Learning To Ride A Bike

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❤️ TodoDeku 💚

(Y/n) groans to herself as she watches her mother worry over the padding and the protection that she's wearing for what she's about to do. The greenette worriedly making sure that her helmet is attached properly and it won't fall off and making sure that her elbow pads and knee pads will protect her properly. The male smiling gently to himself when he finally comes up happy about how protected his little girl is.

"Mama! I'm fine, I won't hurt myself," (Y/n) says with a small whine, groaning as her mother tightens the helmet a bit more on her head, "Mama! You're gonna squeeze my head!"

"Okay! Okay! I'll stop!" Izuku says with a nervous smiles, kissing her nose in apology, "You're okay,"

Standing outside, in the garden, were Shoto, Enji and Inko. All three of them working the training wheels off the bike. Enji making sure that the bike won't collapse or that the wheel will be loosened once they removed the training wheels before smiling toward his son and setting the bike to lean against the fence ready for (Y/n). Inko giggles to herself as she has her camera at the ready to record everything. Ready to add more things to the baby album and the picture book for her granddaughter.

Today, after wrestling (Y/n) for her to do it, (Y/n) was finally going to ride her bike without her training wheels. Despite what Enji and Shoto would like to believe, the only reason she's doing this is so she can get the more action figures to add to her collection. They had to bribe her into doing this... but at least she's doing it now, that's what matters.

Once Izuku is happy they she's ready, (Y/n) toddles out into back garden of the Todoroki estate and giggles to herself as she sees her All Might bike with red, white, yellow and blue tassels hanging off the handlebars. Smiling to herself, she walks to her bike and looks up at her mother who kisses her forehead and holds the bike steady for the girl to climb on.

"Now, you know how to do this?" Izuku asks, letting (Y/n) grip the handle bars with a small hum and giggle to herself when she sees Enji at the end of the garden, "Tell mama how you do it,"

"You push the pedals to move," The girl explains, pointing toward the pedals by her feet before pointing to the handle breaks by the bar, "And push those to break and slow down,"

"Atta girl," Izuku coos, kissing her cheek before letting Shoto take over and hold her steady while he stands with his mom to watch the scene unfold, "Whenever you're ready, cinder,"

After taking a deep breath and readying herself for this, (Y/n) begins to push the pedals to move forward. The girl slightly shaking at the wobble now that she only has two wheels but trusts her father enough that he won't let her fall. Her eyes shimmering with excitement as she moves toward and pedals toward her grandfather who chuckles with a smile.

As she gets to her grandfather, Shoto let's her turn around before slowly letting go of the bike. The family cheering her one as she begins to pedal on her own. The girl giggling to herself as she pedals around the garden, making sure she doesn't fall over or crash land anywhere.

Slowly, she breaks and comes to a stop with a bright smile on her lips. The little girl jumping up for joy as she races to her mother who scoops her up and throws her into the air happily. Shoto smiles and joins their hug with a chuckle, kissing his two favourite people in the world on their cheeks.

"Good job, sweetie!" Izuku praises, clapping his hands as Shoto pulls her into his arms and twirls her around happily, "I'm so proud!"

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