Tres Días

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Info: I have a Spanish final coming up, so a Spanish title felt fitting. Avengers dunno who SM is, but MJ, Ned, and May do...

Three days.

The Avengers - or anyone, really - had three days to stop the extinction of all adults.

The cause was kind of stupid, really. The guy who started it all was some twelve-year-old who happened to be a wizard-in-training. The kid claimed that adults had ruined everything and were blaming it on his generation before they had a chance. He wasn't necessarily wrong, but that was no reason to kill several million people.

"So, let's get this straight," Rogers declared as Spider-Man arrived at the scene during the morning of day three. The had less than twenty-four hours to stop some massive destruction. "This kid, Declan, put up some sort of ward barring anyone eighteen or older from passing. Declan is demanding someone passes the boundary and face him in dual to prove that there is at least one probable leader of the future who still has faith in the older generations."

"In other words, go say goodbye to your family because Strange can't stop the charm and there's not a single seventeen-year-old out there that can counter magic," Stark nipped. "Heck, we're the only people who stand a shot and we can't even get in."

"Y'know, I've faced a couple magical villains before," Spider-Man mused. "How strong does he rank on a scale of Batroc the Leaper to Dr. Doom?"

"Above Mysterio, but under venomized Goblin," Barton replied easily. "Won't make a difference though. Someone would have to fulfill his requirements to get him to change paths."

There was a pause. "Aight, Imma head in then."

"Are you even listening? You have to be a kid to get in!" Stark said incredulously.

"Something tells me he is listening, he just doesn't think it'll affect him." All eyes turned to Romanoff. "Now, why would that be?"

"There's no way the spell just skips over you!" Barton chided.

"Why don't you guys stop panicking and let the resident teenage superhero take care of it?" Spider-Man laughed. "I've got this."

"...While nineteen is technically a teenager, you can't be a legal-"

"Yeah, ok boomer. I'm not that ancient," the vigilante scoffed. The Avengers (and several police officers nearby) exchanged looks. "What? How old do you guys think I am? I've got sixteen years of stupidity under my spandex, it'll be enough to take Declan down a peg."

"Is this some sort of sick joke? You're not sixteen!"

"Sixteen and half if we feel like getting technical, but that makes me sound like I'm twelve. Can't believe a freaking twelve-year-old have you guys saying your goodbyes!" He shook his head and scoffed. "Twelve!"

"Sixteen," Rogers breathed. "You've lifted buildings..."

"So what? It's obvious I'm not a normal human. Doesn't mean a thing. You guys gonna let me web this brat?" He brushed past them, not waiting for their answer. "It's like people think that ability revolves around age! Freaking heck, man!" He stormed through the barrier, catching Declan by surprise. "Like, who cares that I'm still managing high school? I've got a four-point-O! It's fine!"


"A teenager? Yeah, why is that so hard?"

"The adults don't think you're on par with them?" Declan, a tan redhead who seemed to have an affinity for cosplaying D&D, scoffed. "Typical. That's why they need to go. They always look down on us. We'll show them!"

"To be fair, there are still idiots within the minor range that look down on people."

"Not any that I've met!"

"Count yourself lucky then. Bullies suck," Spider-Man sighed. He shook his head. "Look, are you sure you wanna fight? It sounds to me like you had a run-in with some person as jerky as my Spanish teacher."

"So you see my point!"

"I see that jerks exist. I mean, someone can only get shoved into lockers so many times oblivious to that fact. But, there are good people out there, too," the hero admitted, sitting down tiredly. "I mean, I could totally live the rest of my life under the assumption that all teachers are mean and they really just want to force stress onto helpless students. But, my AP Cal instructor is literally an angel. The thing is, there are a mix of all different types of people, ranging from idiot jerks to absolute saints. You might get rid of generations of bullies if you go through with this, but a lot of good people will be gone as well."

Declan wavered for a moment before glaring suspiciously. "You're not a minor. No one I've met ha-"

"Dude, I walked through your little barrier! I fricking have to be a minor!"

"I'm twelve. I could have made a mistake!"

"If you made a mistake, Dr. Weird or Strange or Voodoo - whatshisname would have disarmed it and been up here already!"

"You never-"

"Then what do you suggest I do? Go grab my essay for AP Lang? You in the mood to read a synthesis dealing with New York gun laws?"

Declan drew in a breath. "Take off the mask."


"Mask off or I'll do it!"

Spider-Man's Adam's apple bobbed. He glanced back at the heroes behind him. His voice cracked. "You sure you just don't want to see my Physics homework?"

"Trust me, that's the last thing I want to see. You want millions dead or not? I'll disable the spell as soon as you prove it," he deadpanned.

Spider-Man shook his head tiredly, slipping the mask off his features and revealing curly brown locks, matching irises, and a nasty black eye. "There. Happy? Sixteen-year-old superhero. Or, according to MJ, professional idiot."

"I can get everyone to forget about your identity." The charm dissolved in seconds. "What, uh, happened to your eye?"

"I told you," the teenager said, setting his jaw, "I know some bullies."

A/N not really happy with this one, but I haven't really written in a month because I didn't have any free time past checking notifications. But, my last day at my job is on Friday, so I'll have more time than I know what to do with next semester.

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