What's up?" Izuku asks worried, setting his bag on the side and looks toward his boyfriend before covering his mouth as Shoto shows him the broken action figure, the male staring at him with wide eyes, "Oh god..."

"On a scale of you to Bakugo, how bad is she going to react?" Shoto asks looking toward him as he sets the broken figure down, "Because if it's a Bakugo, I'm taking cover,"

"I'd say... between an Endeavor and a Bakugo, if not... even worse," Izuku says nervously as he bites his lip and runs his fingers through his hair, "That's one of her favourites too... it's like my limited edition All Might figure to me..."

"God I'm gonna die..." Shoto groans, whining to himself as he rubs his temple, "She's going to be so upset..."

"I'll get the fire extinguisher," Izuku says walking into the kitchen with a small hum, knowing how his daughter gets when she's angry, "You'll be okay baby,"

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