Inspired By Comments In "Echo"

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This is inspired by Inkseles "Echo". I recommend you give it a read! I'm not quite through with the first chapter because it's so darn long, but this is based on a comments section in it.

Peter was an orphaned at the ripe age of four. Most kids would have been toast, but he was lucky enough to have his aunt and uncle take him in. Growing up was hard, to say the least. They were drowning in overwhelming poverty, and things only seemed to get worse once his uncle, Ben, was murdered, leaving a scrawny teenager with his widowed wife. It didn't help that Peter seemed to develop unusual abilities that affected his appetite. The two were faced with a choice: reveal Peter's strange talents, but deal with the scrutiny and experiments that would follow, or law low. Naturally, they went with the second option. Aunt May would never sell out her beloved nephew. Unfortunately, they were still very poor, so Peter starved, and Aunt May soon followed suit.

The End. :P

On a more serious note, the last part of Tabula Rasa is going to be epic! I'm several thousand words into it, but it might be a hot sec before I can finish because of life stuff.

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