When You Watch Them On Tv

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Quick Disclaimer : Contains mentions of violence and blood. Don't like, don't read.
Enjoy ^-^

❤️ TodoDeku 💚

With Izuku Midoriya taking over the hero ranking as the top dog in hero society. All eyes were on him. Plastered as the new Symbol of Peace. The new All Might. The new Number One Hero that everyone in Japan and Musutafu could rely on to save them and keep them safe. To keep the peace between villains and heroes. The one that both villains and civilians look up to and admire.

The tv was never not on him whenever he was on patrol. Newsreaders would chase after him and ask countless questions. He would have reams upon reams upon reams of fans squealing out to him whenever he walked past. The male sending everyone that cute little grin that melts everyone hearts. The greenette answering the questions without combusting into a pool of awkwardness and embarrassment.

Despite being the Number One Hero, he was still a sweetheart.

So, despite having work and chores to get on with, the family of Izuku Midoriya would drop everything and head to the living room. Turn the tv on, and watch their mother/son/boyfriend/son - in - law in action. They'd all sit on the couch, snuggle up to one another and watch their hero protect Japan. A time to relax and forget about their own work.

Call it family time if you will.

(Y/n) giggles gently as she snuggles into her grandmothers arms, the greenette happily running her fingers through her granddaughters hair. Inko gently playing with her hair, braiding it into two twin braids. Her bright green eyes were focusing on the tv as it focuses in on her little boy (well not little) getting ready to face off against another villain. Fear tugging at her throat as she watches her son power up.

Inko always worries over her son. There never went a day without Inko freaking out or worrying over something Izuku was doing. Especially during the Sports Festivals and whenever Izuku's fights were on tv. Although he's the top hero, Inko still had that fear.

She had to. She's his mother.

Taking a shaky breath, Inko watches the tv, trying to calm herself down with (Y/n) cuddled up to her. The little girl was smiling excitedly as she watches her mother battle against the villain. The greenette showing how strong he was.

"Mama's so strong!" (Y/n) marvels with a squeal, cheering as Izuku punches the villain square in the jaw and sending him flying back with a shout, "Yeah! Kick his butt mama!"

"Breathe Inko," Shoto says resting a hand on his mother - in - laws hand, sending her a small reassuring smile, "Izuku's stronger than anyone I know, he'll be fine,"

Inko nods softly, sending Shoto a smile before taking a deep breath and staring at the tv. Wincing as she watches Izuku get kicked in the stomach. The girl jumping every time Izuku is hurt, worrying for him. (Y/n) snuggles into Inko as she notices her discomfort.

"It's okay Grandma," (Y/n) says with a giggle, kissing her cheek softly before smiling and looking toward the tv, "Mama always w —"

Before she could finish her sentence, Izuku receives a rather fatal blow. Sending him flying backwards into the ground, the road denting as he's thrown through. Inko shrieks, covering her mouth in shock. Enji and Shoto freeze, their eyes widening as they grip onto the couch. (Y/n) looks toward the tv with tears in her eyes.

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